Friday, May 29, 2015

Buda Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 296)

Budapest, Hungary

The lights from Matthias Church and Fisherman's Bastion reflected on the Danube River.

I hope you have a nice weekend! :-)

This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.

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Nefertiti said...

Magnifique !

TexWisGirl said...


Alexa said...

This is the second time this sight has taken my breath away—the first was when I saw it in person last year. What a great shot, James!

Laura said...

Stunningly beautiful reflections James, the colors are wonderful!

Dina said...

So beautiful! I hope to see the Danube this summer, in Austria. More chances for reflections there than here in the dry desert. I'll keep you and your meme in mind, James. :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

beautiful reflections of the night tim e lights on the river. Many thanks for hosting and also for linking me in. I finally got over to Tory island a day late due to very high winds adn bad sea conditions and internet on just now (for the moment!)

verfuchstundzugenäht said...

Soooooo fine!

Hootin Anni said...

So very pretty!!!!

Anonymous said...

Even in the 80ties Budapest was a lovely city! Would like to see it back and see what changed. Beautiful reflection James!

Fun60 said...

A beautiful part of Europe.

jahreszeitenbriefe said...

I love it..., so beautiful.

Valerie said...

A beautiful capture James - thank you for sharing (and hosting!) Happy weekend to you and yours

Rügenfrau Antje said...

I like it ... beautiful

wildcatwoods said...

Stunning reflections!

Carolina Mts

Linda said...

Wonderful image! Love it!

biebkriebels said...

A glorious photo with the lights reflecting in the water.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

The whole scene is magnificent and the reflection is the Piece De Resistance ... I think you must be the luckiest person I know. You have seen the best of the best and put it into photographs ... Thank you for sharing, James.

Andrea @ From The Sol

Al said...

That is a gorgeous scene, and one I'd love to see.

Anonymous said...

très belle photo qui me rappelle la ville de Lyon

bon week-end


Revrunner said...

I enjoy the layers of light and color. said...

Love the reflection. Budapest is one of my favourite cities! It has changed a lot since my first visit many years ago.

Stickup Artist said...

Wow! What a magnificent image!