Friday, July 7, 2017

Palazzo Vecchio (Weekend Reflections # 406)

Florence, Italy

I was about to re-enter the Uffizi Gallery  from the rooftop terrace when I noticed this partial reflection of the Palazzo Vecchio. The couple seemed amused that I was taking their picture. I'm sure they didn't realize that I am reflection addicted and they were engulfed in a reflection. :-)

Happy Reflecting!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.

This linky list is now closed.


Anonymous said...

Dear James,
What a wonderful picture.
Many years ago I was in Tuscany and visited Florence.

Palazzo Veccio wonderful.

Dear greetings Eva

Melissa said...

Wow, what a complex reflection image! So many layers!

Debbie at Travel with Intent said...

Excellent! They probably thought they'd been mistaken for VIPS.

Jeanna said...

I'm sure they didn't but you have a great eye.

Anonymous said...

Great reflection...I still haven't figured out the layers yet!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nicely put together, though I am left a bit puzzled by the line of demarcation, as the palm leaf extends above it and there seems to be a high ceiling above it. It must be a complex rather than simple reflection.

NatureFootstep said...

I almost wish the couple culd see the image you took. It is great :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Great refelctions shot. Thanksfor hosting. Have a lovely weekend

Alexa said...

Love this, James! Apparently I should have been on the lookout for reflections when I was here in May.

Anonymous said...

So this is what we missed - Lucca where we stayed is only an hour from Firenze, and my niece who had worked there told me it was beautiful there. Excellent reflection, as always, James! Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

Jackie McGuinness said...

I have my husband totally conditioned to look out for reflections!

Klara said...

cool layered image.

Gentle Joy said...

Great reflection, as always.... although it is also a bit confusing to figure out what is the actual reflection and what is real. :) Thank you for hosting the party.. always a joy to come.

Valerie said...

Great capture James - Firenze is indeed a captivating part of our world.
I can totally relate to the obsession with reflections which often causes mirth! Thank you for hosting this fun blog and a happy weekend to you and yours.

Klara S said...

It looks like collage! Wonderful. Thank you for hosting.

jahreszeitenbriefe said...

What an amazing reflection. And Florence..., what a fine old city, I love it... Have a good weekend Ghislana

biebkriebels said...

Funny photo!

merlecolibri said...

superbe ! un endroit à visiter et ce reflet est bien sympathique !