Friday, January 31, 2014

Giubbe Rosse (Weekend Reflections #227)

Florence, Italy                           (Piazza della Repubblica)

The reflection is a little blurry because it's on a small mirrored decoration on the backside of a moving carousel horse. It looks like the Caffè Giubbe Rosse waiter is smiling and making the "call me" hand gesture to the guy at the table. 

Click HERE for more about Caffè Giubbe Rosse.

 Enjoy the weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface. 

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Jack said...

You really had to work to get this reflection, didn't you? I love the postures of the two men.

TexWisGirl said...

you can catch a reflection in the darnedest of places!

My name is Riet said...

wow that is some reflection

Lew said...

Delightful little reflection of life in Florence!

Adrienne said...

LOVE this! So cool to catch something like that in a tiny surface! At first glance, I thought the waiter was telling the guy there was something in his teeth!

Alexa said...

Great capture! I know the caffè—and the carrousel—well; thanks for taking me back to bella Firenze, James.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Wow, that had to be a tricky shot ... well done, James.

Andrea @ From The Sol

Ileana said...

:) Great capture!
Have a nice weekend!

'Tsuki said...

It must be a very tiny piece of decoration indeed ! I wonder how the carrousel looks like, now... ^^

I love this pic, James, it is such a great slice of life, and those two seem to enjoy so much their talking... :D

Gail Dixon said...

I'd love to visit Florence again! Love how your caught the waiter doing the phone gesture, a universal sign language. :)

(◔‿◔) said...

Wow, that is great reflection! Thanks for sharing, for hosting this nice project and happy weekend, Wieczora (◔‿◔) | my photoblog

Malyss said...

Celui-là, il fallait l'attraper!
Drôlement fort, le James! :o)

cieldequimper said...

Good grief, how did you manage that one? It's incredible!

Not taking part this week, sorry. But I do have a good reason...

Regina said...

Beautiful one!

Happy weekend!


Regina said...

That is a good one…pure genius!

Viera said...

wow... it is very adorable reflection...Florence is beautiful too...Have a nice weekend...

jp@A Green Ridge said...

This must have been difficult yet you mastered it!...:)JP

Gerald (SK14) said...

small is so often beautiful

Unknown said...

Talk about timing! fuzzy or clear this is a great capture!

biebkriebels said...

A funny keyhole picture!

McdsM said...

Belle idée pour ouvrir l'année du cheval !

Nonnie said...

oh, magnifique! so romantic, not giving any indication of how hard it must have been to capture the reflection!

Jen said...

That is certainly an original place to find a reflection. Nice shot.

Halcyon said...

You always manage to find the most creative reflections. Well done!

Halcyon said...

You always manage to find the most creative reflections. Well done!

Anonymous said...

J'aime les couleurs de ta photo, et l'expression des personnages très italiens qui s'expriment avec leurs mains.
bon week end,


Anonymous said...

I'm amazed that you can get such a great reflection!

Dina said...

This is so unusual. Good on ya for even SEEING it.