Friday, November 24, 2023

"Je vivais heureux" (Weekend Street/Reflections # 148)

 Lyon, France

"Auprès de mon arbre, 

Je vivais heureux, 

J'aurais jamais dû m'éloigner de mon arbre... 

Auprès de mon arbre, 

Je vivais heureux, 

J'aurais jamais dû le quitter des yeux.." - Georges Brassens

                       A belated Happy Thanksgiving!

Now you can link reflections and/or street photography. 

Please no posed pictures, portraits, animals, etc. unless there is a reflection. 

Click here for street photography examples and inspiration.

"Street photography is a genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. The very publicness of the setting enables the photographer to take candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge."

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Friday, November 17, 2023

Place Juliette Gréco (Weekend Street/Reflections # 147)


Paris, France                                 Mots croisés au parc

A woman doing crossword puzzles in a little park. It's a good way to keep your mind sharp. I should do a few of them because my mind has become very dull recently.😲

                                             Have a great weekend!

Now you can link reflections and/or street photography. 

Please no posed pictures, portraits, animals, etc. unless there is a reflection. 

Click here for street photography examples and inspiration.

"Street photography is a genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. The very publicness of the setting enables the photographer to take candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge."

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Friday, November 10, 2023

Suivez le guide (Weekend Street/Reflections # 146)

 Paris, France

The man in front had an interesting style and perhaps an even more interesting gait. I think a video would have captured it better. 😀                                     
                             Have a great weekend!

Now you can link reflections and/or street photography. 

Please no posed pictures, portraits, animals, etc. unless there is a reflection. 

Click here for street photography examples and inspiration.

"Street photography is a genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. The very publicness of the setting enables the photographer to take candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge."

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Friday, November 3, 2023

Image à la sauvette (Weekend Street/Reflections #145)


Paris, France

When I take street pictures, I usually try to anticipate what's going to happen next. Watching all the moving pieces in relation to stationary objects.  Always hoping for the right things to fall in place in order to make an interesting photo. 

On this day I was walking near Galeries Lafayette when I noticed a group of people crossing the street from my left and a truck coming from the opposite direction. The green-haired woman caught my eye and so did the caption on the side of the truck that said "C'est bon de se mettre au vert" (It's good to go green). I remember thinking <I wish I had enough time to take off the lens cap and snap a picture at the precise moment the caption was above her head.>

But it all took place in just a few seconds.

After wasting time thinking about it I took the shoot a split second too late, but thankfully all the elements were still in the frame. Later when I looked at the photo I realized I had two chances to get the shot I wanted. "Green is the new black" would have worked too. 😀

                                                          Have a great weekend!

Now you can link reflections and/or street photography. 

Please no posed pictures, portraits, animals, etc. unless there is a reflection. 

Click here for street photography examples and inspiration.

"Street photography is a genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. The very publicness of the setting enables the photographer to take candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge."

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