Friday, October 26, 2012

Thinking about Newtown (Weekend Reflections # 161)

Newtown, Pennsylvania (A reflection in the window of the Black Horse Tavern)

This is a reflection of State Street in Newtown, Pennsylvania. I lived a few blocks away from here from 2009 to 2011 and out of all the places I've lived it's still my favorite town. In fact this blog used to be called Newtown Area Photo before I changed it to Weekend Reflections.

Enjoy the weekend and the reflections!!! :-)

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.
If needed, click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

This linky list is now closed.


'Tsuki said...

C'est une belle ville, pas étonnant que tu l'aimes tant... L'ambiance devait être très différente de l'endroit où tu vis aujourd'hui, tout comme les mentalités. Ce n'est pas toujours facile de déménager, même si c'est souvent par nécessité qu'on le fait.

Au moins il te reste les photos que tu as prises, les souvenirs... Et puis les vacances, pour y revenir !

EG CameraGirl said...

Newtown does look like a delightful place to live, James. Too bad you had to move away but at least you have photos to remember how happy you were there.:)

Sylvia K said...

It does indeed look like a wonderful place to live, James! It's always great to have photos to remember those good places in our lives! I'm so glad I have so many of Seattle to take with me when I move back to Portland in April!! Thanks as always for the weekend fun!!

Luis Gomez said...

This is such a great shot James. Thank you for your nice comments. Really enjoying London.

TexWisGirl said...

a great reflection. i did forget about your former blog name. thanks for the reminder. :)

Ebie said...

Love the old charm feel of Newtown.

Malyss said...

The reflection is so perfect that it's impossible to see the Black Horse tavern!
C'est l'automne qui te rend nostalgique?..

Alexa said...

It does look like a very "liveable" town, James.

Brian King said...

Very cool and subtle reflection! It's there, but not intrusive. Great looking town, too.

Wayne said...

Just around the corner, a great little town ;-) It's been a while since I participated, it good to be back!

DawnTreader said...

Just had a good laugh at myself - when I first looked at this post, I misread the title as "Thinking about Newton", as in Isaac, and tried very hard to relate the picture to the law of gravity... Have I been too long in the blogging business?! I did join this meme while it was still on your Newtown Area Photo blog, but evidently that slipped away to hide very far back in my brain... :D

Lew said...

Very nice reflection (photo) and remembrance of the past, both your recent past and the USA's earlier days. Many of the towns near us have a similar look and feel.

cieldequimper said...

Makes me feel so old very suddenly!! :-) It's such a perfect reflection!

Pat said...

Neat and tidy town, my home state...

Anonymous said...

And what a gorgeous reflection it is! Looks like a very inviting town.

P.S., My reflection shots are at the end of my post.

Carola said...

A wonderful street.
The reflections are awesome. It does look like the real shot. On the first look, no one would guess that it is a reflection.
James, have a great weekend too.

Dina said...

Yep, I can see why you would like Newtown.

Hey James, I keep getting an error message when I try to select my thumbnail. I'll try again later.

Dina said...

OK, the Linky worked now.

Victoria said...

quel globetroter ! j'adore les reflets dans les vitrines et voir des maisons différentes que sous nos latitudes.


Carletta said...

Great reflection James! On first glance I was wondering what reflection. I had to look for the tell tale signs. :)

Lois Evensen said...

Excellent! Such great detail over such a large area. Very well done.

Suburban Girl said...

It is definitely a nice small town!

Maude Lynn said...

What a pretty shot!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I like your pink trees. Looks like our spring trees.

Red Nomad OZ said...

Looks like a nice place to be ... especially as filtered through the Black Horse Tavern!

namaki said...

Another blowmind reflection ... I have been to Newtown ... a long long time ago !

Dianne said...

lovely town
beautiful photo James

Halcyon said...

It's nice to reflect on the different places we spend our lives. Glad you have good memories of Newton, it looks like a nice place. :)

imac said...

Very Neat James.

lorik said...

Interesting reflections - and an interesting meme. Visiting for the first time and will be back:)

Cezar and Léia said...

I trust it is indeed a nice place to call home...
God bless you!

Gail Dixon said...

Thank you so much for hosting! Love your reflection shot and looking forward to seeing some more. :)

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Yours - so bright and cheerful. Direct.