Friday, April 29, 2016

Les Pyramides de Paris (Weekend Reflections # 344)

Paris, France

A group of people on the left and their reflections on the right walk toward glass pyramids at The Louvre.

 Have a great weekend!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.

This linky list is now closed.


Adrienne said...

Something tells me Mr. Pei would love this. Very much!

NatureFootstep said...

this reflection is a really good one :)

Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful is the

Greetings Eva

Fun60 said...

Can't quite work out where you are standing when you took that photo. Very clever as usual.

orvokki said...

Very lovely but also original reflection. I had to look this many times.

Alexa said...

I agree with Adrienne. And thanks for transporting us to Paris this time. I'll say merci for the little brin de muguet and wish you a Happy May Day in return. said...

Great picture, I like the black and white and the symmetry very much!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Another carefully crafted image!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

the reflection is like seeing double. Thank for hosting and I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Anonymous said...

Un endroit que je connais bien, pris sous le bon angle.

bon week-end !


Anonymous said...

super reflection...I love the black and white too! I went b and w this week too!

Electra said...

Really like your image James. You have a great weekend too!

verfuchstundzugenäht said...

I love your photo!

biebkriebels said...

It is almost I am looking twice, great reflection.

McdsM said...

Tu postes Paris,
Je poste New-York...

Melissa said...

Oh this is really great! Very nice as a black and white too.

joo said...

Beautiful photo!

Teté M. Jorge said...

Yeah! A great reflection...
Hugs and love from Brasil

Lydia C. Lee said...

Nice link up!!

merlecolibri said...

très belle image * effet miroir de la vitre & la matière, le verre de la structure de la pyramide du Louvre *

merlecolibri said...

très belle photo * effet miroir de la vitre * avec la structure en verre de la pyramide du Louvre *

Pat Tillett said...

that is an awesome photo! So many different shapes and angles.

Thérèse said...

Il est toujours intéressant d'arriver du côté contre-jour aux pieds de la pyramide.