Friday, January 6, 2017

Un Petit Baiser (Weekend Reflections # 380)

Paris, France

A little kiss and a big reflection in Paris.

Happy Reflecting!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.

This linky list is now closed.


marsha said...

What perfect positioning for that puddle. And a great discovery for you in spotting it!!

Alexa said...

Love this, James! You are truly the master of the puddle reflection.

Christine said...

So sweet & a triumphal reflection!

NatureFootstep said...

this was a different reflection. Love it! Cool to see things in a new perspective.

Adrienne said...

If you're gonna stop for a little kiss, that's the place to do it!! Though those cars always scared me!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you James! L'Arc de Triumph - I'll never forget that rotund with the crazy traffic:) A fitting symbol for the New Year.

Valerie said...

Oooh - I like! Wonderful capture James. Is that your tripod on the pavement? Wishing you and yours a healthy, safe and joy-filled year and many thanks again for your hosting of this meme and glorious supply of entertaining reflections.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A romantic moment in a busy location.. you have the best timing James :)

Haddock said...

Perfect catch. Is that a tripod there?

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Amazing reflection JAmes. MAny thanks for linking me in when I was away in MAlawi and also for hosting this meme. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU and I hope 2027 will be a very healthy year for you also.

biebkriebels said...

Great reflection James!

s.c said...

When I see this reflection I think about a puddle of oil with half a cranks shaft bearing in it. Looks very good.

orvokki said...

This is beautiful reflection. said...

Phantastic, you always find so interestings puddle reflections!

merlecolibri said...

clin d'oeil à l'image de Doisneau de 1950 ;)

Molly said...

Oh this is such a perfectly wonderful image


McdsM said...

Ah quand l'Amour Triomphe !
Belle nouvelle année !

Sophie said...

Super joli ! Mais ils auraient pu se mettre dans le reflet, quand même ! :)