Friday, October 14, 2016

Palm Tree reflections (Weekend Reflections # 368)

Newport Beach, California

I was walking around Fashion Island shopping center when I saw these palm trees reflected in a store window.  I didn't have my regular camera with me, but thankfully my phone has a camera. :-)

Happy Reflecting !

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.

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Anonymous said...

Hello James,
What a wonderful reflection, I am quite enthusiastic and also with the mobile phone is you so beautifully succeeded.

Have a nice weekend
LG Eva

Adrienne said...

Ah, yes. Thankful for those phone cameras! I love the chandelier/palm tree combo - very festive!

NatureFootstep said...

love your palmtree reflection. Wonderful!
Thanks for hosting and sharing.

merlecolibri said...

majesté des grands palmiers et des lustres ! belle image !

Gayle said...

Your phone did well for you. They are getting better and better. And I love the reflection.

Alexa said...

A pretty good camera too! Almost looks like the chandeliers are hanging from the palm trees.

Christine said...

Love this high fashion reflection!

Taken For Granted said...

Palm trees always look so elegant, and especially so in your reflection. Thank you for your comment on my post today. Interesting that so many American Main Streets in small towns look similar.

Brian King said...

Fantastic reflection!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well spotted James, love the chandeliers :)

martinealison said...


Très belle capture photographique !... L'instant magique a opéré ! Bravo !

Gros bisous

Melissa said...

Oh nice! It's got a nice inverse balance. Very m.c.escher. said...

Great reflection! The lamps seem to hang down from the palmtrees!

Anonymous said...

That's a fun reflection from ritzi Fashion island. Hope you had a good time in Southern Cal.! Thanks for hosting James:)

Anonymous said...

cool reflection...I love the contrast of the palm trees with the cool store interior(especially the wooden beams!)

Dina said...

Beautiful, the hanging chandelier among the towering palms!

Anonymous said...

James,you always give us great or not!...:)JP

Electra said...

This is a delightful reflection James! Thanks for being here each weekend!

Linda said...

Cool shot! I am getting a new cell phone and the camera may be better than my Canon.

biebkriebels said...

Perfect reflection, thanks to the cell phone times! said...

Palmtrees growing out of chandeliers - delightful.

s.c said...

Great reflection and it is that you told us but I don't see any difference.

Fun60 said...

I still think it is more to do with the photographer that the equipment. Another great reflection.

Ruth Kelly said...

Wow, very clever.

Anonymous said...

I liked to see these palm trees ! nice shot !


Nonnie said...

stunning reflective encounter of a chandelier with the majestic palm trees! thank you for hosting this marvelous meme

Linda said...

Beautiful photo!