Friday, June 29, 2018

Another Mall, Another Texting Woman (Weekend Reflections # 457)

Orange, California

When I was a boy this was a thriving mall with lots of shops and shoppers. Today it seems sad and desolate. Probably a victim of Amazon. However, the mall in last week's Weekend Reflections has been going strong for over 50 years.

Happy Reflecting!
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Taken For Granted said...

Lovely image with parallel reflection. Malls do come and go for a variety of reasons. They killed thousands of Main Street shopping areas and are now running into competition of the Internet.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

All too common these days sadly, perfect 'sign of the times' reflection. Happy weekend James.

NatureFootstep said...

a great shot but sad it is almost abandoned. :(

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

The image has a somber and lonely feel about it. So many malls are being re-purposed as gyms and mega-churches.

Klara said...

now, that's a reflection everybody wants to see - making you slimmer ;-).

biebkriebels said...

It is a sign of the time, people shop on internet now...

s.c said...

The emptiness looks like an Edward Hopper painting but the building not. Still a great reflection indeed.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Same here, rents are getting too high. Saw a large store shut down yesterday with sign in window "shop 7/24 Online".

merlecolibri said...

ah oui les librairies et petits commerces sont "mangés" par les grands groupes, ne sommes-nous pas tous responsables de cette évolution ? à première vue je pensais que c'était une personne qui surveillait une expo et qui cherchait à passer le temps * un bel endroit qui pourrait bien accueillir des œuvres d'art ;)
bon weekend

orvokki said...

It's so shame about this shopping mall. But the reflections are great.