Another Christmas tree and more reflected on a wall on the hotel's 2nd floor.

Both of these reflections were taken at the hotel where we stayed in Munich.
"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:
1)Post a *reflection photograph that was taken by you. (*A photo that contains a reflection)
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.
Feel free to be creative. Remember this meme is for any type of reflection.
This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!
Hello, I am new to Weekend Reflections. You captured some great reflections of the Christmas trees. Thanks for hosting this meme it looks like fun.
Hello dear James and Vicki
A blessed day for you all!
We would like to say "thanks so much"for your friendship and fabulous posts in your blogs!
You have a blessed family.Much love to you all!
This reflections shots are fabulous and perfect for this day!
Great post!
Happy Holidays!
Léia :)
WOW...so festive and just so-Christmasey! Hope You & Yours have the Merriest of Christmases...
I'm sharing a shiny aluminum Christmas tree today, so I guess I'm right there with the theme, huh? Merry Christmas!
A very Merry Christmas James. I like the subtle look of the first photo.
Well, I don't know that I am a die-hard, and I didn't get any shiny presents, but I DID get a new camera a few days early!
Nice reflections!
a reflection from a few weeks ago but apt for the time is just up on my sithenah blog - merry christmas
Joyeux Noël James & Vicki!
I know I've said it a couple of times but Merry Christmas to you, Vicki, Lucy, Simba and Bucky!
Sunny :)
P.S. Wonderful reflections.
Hi James, just wanted to stop by and wish you the happiest of holidays... it's been a real pleasure over the past few months sharing your company in the blogosphere ! Looking forward to many excellent reflections weekends to come !
Take care and best wishes !
Shiny floor and walls! Great reflection captures.
Merry Christmas -- thanks for being open today! ;o)
Reflections ... for contemplation, meditation ... can life be reconstructed by looking at what we see on a mirror? What's wrong with ourself?
Are we flawless? As flawless and glossy as the pictures above? How is our soul reflected in the mirror of life?
Very meaningful theme and you have chosen it with care and wisdom.
Thank you James for all your kind support that help my blogging days colourful and worthwhile. I am very appreciative of your very generous visits and leaving me encouraging comments.
May you and wife Vicki will continue to live life abundantly as reflected in the pictures you above. A life that depicts prosperity and good health.
I tend to post pictures with philosophical ideas as to the concept of Reflections beyond the shadowy appurtenance of the theme.
All the best my friend.
Please view here.
Very nice. I forgot it was Friday. I need to go find a photo!!!!
WOW...how festive. These are just beautiful my friend. I hope Santa was good to you. Mele Kalikimaka to you and Vicki and your entire family :)
Gorgeous reflections of festive colours! Chrissy magic!
I love these pictures.
Merry Christmas, James!
I tried something like this without any success: my compliments to your beautiful images!
Happy Holidays and a belated Merry Christmas!
Good catch! I'll be back to check out more.
Hope your Holidays are going well.
Christmas hugs to you and yours!
Merry Christmas to you and to your family! Cheers.
Awesome Reflections!
Merry Christmas, James!
I like the elegance of that second photo.
Light glistens more.
It is lovely lights.
Good reflection of the tree.
Once again, it's Christmas -
that delightful time of year
When hearts are filled with gratitude
and homes are bright with cheer.
When everyone's remembering
good friends and loved ones too -
So naturally, the warmest thoughts
and wishes go to you.
May your home be filled
with happiness,
your hearts with love,
your days with joy -
at Christmas and always.
Merry Christmas and have a wonderful holiday,
With love,
Merry Christamas and a Happy new Year,
MB, Maria Berg - Sweden
Very nice pictures !
and a merry Christmas to you too !
In your first picture, it seems that the orange color is giving birth to the shape of the tree.. Magyc!
What a show!Like stars falling from the sky.
Have a nice time of Post Christmas and Pre New Year!
Your photos are beautiful - the first one looks like fairy wings.
Melbourne Daily Photo
No shiny presents here, but nice ones just the same. :) Merry Christmas!
Like you, I found this weekend's reflection at a shopping mall and shared it at Small Reflections. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Hugs and blessings,
Very pretty James! I'm posting mine tomorrow.
Hello James,
Both are beautiful but I like the strong color in the second one.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
(It is still Christmas today.)
The first photo is extraordinary! Happy New Years!
clever reflection of the tree in the floor! I also really like the second shot! This whole reflection thing has me looking at photography from a different perspective. Thanks for doing this!
Greetings! Melissa B. recommended your site when she stopped by and saw my Christmas reflection. Love the idea! Looking forward to seeing some others.
Oh, my,James! Shiny Christmas presents. Shiny Christmas ornaments. I'm glad I am one who believes Christmas lasts at least till Epiphany--next week.
Nice reflections! Hope you had a great holiday!!
Love these shots, especially the first one. I find myself looking for reflections everywhere now! We were out yesterday and my daughter asked me why on earth I was taking a picture of a mud puddle lol. Have a great week. Kathy
This is a great meme. Thank you for doing it.
Very clever!
Quite cool, James, it's not often we see reflections in floors. It makes a nice image.
Beautiful and unusual Christmas tree reflected on the floor! I sure do enjoy your "Weekend Reflections." Happy New Year!
James, what a coincidence! It does look quite like the floor in my reflection post today which is also at a hotel lobby but mine is in Malaysia.
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