Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
This is the base of a lamp in a shop window in Philadelphia called Luxe Home. The photo is a combination of two of my favorites things, reflections and street photography.
I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays and I hope my French and British friends are okay after the terrible storms this week.
I wish you all a great weekend and a happy New Year!
This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
A Reflection = An image given back by a reflecting surface.
You're so bold with your street scenes. I get quickly self-conscious when I notice someone noticing me taking a photo...have to get over that! The ipone helps...a bit sneakier, but I sacrifice quality! Anyhow - wishing you a happy new year as well...and love that you'll {perhaps!} be sharing some photos of Phili!
very cool shot, james. :)
Great reflection—and great street shot. Well done on both counts! Happy New Year, James!
beautiful James! wishing you a very happy new year:-)
Good real reflections. I joined this because of.. .. ..reflections (in mind)!
Well done, James!
Love your reflected street scenes! Happy New Year!
I love street shots as well. But, I have to say that I have tried many times to take a reflective picture of a rounded object and could never figure out how to get myself out of it ... So, is that you walking by with your camera or do you know the trick that I don't know ... Just asking :) Hope your New Year is great fun and is the beginning of a wonderous year of life and adventure ...
Andrea @ From The Sol
I just love the expression on the man face... Excellent pic ! I don't wish you an happy new year yet, cause it is bad luck to say it in advance, but I hope you will enjoy yourself on new year's eve. ^^
Awesome angle!...:)JP
Le vent a soufflé mais nous sommes encore là ... il y a toujours des intempéries en fin d'année, certains ont les pieds dans l'eau. Une belle réflection de rue pour cette fin d'année... encore quelques jours à attendre.
bon week end,
I'll tell you what it's like when I arrive in Quimper where there's flooding...
Was that guy looking at you?!
Creative shot ~ great street photography ~ Happy New Year ~ carol ^_^
Awesome street reflection...well done.
Happy New Year!
Great reflection! The guy reminds me of a jester of the Middle Ages:) wishing you and your wife a happy New Year, James!
I wish you the most happy New Year! James
Thank you so much for hosting. :)
James, you really are a master at this type of shot!
Absolutely delightful!
Your street shots are so clever as they usually involve passers by. I always wait until they have gone before taking a photo hence the reason yours are so much more interesting.Happy New Year James and thank-you for hosting this meme.
This time of the year has good subjects for reflections. Happy New Year James and thanks for your never ending meme.
Nice sneaky one. Seeing you just in the right corner. Happy New year to you and your family James.
Your reflection is very nice and lovely.
Wish you and your family Happy New Year 2014.
you shoot the most fantastic reflections!
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Your street photography is AWESOME. Happy New Year to you and thanks for a wonderful meme. Greetings. Jo
Fantastic image -- thanks so much for hosting and Happy New Year!
Another creative reflection! I am looking forward to a new year. Hopefully we will find a place to live! :)
Love the detail in this shot! Amazing reflection.
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