Friday, December 26, 2014

Molière (Weekend Reflections # 274)

Paris, France                      "C'est un merveilleux assaisonnement aux plaisirs qu'on goûte que la présence des gens qu'on aime"

In Paris, we stayed just a few doors down the corridor from the Théâtre du Palais-Royal. One evening as I walked by the théâtre's café ( le café du théâtre du palais royal), I noticed an illuminated portrait of Molière reflected on strips of mirrors.

Maybe someday I'll actually go inside the théâtre. :-)
Thanks for all of the well wishes last week. I'm feeling much better now!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  


This linky list is now closed.


cieldequimper said...

Ah le grand Jean-Baptiste Poquelin ! I wouldn't mind having a cuppa beneath double Molière.

Yes, you absolutely have to go to la Comédie Française one day.

And I hope you are fully recovered and had a sweet and merry Christmas!

TexWisGirl said...

very nice, james!

cieldequimper said...

Oooops, sorry... When I see Palais Royal, I think Comédie Française... :-)

Glad you liked your cider! ;-)

orvokki said...

Really nice reflection.
Have a nice evening, James.

Daniela Augustka said...

Very good reflection, James.
I wish a nice Christmas evening!

Adrienne said...

I love how, in this case, the reflection gives us more of the details than the portion of the original you chose to let into the shot! Nice catch!

Wayne said...

Pretty good catch, abstract and very interesting. Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Well done! Happy holidays.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I hope you do walk into that theater and I hope you can do it when they are performing one of Moliere's plays ... I have never seen one, but he is said to be quite funny. We could all use a good laugh these days. Great photo reflection, James. I like that it is in blue :)

Andrea @ From The Sol

Anonymous said...

I haven't been inside the theatre either, but I recognized Moliere's face immediately - as always, your reflection is very well done!
Before next week Friday - wishing you a happy New Year:)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Very cool reflection. If you hadn't said it was one, I would've thought it was a fun poster.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous reflection- I have to get to Paris one day! And Merry Christmas James!

McdsM said...

Les mots de cet homme, le miroir de notre société !
Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année !

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Happy you are feeling normal again...another great!!!!...:)JP

'Tsuki said...

That is such a terrific reflection, James ! I'm specially mooved by the portrait of Molière, cause when I was a teenager I've been in a school called Lycée Molière, and in front of the director's office where this huge portrait of the writer, the very same : it is so weird to see it in an other context... ^^

Halcyon said...

He's hardly showing his age! ;-)

NatureFootstep said...

teh reflection seem better then the original :)

Thanks for hosting the meme and Happy New Year. :)

Revrunner said...

Merry Christmas, James, and vive Moliére! :-)

Anonymous said...

Le Palais Royal est le lieu de la Comédie Française et Molière l'incarnation du théâtre française. Belle capture !

J'espère aussi que vous avez passé un joyeux Noël et en route pour le Nouvel an.


GreenComotion said...

Lovely reflection!
I don't know the artist, but I will learn about him.
Thank you for the meme.

Happy Holidays!!
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

Stickup Artist said...

Molière is my favorite playwright besides Tennessee Williams. I guess that full head of curly hair is a wig. Hope you make it inside the theater one day and get to see one of his plays. And I hope you are enjoying your holidays and are looking forward to a Happy New Year!

Linda said...

Very cool picture. Glad you are feeling better.