Friday, January 25, 2013

Giotto's Campanile (Weekend Reflections # 174)

Florence, Italy  (Giotto's Campanile)

This is a reflection of the bell tower at the Florence Duomo (Cathedral).  The reflection is in the window of an ambulance. Last April I posted a reflection of the dome of the cathedral reflected in an ambulance that was parked next to this one. See it HERE.

I hope the ambulance drivers had good windshield wipers! :-)

Thanks for sharing your reflections and please have a wonderful weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Nefertiti said...

Tres reussi,bravo et bon w end ;o)

Lúcia said...

You never stop amazing me with your creative composition and reflections!
Have a great weekend James! :)

Catherine said...

gorgeous floaty image...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful architecture. Have a great weekend!

Alexa said...

This is super, James! (Did you know that those ambulances belong to the Confraternity of the Misericordia, who have been helping the sick in Florence since the mid-1300s?)

TexWisGirl said...

you are indeed the reflection master, james. :)

Sylvia K said...

I have to agree with the others, James, the reflection Master you are! Thanks as always for the inspiration!! Enjoy your weekend!

Lew said...

Great reflection! And a nice way to take photos of tall buildings without getting a sore neck.

ClickNCamera said...

Truly amazing reflection!

'Tsuki said...

Super prise de vue ! On dirait un plongeoir qui donne sur une voiture... Totalement surréaliste, j'adore !

Luis Gomez said...

This is very nice James!

Tina´s PicStory said...

very cool! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

I love how this sparks my imagination!

carol l mckenna said...

Magnificent photography ~ Wow~

Thanks for hosting ~ wishing you a great weekend.

Carol of: (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

cieldequimper said...

It took me a second to grasp what I was seeing. Fabulous!

Gemma Wiseman said...

An incredible sight with the cathedral tower wedged between the two front seats in the ambulance! Love it!

Victoria said...

Une réflection très nette, on dirait que la tour est dans la voiture !
bravo !


Jo said...

great ;)

Nonnie said...

wow, doesn't this beat all for a beautiful and confusing reflection! I'm with Lew for saving the neck to see such a tall building. One more surface I need to look. I've done it in my own, but somehow didn't think to check others' windshields. have a great weekend, James!

Carola said...

Awesome reflections. Again a master piece James! So real, so good.

orvokki said...

This is a very interesting reflection.
Have a hapyy weekend (without any ambulance).

Kay L. Davies said...

Wow, you got good mileage out of those ambulances, James! Great stuff.
We'll be in Italy soon and hope to get some good shots, too.

Hilda said...

Looks like they have, because your reflections are so clear!

Jeannette StG said...

Lovely tower! So temped to go to Italy, instead of France this year!

Pat said...

That is a fantastic reflection in the ambulance window! Great composition.

AmitAag said...

A great reflection photo!
Thank you james, for hosting:)

Louis la Vache said...

What a fine shot, James!

Cezar and Léia said...

Spectacular image, you have such clever eyes to capture beauty in your pictures, this one is wonderful!

s.c said...

Great one James. Nice that cars are colored with a shining paint. It gives a lot more opportunities.

Liz said...

This is brilliant, James!!
Thanks for hosting.

Halcyon said...

Very cool reflection!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

That is a really cool reflection. Funny to think that even whilst on holiday you were thinking of reflections. i just hope you were not in the ambulance.

Marie said...

Very creative! Was the tower reflected in the windshield?

Adrienne said...

Such a clear, striking reflection! I love these old European buildings in your reflections...lived in Paris for 12 years, and they just bring me back!

Malyss said...

Ma voiture est rarement si suffisamment propre qu'elle puisse attraper un reflet aussi parfait! :o)

tapirgal said...

Wow on both reflections from Florence. Not only are these some of my favorite buildings, but the reflection is real enough to make me look twice, and more. The oily-watery-floaty impression is suerb!

TheChieftess said...

Nice shot!!!

Owen said...

Excellent James... what a fabulous place for reflections... Florence

Anonymous said...

Something went wrong with the linkytool so the link doesn´t work. At least for me. Anyhow the link is
I wish you all a great sunday!

Margaret Gosden said...

Wow. That is a clever reflection, James! Love it!

Powell River Books said...

You sure keep your eyes open for interesting reflections. - Margy

jp@A Green Ridge said...

That...both...are incredible, James!!!...:)JP

K V V S MURTHY said...

Really a brilliant picture James...!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

you bought a facade to take home in yr car?

imac said...

Fantastic shot James.