Friday, December 27, 2013

Happy New Year! (Weekend Reflections # 222)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This is the base of a lamp in a shop window in Philadelphia called Luxe Home. The photo is a combination of two of my favorites things, reflections and street photography.

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays and I hope my French and British friends are okay after the terrible storms this week.

I wish you all a great weekend and a happy New Year!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface. 

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Friday, December 20, 2013

Merry Christmas! (Weekend Reflections # 221)

Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Come on, Santa! I wanted a white Christmas but the record high temperature of 68°F (20°C) on Sunday along with rain will melt the snow.  Oh well, maybe next year. :-)

Have a great weekend and a Merry Christmas!

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Walking the Dog (Weekend Reflections # 220

Langhorne, Pennsylvania

I guess you could call this an ambush reflection. First I saw the puddle and then I saw the poodle coming down the path so I pretended to take pictures of trees while waiting for the lady and her dog to walk into the reflection. 

As you can see it's been cold and snowy here. :-)

Have a great weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface. 

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Pop Libre (Weekend Reflections # 219)

Paris, France

This is a Pop Libre (Pop Free) work by David Cintract in the Artclub Gallery on Rue de Rivoli across the street from the Louvre in Paris. I was outside of the gallery when I took this shot. You can see Rue de Rivoli and an entrance to The Louvre reflected in the mannequin's glasses.

Have a great weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface. 

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Friday, November 29, 2013

A Modern Coincidence? (Weekend Reflections # 218)

Manhattan, New York                                          (5TH AVE)

I was trying to get a shot of the gold building reflected on this polished stone when someone set down their Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) bag. At first I was a little annoyed but then I remembered that I'm not the only one in NYC and I had to adapt quickly to changing photo opportunities. So I decided that the MoMA bag would be part of the photo. At the time, I didn't know the name of the reflected building but after a little research I discovered that it is called The Crown Building formerly the Heckscher Building and coincidentally in  1929 it  became the first home of The Museum of Modern Art. :-) The Museum moved to its current location in 1939.

I hope you (Americans) had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Rainbow in the Dark (Weekend Reflections # 217)

Manhattan, New York

It's nice to go to NYC for the day but even nicer to spend the night. We had a great time in NYC last weekend. 

Have a great weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface. 

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Orange Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 216)

Arlington, Virginia

Last week's reflection had apples so this week's is oranges.  The little bit of snow that fell on Tuesday reminded me that winter is approaching, so it's good to stay warm and have plenty of vitamin-C.

Saturday is my wife's birthday so we are leaving today for a very short get-away. Have a good weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface. 

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Friday, November 8, 2013

Complimentary Breakfast Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 215)

Yardley, Pa

This hotel came with free breakfast and free reflections.

Happy Weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface. 

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Friday, November 1, 2013

An Impressionist Reflection (Weekend Reflections # 214)

Newtown, Pennsylvania                                                         Tyler State Park

It's November and I'm back and ready to see some reflections! Thank you TexWisGirl for linking Sylvia last week.

Have a great weekend everybody!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Two Squared (Weekend Reflections # 213)

Vienna, Austria

Weekend Reflections is still on auto-pilot but I hope to return next week. :-)

Have a great weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Friday, October 18, 2013

A London Circle (Weekend Reflections # 212)

London, England

I'm taking a break (for good reasons) so Weekend Reflections is on auto-pilot until November. However knowing myself I'll probably pop in once in a while to look at reflections, when I have time and internet access.

Have a great weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Friday, October 11, 2013

St. Paul's Churchyard (Weekend Reflections # 211)

London, England

I'm taking a break (for good reasons) so Weekend Reflections is on auto-pilot until November. However knowing myself I'll probably pop in once in a while to look at reflections, when I have time and internet access.

Have a great weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Friday, October 4, 2013

Taking Time to Dream (Weekend Reflections # 210)

Vienna, Austria

This man seemed to be dreaming of different times and far away places. 
The man on the bench and the paintings next to him were reflected on a room divider made of polished stone in The Kunsthistorisches Museum. I left the wood moulding and a slice of an actual(not reflected) painting on the right side to give a little perspective.

I wont be around very much for the next three or four weeks but Weekend Reflections will still be here, so please continue to enjoy it. :-)

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Pouvez-Vous M'entendre Maintenant? (Weekend Reflections # 209)

Paris, France                                                         

"Can you hear me now?"
To be honest I don't know what he was saying, but since a bus and truck just passed by, my guess is as good as any.

Well, I hope everyone had good week. Now let's have some fun with reflections! :-)

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Shhh, 4 Years of (Weekend Reflections # 208)

Paris, France                                                  (A reflection in The Stravinsky Fountain)

In Weekend Reflections # 199 I posted a different reflection that I saw in this fountain. This reflection seemed to look better flipped upside-down.

Can you believe that Weekend Reflections has been around for four years? Thanks for participating! :-)

I hope you have a really great weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Crossing Pont Saint Louis (Weekend Reflections # 207)

Paris, France  (looking down at wet concrete on a windy, rainy day)

This puddle reflection isn't as clear as last week's because the sidewalk surface is rougher, the wind was blowing and it was raining.

After I finished snapping pictures of their reflections, this group of tourists seemed a little confused. I just smiled and went on my way. :-)

 Have a great weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Le Boulevard Saint-Germain (Weekend Reflections # 206)

Paris, France

A little slice of Paris in a puddle for your viewing pleasure. :-)

I wish everyone a very good weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Friday, August 30, 2013

Beware of Falling Snow and Clicking Cameras (Weekend Reflections # 205)

Vienna, Austria

This is my wife Vicki trying her best to get out of my photo.
She didn't realize that she was the star of the picture. :-)

Have a great weekend!

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.

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Friday, August 23, 2013

L'Opéra Garnier (Weekend Reflections # 204)

Paris, France                                               (Palais Garnier - Opéra national de Paris)


Looking at the front of the Palais Garnier/the old Paris Opera House, you will see two gilded bronze statues by Charles Alphonse Gumery, L'Harmonie on the left, and La Poesie (Poetry) on the right.

 Last week's reflection was L'Harmonie so this week we have La Poesie on the right side of this photo and reflected in the window on the left.

Congratulations to Malyss for being the first to share the name of the building and the place of the statue! 

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link below the header for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, August 16, 2013

L'Harmonie dans une flaque d'eau (Weekend Reflections # 203)

Paris, France    English title: (Harmony in a puddle of water)

This is a reflection of the top corner of a very famous building in Paris. If you've been to Paris you have probably seen this building. Look closely at this (upside-down) reflection and see if you know the building. When you figure out the name of the building and the name of the golden statue the title of this post will make sense. :-)

 I'll post the names of the building and statue next week.

I hope have a great weekend!!!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, August 9, 2013

Paris Façade (Weekend Reflections # 202)

Paris, France    (Rue Saint-Roch)

A Paris façade reflected in a window across the street. If you look closely you can see the old wooden beams inside of the building blending with the reflection. 
If you look even closer and use your imagination you might see fellow blogger and Paris lover Virginia Jones looking out of one of the windows.  Remember, you have to use lots of imagination. ;-)

Bon Week-end!
Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, August 2, 2013

Parfumerie J.B. Filz (Weekend Reflections # 201)

Vienna, Austria

The doorway was made of mirrors, sort of like a giant reflective horseshoe, so I was too busy taking pictures to go inside.  ;-)

I hope you all are having good summer or winter depending where you are.

Ich wünsche euch ein schönes wochenende!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!  



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Friday, July 26, 2013

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall (Weekend Reflections # 200)

Prague, Czech Republic

The normal people were looking at a panoramic view of Prague while your friendly neighborhood reflection addict was taking a picture of a street mirror.  :-)

Mít dobrý víkend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Le Reflet de la Mort (Weekend Reflections # 199)

Paris, France   (Stravinsky Fountain) The fountain had only a little water but lots of reflections.

"The Stravinsky Fountain is a shallow basin of 580 square meters located in Place Stravinsky, between the Centre Pompidou and the Church of  Saint-Merri. Within the basin are sixteen works of sculpture inspired by Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring, and his other major works. The black mechanical pieces of sculpture are by Jean Tinguely, the colored works by Niki de Saint Phalle."

Have a great weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Bleu, Blanc et Rouge (Weekend Reflections # 198)

Paris, France

The French tricolor flag flying high and low (in the puddle reflection) in Paris.

Have a good weekend and bon 14 Juillet à tous!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Pulloveria (Weekend Reflections # 197)

Vienna, Austria

I take thousands of pictures when I travel and usually I remember taking them even years later, but I don't remember taking this one. It took some time for me to read the upside-down/backwards sign but after a little research I discovered it's a clothing shop sign in Vienna. (Pulloveria)

I hope you all had a nice week (Canada Day July 1st and Independence Day July 4th)!

Have a great weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Towering Reflection (Weekend Reflections # 196)

Siena, Italy

This is a reflection in a glass door of a shoe store. The main reflection is the Mangia Tower(Torre del Mangia) but if you look at the bottom right side of the photo you will see a woman reflected in a mirror inside of the shop. Oh, and that's me with my camera to the right of the woman.

Have a great weekend and a Happy 4th of July!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, June 21, 2013

La Lumière de Victoire! (Weekend Reflections # 195)

Budapest, Hungary   (The lamp above his head is the reflection, it seemed to be in the perfect place.)

I saw this poster of  Teddy Riner through a window in Budapest. Big Teddy is a Frenchman and the 2012 Olympic heavyweight judo gold medal winner. Two months after I took this photo, Teddy won another gold medal at the 2013 European Judo Championship in Budapest. 

I called him Big Teddy because his height and weight are 2.4m (6ft 8in and 131 kg (290 lb)!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Vienna Double Take (Weekend Reflections # 194)

Vienna, Austria

It's been hot here in Texas and it's going to get even hotter in the months to come, so I'm posting this winter picture. Ahhhh, I feel cooler already. :-)

I hope you have a great weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Église de la Sainte-Trinité (Weekend Reflections #193)

Paris, France    (Église de la Sainte-Trinité/Church of the Holy Trinity reflected in a window) "The Église de la Sainte-Trinité is a Roman Catholic church located in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, France. The church is a building of the Second Empire period, built between 1861 and 1867 at a cost of almost 5 million francs." -wikipedia

I think the mannequin was enjoying the view almost as much as I was.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, May 31, 2013

Pause-Café (Weekend Reflections # 192)

Paris, France 

What can you do if your morning isn't going so well? You may have different ideas, but for me, everything seems better after the first cup of coffee.

Bon week-end!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, May 24, 2013

London (Weekend Reflections # 191)

London, England

The double decker bus and black cabs tell us it's London, but it must be a reflection because they are driving on the wrong err.. I mean right side of the street. ;-) A bonus reflection is the man on the bicycle reflected on the side of the bus.

Have a nice Memorial Day Weekend!
Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Premières Gouttes de Pluie (Weekend Reflections # 190)

Paris, France (Rue du Renard)
This is a reflection in a restaurant window. I was able to capture the reaction of the couple as the first drops of rain began to fall. Incidentally here's the translation for the title of this post (First Drops of Rain). After I took this picture I noticed that the people inside of the restaurant thought I was taking pictures of them. :-)

 Have a nice weekend./Bon week-end à tous.

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections! 

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Friday, May 10, 2013

A Modern World (Weekend Reflections # 189)

London, England (Millennium Bridge)

This week's reflection is on glass at the end of The Millennium Bridge. I was facing The Tate Modern Art Museum and Saint Paul's Cathedral was behind me.

Have a great weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, May 3, 2013

Vraies Jumelles?/Twins? (Weekend Reflections # 188)

Paris, France (Pont Neuf)

I was walking behind the statue of Henry IV on a bridge called Pont Neuf when I turned around and captured this shot. She didn't even notice because I was so fast. :-) I don't remember what type of material the reflection is on but I think it is a sign or plaque. 

Keep finding those great reflections! :-)

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Lunettes de Ski (Weekend Reflections # 187)

Paris, France

Paris reflections in a pair of ski goggles. I think I saw these ski goggles in a shop window on Île Saint-Louis. 

Thanks for participating and have a great weekend! :-)

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Schönbrunn Winter (Weekend Reflections # 186)

Vienna, Austria (Schönbrunn Palace)

The area around The Schönbrunn Palace is full of trees, walking paths and surprisingly even a few reflections.

Have a great weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, April 12, 2013

Reflected French Waiters (Weekend Reflections # 185)

Paris, France  (Cours du Commerce Saint André)

The two chatting waiters and the chalkboard were behind me but I captured their reflections in the window in front of me. For those who can't read backwards and/or French the chalkboard says Brunch every Sunday, Happy Hour is at 6pm and you can watch the six nations rugby tournament.

Bon Week-end!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, April 5, 2013

Follow The Yellow Brick Road (Weekend Reflections # 184)

London, England  (St. Paul's Cathedral reflected on One New Change Centre)

My apologies to Sir Christopher Wren and L. Frank Baum . :-)

Have a great weekend everybody!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter (Weekend Reflections # 183)

Budapest, Hungary (Inner City Parish Church)

Q: What do you do when a wall is blocking part of your photo opportunity? A: Improvise. ;-)

Wishing all of you a blessed Good Friday and a happy Easter!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Opening The Reflections Shop (Weekend Reflections # 182)

Budapest, Hungary

She wants to go in and her reflection wants to go out and I want to go back to Budapest.

I hope all of you have a wonderful spring weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, March 15, 2013

At The Louvre (Weekend Reflections # 181)

Paris, France (A reflection in one of the smaller pyramids.)

I'm back from a long and wonderful trip! I went to London, Prague, Vienna, Budapest and Paris and Versailles where I had the pleasure of meeting a blogger friend called Cieldequimper. I'll do a post on my other blog about that at a later date.
I took lots of pictures and probably too many of them are of reflections but hey that's what I do.

Thank you all very much for the nice comments. I read everyone one of them and they really mean a lot to me.

I hope you don't mind a little bragging. While I was gone one of my reflections was published in Dallas Modern Luxury Magazine! In fact my photo is the two page centerfold! :-) Click HERE to see the online version.

I'll be posting more photos from the trip here and at my Something Sighted blog for a long time.

Have a great weekend!

 Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Coming Home (Weekend Reflections # 180)

Dallas, Texas (Everything but the blinds are reflections)

This window had white horizontal blinds that you can still see if you look at the bottom left corner and then move up slowly. Thankfully the blinds didn't hide the reflections.

My vacation ends this weekend and I'll be back to my normal routine by next weekend.

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, March 1, 2013

Enjoy Yourself (Weekend Reflections # 179)

Denton, Texas

 When I saw this snowman I thought of an old song called Enjoy Yourself (it's later than you think, enjoy yourself while you're still in the pink, the years go by as quickly as you wink....). 

I wonder if the snowman knows that winter is almost over?

I'm away on vacation until mid March but Weekend Reflections is still scheduled in my absence.

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Upside Down and Backward (Weekend Reflections # 178)

Florence, Italy (Dec. 2011)

Do you recognize the designer label reflection? This is a brand that is way out of my price range. We'd rather travel than wear fancy labels. :-)

I'm away on vacation until mid March but Weekend Reflections is still scheduled in my absence.

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, February 15, 2013

DART (Weekend Reflections # 177)

Dallas, Texas ( A reflection on the side of a DART Train)

DART = Dallas Area Rapid Transit.

I'm away on vacation until mid March but Weekend Reflections is still scheduled in my absence.

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, February 8, 2013

The Wishing Well (Weekend Reflections # 176)

Los Angeles, California (Olvera Street)

This is what I found reflected in a wishing well and I didn't even have to toss in a coin. :-)
I flipped this reflection upside down so the crucifix would be right side up. If you look closely you can see the $24.95 price tag.

Starting next weekend I'll be away for about a month but I prescheduled Weekend Reflections so please continue to share your reflections while I'm gone. I'll be in  faraway places looking for interesting reflections.

Have a good weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, February 1, 2013

Candles in the Rain (Weekend Reflections # 175)

Paris, France

Paris + night + rain + reflections + my camera,  these five things = a good time for me.

Unfortunately I only have three out of the five this weekend but I'll try to make the most of them. :-)

Have a great weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Giotto's Campanile (Weekend Reflections # 174)

Florence, Italy  (Giotto's Campanile)

This is a reflection of the bell tower at the Florence Duomo (Cathedral).  The reflection is in the window of an ambulance. Last April I posted a reflection of the dome of the cathedral reflected in an ambulance that was parked next to this one. See it HERE.

I hope the ambulance drivers had good windshield wipers! :-)

Thanks for sharing your reflections and please have a wonderful weekend!

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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