Friday, April 7, 2017

Altare della Patria/Altar of the Fatherland (Weekend Reflections # 393)

Rome, Italy

This is the National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II reflected in a puddle. I flipped the reflection upside down because I think it looks better and I didn't want Victor Emmanuel to fall off of his horse. :-)

You can click HERE for more information about this monument.

Have a great weekend!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.

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Taken For Granted said...

Your reflection is so clear and your flipping the image threw me off until I read your comment. It is a strong reflection.

Anonymous said...

cool...and glad we don't have to worry about him falling off his horse!! said...

Phantastic reflection, so clear and detailed. Also the illuminated monument is very impressive.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, I like your comment on the image. :)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

"It was a dark and (NOT) windy night..." or so the story goes.

Anonymous said...

Excellente réflection dans cette flaque d'eau.
have a nice weekend!


Gentle Joy said...

Interesting reflection.... and presentation. :) Thank you for hosting.

Anonymous said...

Smile, yeah that would be a problem you would have to explain, how he VE could ride a horse, being on the bottom! Thanks for hosting:)

Jim said...

Made me laugh. :)

Alexa said...

Another awesome puddle reflection. Molto bene, James!

Valerie said...

A wonderful reflection James, of an impressive piece of architecture - it's been some 45 years since I visited Rome and experienced this monument "in the flesh" and the image is still firmly planted in my memory. Thank you for enabling me to "revisit" - and for hosting! Wishing you a marvellous weekend.

namaki said...

Wow ! You would never believe this is a reflection !

biebkriebels said...

It is hardly to see it is a reflection!

Klara S said...

Looks really clear! I like reflections like that. The water in the puddle must have been calm :-)

Elizabeth at Eiffel Tells said...

Incredible clarity.