Hello everybody! I hope you didn't have problems finding my new web address. I'm sorry if the change caused any confusion or trouble. Please update your badges and bookmarks with the new web address http://weekendreflection.blogspot.com/ thanks!
This is a nighttime view of Balboa Peninsula. I took the photo from Balboa Island. The building with all the lights is The Balboa Pavilion, it's over a hundred years old and that's ancient by Orange County standards. :) I also took a picture of this building's reflection in the window on the island side of the water. I'm posting it at Something Sighted and linking it here.
If needed, please click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!
Very bright reflections from so many lights - Great!
WOW! What gorgeous reflections on the water, James! Really superb capture! Hope you have a great weekend!
Wonderful night shot. I'm hoping to find a few of those next week at the fair too.
You are getting a lot of good mileage out of Balboa Island James. Another good image. I like the building outlines and the reflected lights. The sky makes this photo even better.
Very pretty! Looks almost like something out of Disney. :)
oh how lovely James!
I can hear the musicians, and see the dancers, during a summer night, a hundred years ago...very romantic place!
Great image, James. It is a beauty.
Beautiful nighttime capture. Love seeing the light reflected on the water.
Your night shots over the water are always great! I can see why you are featuring Balboa in your posts.
Nice, great vew
Stunning! This snap looks like it could have been shot in Shanghai. Bravo!!
I love good night shots and this one is a beauty
A fabulous night capture! Great reflections and night sky.
Too cool! You are really snapping up the views in your new/old spot. Well done.
Wow, James... Your night shots are a pure faery... Magnificent !
That's a lot of bulbs in this era of crisis and conservation, James... LOL! Gave you a fantastic reflection, for sure. I like that the sky is not completely black. I finally took a few minutes to see where Newtown Beach and Balboa Island are in relation to LA. Now I know I've most likely been there, or rather through there. Rented a small sports car some years back and drove down the Pacific Coast Hwy quite a distance.
Gorgeous James! Somebody mentioned 'out of Disney' - a good comparison. :)
Carletta@Round The Bend
It looks like a grand old building.
Awesome job, James! Aren't the night reflections stunning there? This is where hubby had his first assignment from photo class:)
My this is just beautiful James. I love it. As you know night shots are so hard for me. If I could do just 1/10th as good as this... Well done. Have a wonderful weekend.
Absolutely stunning!
Fabulous, James—you're getting to be a total ace at these night shots!
This shot is fantastic, James!
That's a glorious sight...absolutely breathtaking. :)
Very nice night shot James:)
Makes we wonder when Christmas will be! Great!
Oh, what a fantastic reflection, great night shot.
This is a beautiful scene. The pavilion, reflections and sky are all eye catching.
A brilliant reflection !
A stunning, magical light party! The reflections are fascinating!
Your night shots are just dazzling. I haven't tried enough of them-but this encourages me to try. I love both the large reflection on the water and the accents of the many bulbs. Great one!!
Ditto on your comment regarding the album cover...you are so old-fashioned that you are back to being fashionable :)...except albums are now vinyls.
I do love water reflections the best, and yours is just GORGEOUS!
Wow! Such a beautiful photograph!
Beautiful! Found your blog through Run*Around*Ranch.
Love this photo - we have visited Balboa a couple of times, and your picture brings back the memories!
I just may join in on your weekend reflections soon!
This is a wonderful reflection. The colors are fantastic.
Great camera work, as usual, James.
Lots of beauty there in your new/old digs and you do it justice.
those streaks on the water! the sunset colors are dreamy. I really love this photo. thanks for hosting WR every week and I hope you have a fun weekend James.
FYI - I have tried to create a link to this website on my sidebar but it continually reverts back to your other WR blog. Strangley, when I created the link on your badge in my post, that is fine! Very mysterious!
Fantastic water reflections. Great job, James.
Wow ! beautiful reflections !!!
Wonderful reflections post!
Your night shots are excellent. Fabulous reflections.
Found my way over to the new address here, and had to leave a little calling card, as it's been a while, been so wrapped up in fence posts and hats and all... but certainly haven't forgotten about Weekend Reflections, not by a long shot... need to update my links... have a great weekend James...
Beautiful. Where have you moved to?
oh SO pretty! a beautiful 'across' the water scene and reflection!!! Great one, James!!
Beautiful night!
I'm glad to join you this week! Thanks for hosting.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Well done. You and Vicki live in a beautiful area!
I've got a new blog home too...my photo blog is still the same (for now!)
Mom On Caffeine
Hey James, I'm trying to add a link to your new address (WeekendReflection.blogspot) in my sidebar, copying directly the new URL, but when I paste it into the blogger screen to add it to my list of blogs, it keeps going back to the old address for NewtownDaily... strange... any ideas ???
Let's not speak about energy saving here... only about the quality of the picture.
Hi James and thanks for the nice comments. Very flattering coming from you. I love weekend reflections! I visit often.
Lovely lights and reflections in this picture!Really beautiful!
Like a postcard! Really nice.
Sounds like you're staying in the same region of Italy as I did. Oh, I saw the same House Hunters International (it's the one show I record too! - besides The Amazing Race) and that's where I saw Ostuni too! I knew of Puglia, but not that town specifically. Anyway, my best suggestion is mix up small towns with bigger/congested towns. Lucca is a great break between the congested areas. If I did it over, I would have stayed there two nights. Riding ON the walls, the tiny alley/streets, cobblestones, etc. I suggest the train, not the bus :{ I didn't get a good feel of Florence. Everyone I talked to loves it, but I just don't think I was there long enough. Honestly though, by that time, I was sick of being with so many people so I didn't mind my limited time. Big tip: make sure you buy your train tickets out of Florence days (like when you get there, buy your departure ticket) before you leave, they sell out completely! LOVED the Cinque Terre, but that's a bit out of the way if you're doing the Tuscany thing. I did so much research before I left I could probably be a travel guide! If you have specific questions let me know, I'm glad to give my opinions for what they're worth. You can also email me if you don't want me to write a story again in your comment section :)
This shot is terrific James.
Beautiful clicks. :) Saw some reflections and it made me feel to link my photographs here too. For sure I'll do it this weekend.
P.S. I see you have mentioned in your blog's sidebar to submit photographs every friday morning through sunday.
LOL It's already Friday in India, as a matter of fact it's friday night right now. :D
Bloody different time zones. ;)
Perfectly captured! I love the scenery. So peaceful.
Cassy from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons
Awwww this is really cool. Absolutely stunning shot!
Fantastic shot. Wow!
Can't have a better view at night from this Pavilion!
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