Friday, March 15, 2013

At The Louvre (Weekend Reflections # 181)

Paris, France (A reflection in one of the smaller pyramids.)

I'm back from a long and wonderful trip! I went to London, Prague, Vienna, Budapest and Paris and Versailles where I had the pleasure of meeting a blogger friend called Cieldequimper. I'll do a post on my other blog about that at a later date.
I took lots of pictures and probably too many of them are of reflections but hey that's what I do.

Thank you all very much for the nice comments. I read everyone one of them and they really mean a lot to me.

I hope you don't mind a little bragging. While I was gone one of my reflections was published in Dallas Modern Luxury Magazine! In fact my photo is the two page centerfold! :-) Click HERE to see the online version.

I'll be posting more photos from the trip here and at my Something Sighted blog for a long time.

Have a great weekend!

 Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

This linky list is now closed.


cieldequimper said...

It was brilliant meeting you, j'espère que les photos de Versailles sont à peu près réussies ! @ bientôt James!

TexWisGirl said...

awesome shot! this one AND the one published! congratulations!!!

so glad your trip was wonderful!

Sylvia K said...

What a great article, James!! That's wonderful and you do deserve that recognition! So glad you had a great trip and that you got to meet Ciel!! How fun! Wish I could have been there! And, of course, I love your shot for the day!! It's awesome! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!

Lew said...

Delightful angle to your reflection. And congrats on being published!

Jackie McGuinness said...

Congrats on getting a photo published!!
I've been to those same cities in the last year as well and took tons of photos that I've been posting.
I'm your latest follower!
This is my first time posting at Weekend Reflections.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Creative reflection photo and glad you had a great trip! ~ enjoy ^_^

Adrienne said...

As soon as the page opened I knew exactly where you were standing! Ah - I do so miss Europe! Great shot! Looking forward to seeing more...I think they call it living vicariously!

TheChieftess said...

I clicked on your link...great photo!!! Congratulations on being published!!!
I like today's pic too!!!

Malyss said...

Being published means you're officially an artist! We all already knew it, here , at WR !
Congratulations!and welcome back!

Tina´s PicStory said...

so cool! 2x louvre :) thanx for the party!

Simon said...

I love that strong line in this image, maestro. Wow.
Congrats on the Dallas image. I HOPE you received money for that. It is worthy of being rewarded. I love how the silhouette echoes the bend in the statue's knee, yet contrast with the statue's posture. Brilliant.

'Tsuki said...

Voilà un reflet selon un angle peu commun ! Bien, l'originalité !!!

Je suis bien contente de savoir que d'une part tu es de retour, d'autre part ton voyage t'a enchanté, et enfin, c'est chouette que tu aies pu profité de ta visite à Versailles pour rencontrer cieldeQuimper !!! Tu as dû nous ramener de magnifiques reflets, encore... J'ai hâte de découvrir !

(It is not bragging when it is sharing. ;D )

'Tsuki said...

Oh et félicitations pour l'article, que je viens d'aller voir ; l'éloge est mérité !

Wayne said...

Awesome shot and congrats on getting published!

Alexa said...

Congrats from me too (I remember that photo well)! And your reflection today is super (pronounced "soo-pair" of course). Am looking forward to all the shots of your trip here and at Something Sighted.

Nonnie said...

oh, my, James, what a thrill to have the magazine recognize your talent as a photographer! I agree that it's not bragging, just sharing your excitement. I look forward to seeing your travel photos;
stunning reflection today too!

Jack said...

This image is outstanding, James. Congrats on the publication.

Unknown said...

Beautiful reflection, congratulations as well! Have a beautiful weekend :)

Carola said...

Awesome reflections! Again a master piece.
Indeed that are some great cities, glad that you had a wonderful trip. Looking forward to your pictures. Congrats to your publishing.

Kay L. Davies said...

The magazine picture is super, James. Congratulations.
The photo at the Louvre is fabulous, too.

orvokki said...

Congratulations, James. Your reflection is beautiful.
Also this one in this post.
Have a nice weekend.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh my! I feel like I'm sending a message to a celebrity!!! This is outstanding!!!...:)JP

Louis la Vache said...

That is a FABULOUS shot, James!

Thérèse said...

Nice James!
On decouvrira tout cela petit a petit.
Magnifique photo dans le magazine!

Sara Chapman said...

Congrats on the published shot. You have many more even better, to my mind. When's the book coming out?

Liz Needle said...

Love the pyramid reflection. Congratulations on making the centrefold.

Christineeeee said...

Effet magistral pour ce reflet très graphique dans la pyramide du Louvre ! Tu as dû t'amuser comme un fou pendant ton voyage à Paris !

Biseeeeeeeeeeeees de Christineeeeee

biebkriebels said...

Beautiful picture and congrats with the publication in the Dallas paper.

Karl said...

Great reflection and composition! Bravo!!

Unknown said...

Your fabulous reflections just blow me away. Congrats on the two page layout! I think it is awesome.

tapirgal said...

Wonderful reflection, and congrats on your centerfold photo! I had the pleasure of meeting the delightful Ciel last Spring. I am smiling thinking of our warm community of friends.

The French Hutch said...

Stunning photograph! I'm new to your party. I finally have reflections for you. Thanks for hosting.

The French Hutch

Victoria said...

Heureuse d'avoir des nouvelles "fraîches" avec ce splendide cliché original !
quel voyage tu as fait !
bon week end !


Anonymous said...

What an amazing reflection.

Stickup Artist said...

Such great and exciting news regarding publication of one of your photographs. Way to go!

Love the kaleidoscopic effect of your refection shot!

Cezar and Léia said...

Congratulations James, wonderful news!You are very talented!

imac said...

Now - that James is a great reflection.

Virginia said...

LOVE that shot James. Good one.
Welcome home,

Hilda said...

Oh wow, that sounds like a fantastic vacation! And congratulations for getting published! That's awesome.

Liz said...

Superb reflection, James!!

Thérèse said...

Bravo James!
Et j'espere que la prochaine fois Toulouse sera sur la liste de vos villes francaises a visiter... :-)