Friday, December 28, 2012

A New Years Kiss (Weekend Reflections # 170)

Grapevine, Texas (The reflection is in the Christmas ornament)

I wanted to capture a Christmas ornament reflection of me and some buildings on Main Street but the kissing couple at the top left of the photo "stole the show". So now this represents a New Years kiss at midnight. 

Happy New Year!!!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

This linky list is now closed.


Ed said...

Very cool picture. You were in the right place at the right time for that one! Happy New Year!

Dina said...

Oh, sweet!
Happy new year, James.

Sylvia K said...

The right place at the right time indeed, James!! What a perfect reflection for the New Year!! Thanks as always for providing the weekly fun!! Have a wonderful and very Happy New Year!!


HansHB said...

Lovely photo!
It is perfect for the time!
Happy New Year to you!

Lew said...

You got it all! Yourself, Christmas and the New Year's kiss!

Nonnie said...

actually they are just background for your dazzling reflection!

TexWisGirl said...

i like your selfie. :)

Francisca said...

Both the kiss and the selfie work for me, James! Thanks for continuing to host this fun meme. I've missed it - not much blogging time these past months! HaPpY hApPy NeW YeaR!!

Wayne said...

Your timing was perfect!

Kay L. Davies said...

Great shot, James. The reflection in the Christmas ornament would have been enough, but the kiss is a real bonus!

Dianne said...

great holiday shot :)

Unknown said...

Just beautiful.
Happy New Year.

Joanne Olivieri said...

What an amazing shot and a happy new year to you.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such a symbolic photo! Your colourful reflection suggests looking back while the young couple symbolise a positive New Year reality ahead! Christmas and New year together! Delightful!

Gunsside said...

Very nice, a great shot
Have a nice weekend :)

Luis Gomez said...

Awesome capture!

'Tsuki said...

Je ne trouve pas que le couple vole la vedette à la boule : c'est complémentaire, et magnifique comme seul le hasard (ou Dieu) sait faire !

Unknown said...

What could be more American than a kiss at midnight:):)
Happy New Year, James - to you and yours! That it will be smooth sailing for you and yours:)

Lúcia said...

Wow James, this is a great picture, perfect timming!
I love when cool surprises like that happens when we are taking photos! It gave me goose bumps. :)
Have a wonderful New Year!

Judy said...

Very fitting for the time of year.

Maude Lynn said...

What a fantastic capture!

cieldequimper said...

Brilliant shot!

Mais j'ai cru à une blague qu'il y ait une ville qui s'appelle Grapevine...;-)

Bonne fin d'année !

Pat said...

Wonderful! You're right; they stole the show, though the photo without them could stand on its own.

And what's even more ironic is that I have scheduled a post for January 1st entitled The Kiss! Come see on New Year's Day.

carol l mckenna said...

Excellent photography ~ beautiful! ~ Thanks for hosting ^_^

(A Creative Harbor ~ aka ArtmuseDog and Carol ^_^ ~ Happy New Year to you ^_^)

namaki said...

This is truly beautiful ! Happy New Year !!!

Hilda said...

A serendipitous and very sweet capture. Happy New Year, James!

Simon said...

Happy New Year indeed!! Fabulous shot-interest in both fore and background!! Bravo.
Hope to get back to posting regularly here soon. I've been inundated and letting blogging sit on the back burner for quite sometime. doesn't mean I don't miss it though.
Hope all is well with you!!

Victoria said...

Au début, je n'avais pas vu le couple d'amoureux, essayant de voir le photographe dans la boule... Curieuse que je suis !
Bonne fin d'année, et à bientôt pour l'année prochaine !


imac said...

Grand shot for the New Year my friend.
Happy New Reflecting Year.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

you taken your tree don't?

Owen said...

Hi James, Was going to leave a link, but for some reason the Linky Link tool is missing here, have no links to other reflections here either, and they are gone from previous posts too ??? Is there a problem with Linky ?

Shucks, guess I'll just paste the URL in here...

Happy New Year !

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh I'm heading upstairs to see if I can do a similar thing from my tree!! Thanks James!...:)JP

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Reflections in spheres are always impressive. I forget to look for them. The kissing couple is icing on the cake.

Would you be surprised to hear that Rasputin's is still around? In fact, it now has three locations. Still interested in punk?

Happy New Year.

Thérèse said...

I would say the "reflection" is in the kiss! :-) La reflexion est dans le baiser!
A very Happy New Year to you James and to yours!