Friday, February 26, 2016

A Rocky Reflection (Weekend Reflections # 335)

                                                                   The Barnes Foundation
 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania           

No, not that "Rocky" although I did walk past his statue shortly after I took this picture. :-) 
I had to laugh when a man who was also taking pictures said to me, "You should get a UV filter for your lens so you won't have to worry about all of these reflections." :-)

Happy Reflecting!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.  


This linky list is now closed.


Anonymous said...

Oho, what is not always seen everything when taking pictures.
The building reflected so beautifully reflected in water.


Happy Reflecting

NatureFootstep said...

gorgeous! Completely still water surface :)

Alexa said...

Ha ha! Did you tell that guy about your wonderful meme?

Adrienne said...

I love this! It was soooo cool, cause as soon as your page loaded, I saw the top 2/3 of the pic, without the captions, and knew immediately where you were! I love that museum...I don't know if you know it's history, but the Barnes collection used to reside in his residence that wasn't far from where I grew up. I visited the collection several times when I was younger, and absolutely LOVED getting to see it all in this new home soon after it opened. Great shot, as usual...and so funny that you got such a "helpful" comment!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Love the textures! The surface of the pool was like glass. If that guy had talked you into the filter several years ago your life would certainly now be less interesting!

Cranberry Morning said...

Ha! If only he had known. Great rocky tree!

nicol2carm said...

Very clear and beautiful reflections!

GreenComotion said...

Tree of pebbles - beautifully created!
Have a Great Weekend, James!!
Peace :)

Nonnie said...

If he only knew how much we love reflections! And from all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Funny, how passersby comment when you are photographing and it's mostly out of left field! Love that the reflection makes the tree a giant!

Jim said...

I like this shot a lot.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

We are quite the reflective group! Love the color and shape contrasts in this shot, James.


Anonymous said...

great reflection...
and too funny about the other photographer's comment....if only he knew!!

Jackie McGuinness said...

That remark is too funny! I love this reflection. I now have my husband trained to take reflection pictures.

Pat Tillett said...

Really nice photo James! Not only a great reflection, all the stones at the bottom of the pond also really came out great.

Anonymous said...

Thats a beautiful reflection shot!


Gayle said...

Living on the edge of a moraine; I love pebbles.
Still chuckling over the photographer's remark. At least he was trying to be helpful and not shooing you away.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

OMG, James..this is absolutely...THE BEST!...:)JP

isabella kramer - veredit said...

So very well seen! Love your angle.

Halcyon said...

Another beautiful reflection.

Pat said...

Ha! I think he meant a polarizer..... ;) Love the clear, clear reflection.

Melissa said...

Funny how we each have our own image in mind! This one is really nicely composed.

s.c said...

Great one again James.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful reflection captured here James, like Pat I love that the pebbles emerge clearly in the forefront of the shot. Must admit I've never offered advice to fellow stranger photographers, I always think that they're probably taking better shots than me anyway :) said...

Wonderfully captured. Have a great Sunday.

Linda said...

Funny that he didn't get it!

NCSue said...

Hope you'll come share at

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi James Laptop is now back. Boy did I miss it. This reflection shot of the tree in fabulous. A stone tree now.

Liz said...

That's a great reflection, James!!

Dina said...

Oh this is fascinating to look at, for a long time!