Friday, May 30, 2014

Church of St. Anne (Weekend Reflections # 244)

Budapest, Hungary           Church of St. Anne (Szent Anna-Templom)

In hindsight I wish that I would have been more patient and removed the cigarette butts and waited for the water to re-settle before I took this shot. However, I suppose this photo illustrates Budapest's majestic beauty and seediness, two characteristics of most cities.

Finally, after all of cleaning, painting, replacing, fixing, etc., this is our moving weekend! It will be nice to be able to settle down, relax and just breath. It was a lot of work for such a small place and the work will continue but now it's really ours. :-)

I wish you a great weekend!

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  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Tate Modern Inversion (Weekend Reflections # 243)

London, England                                     

All of this is just a reflection on a wall. 
In the Tate Modern Museum there is a place to sit and look at a nice view of St. Paul's Cathedral. Here's a warning: turn right, NOT left, when you exit the elevator or you just might walk into this wall.  Sorry, that's me kneeling in the bottom right side of the picture.

I hope you have a good Memorial Day weekend!

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  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Reflection in a glass Ball (Weekend Reflections # 242)

Frenchtown, New Jersey

I almost missed this little reflection in a glass ball in the window of a beauty salon. If you look closley at the center of the ball you should see a brick building, cars, blue sky with wispy clouds,trees, power lines and me or at least my silhouette. The ball was part of a beauty poduct display. The bottle on the right side of this photo is labled "HEMPZ", but since I took this picture in Frenchtown I thought is was okay to crop out the H. :-)

Bon week-end!

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  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  

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Friday, May 9, 2014

A Ceiling Lamp Reflected in a Table (Weekend Reflections # 241)

Prague Czech Republic                                  Café Louvre

As promised, here is one of the light fixtures from last week's Weekend Reflection photo. This time it's reflected in a table.  Unfortunately my Café Louvre menu isn't in focus but at least the reflected lamp is.

Thanks for contributing to Weekend Reflections!
Happy Mother's Day Weekend!!!

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A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Café Louvre (Weekend Reflections # 240)

Prague, Czech Republic                      Café Louvre

Some of you might remember seeing this photo on my other blog last year.

The reflected light fixtures seem to go on forever. Next week I'll post a picture of one of these light fixtures reflected in a table.

"You have just entered the foyer of Café Louvre. This Café, bearing the name of the world’s famous gallery, has been standing here for over a century, since 1902. Among its guests were Karel Capek, Franz Kafka as well as Albert Einstein during his professorship in Prague. The Café’s life was interrupted by force in 1948 by the communist coup when all café fixtures were thrown out of the windows into Narodni Avenue. The cultural melting pot was revived in the place after 1992 when the devastated premises underwent a complete reconstruction." 

Sorry for not commenting very much lately but I'm still very busy, probably until mid-June. The condo needs more work than I expected. 

Have a great weekend!


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