Friday, September 2, 2016

Trees Reflected (Weekend Reflections # 362)

Newtown, Pennsylvnia

Reflections of trees that shed their leaves on a breezy day. 
I took this shot awhile ago but I think I noticed the leaves under the water before I noticed the tree reflections.

It's September and that means my favorite season will soon be here! :-)

Have a great weekend!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.

This linky list is now closed.


Adrienne said...

Haha - I'm flashing back to summer, and you're flashing forward! I like that is seems the worst of the heat is over, but I'm not sure I'm ready for full on fall yet! This shot helps me get in that foliage mood! Enjoy your long weekend!

Anonymous said...

cool reflection..but what I really like about this photo is the lighting that reveals the leaves in the foreground.

stardust said...

Hello! I desperately wait for autumn. I’m really tired of the heat wave of this summer with the highest 38 degrees C. This photo shows the changing seasons with the reflection of green tree and floating fallen leaves.


Christine said...

I love the illumination of the submerged leaves! Beautiful reflection also!

Anonymous said...

Hello James,
Water is such a wonderful reflection means, I like that a lot and September also, ever fall for me that is the most beautiful season.
Wonderful Get the picture is done.

I wish you a wonderful weekend.
Greeting Eva

merlecolibri said...

des multireflets avec la belle lumière automnale !
bon weekend *

NatureFootstep said...

clear enough to see the leafs are going down already.

Gayle said...

You've captured so many wonderful facets in this photo.

Melissa said...

Nice! Great reflection, plus I really like the trees shadows in the foreground!

Electra said...

Your photo this week is spectacular!!

Anonymous said...

Like this romantic reflection how the light green leads to the reddish leaves in the foreground! Have a great weekend, James.

verfuchstundzugenäht said...

I like September too!

Alexa said...

Beautiful, James! I just came back from a place where it snowed on August 28, so September here feels just right.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Just here enjoying the posts on reflections. New here, but will be back to enjoy and maybe link if I get a good picture to post.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Abeautiful blue sky and great reflection shot. Many thanks for hosting James. Have a good weekend.

Linda said...

What a gorgeous photo, James! The reflections are amazing!

orvokki said...

This is so strong and lovely reflection. I like the blue water, so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Très jolie cette transparence sur les feuilles ! moi mes saisons préférées sont l'été et le printemps. Les couleurs sont très belles en automne, mais il y a moins de luminosité, et nous partons vers l'hiver.
bon week-end.


Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Really wonderful, James. I wish you a nice weekend too.
Best, Synnöve

Nonnie said...

I think maybe the leaves' colors caught your eye, at least it did for me. Such a lovely and serene setting!

Linda said...

Such clear water! Lovely peaceful scene.

Halcyon said...

Another gorgeous reflection! But I don't expect anything less from you.

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful picture !