Friday, December 25, 2020

Oh Christmas Trees ? (Weekend Reflections # 587)


Newport Beach, California

It's been a strange year, so why not a reflection of a strange "Christmas tree." It's actually a tube with colored lights made in the shape of a Christmas tree. I see them a lot, but this one caught my eye because at first I thought there were two, one inside and one outside. Turns out that there was just one, and the inside one was a reflection.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Friday, December 18, 2020

Rialto Bridge Enter Here (Weekend Reflections # 586)


Venice, Italy

As you can probably tell, this is reflected on a glass door. It's the Rialto Bridge in Venice, Italy.  This bridge was built between 1588 and 1591 and crosses the Grand Canal.  The push sign made me think how wonderful it would be to only have to push a glass door and be transported to Venice. 😄

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, December 11, 2020

Palazzo Pamphili (Weekend Reflections # 585)


Rome, Italy

One evening while walking through the Piazza Navona I noticed one of the windows of the Pamphili Palace was reflecting in a puddle. This photo doesn't do it justice; the painted ceiling is spectacular!

Click HERE for more info about The Palazzo Pamphili.

Happy Reflecting!

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Friday, December 4, 2020

Triumphal Arch "Arcone" (Weekend Reflections # 584)


Florence, Italy

This arch can be found in The Piazza della Repubblica in Florence, Italy. I think this was reflected in a clothing store window. Looks like they had a clothesline display at the time. 

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, November 27, 2020

Gnafron et la lumière dans la nuit (Weekend Reflections # 583)

Lyon, France

You might recognize the lamp and the building because they are reflected in the same window as last week. I took the photos at different angles. For more perspective you can see a little bit of the statue from last week in the top left corner of this reflection.  The man with the hat is a famous puppet named Gnafron.

Happy reflecting

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Friday, November 20, 2020

Merci Marie (Weekend Reflections # 582)


Lyon, France

This reflection of an illuminated statue of Mary really stood out in the darkness. The lamps are also reflections. On a prior trip to Lyon I saw a huge lighted sign on the side of a hill that said,"Merci Marie." (Thank you, Mary)

Happy reflecting!

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Friday, November 13, 2020

The Lion of Lyon (Weekend Reflections # 581)

Lyon, France

A lion banner behind a window and a reflection of a building in Vieux Lyon.

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, November 6, 2020

56 Rue Saint-Louis en l'Île (Weekend Reflections # 580)


Paris, France

Still on Île Saint-Louis
I was trying to do some street photography, and I lucked out with a reflection, actually more than one if you count the one on top of the car. Speaking of the white car, it's also part of the reflection from last week.

Happy reflecting!

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Friday, October 30, 2020

Île Saint-Louis (Weekend Reflections # 579)


Paris, France

When I saw this mirror attached to a wall I wasn't sure I could capture a reflection because it was dirty and covered with graffiti. I had to get the camera very close to the mirror to avoid the distracting elements.  However, it worked out pretty well because almost everything here is a reflection. The white and yellowish green above the man is some of the graffiti that couldn't be avoided. I think the man was trying to figure out what I was doing.😀

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Galerie de Montpensier (Weekend Reflections # 578)


Paris, France

Reflections of a hanging lamp and a woman walking in Le Jardin du Palais Royal. 

Palais Royal will always have special place in my heart. It's where I stayed on my first several trips to Paris. I used to be able to open the apartment door and step out onto the covered walkway inside of the gates of Palais Royal. The other door opened to Rue de Montpensier. I used to use that door when I wanted to walk to the local boulangerie patisserie, "Au Grand Richelieu." They had the most delicious pain au chocolat and I was always greeted with a warm smile from the proprietor Claude and his cat.😀 

Claude couldn't speak English and I couldn't speak French (except for bonjour, s'il vous plait and merci), but it never made a difference. The Boulangerie Patisserie Au Grand Richelieu was over 200 years old, but sadly, it closed its doors forever several years ago. Another place that I have fond memories of was a little restaurant on Rue Thérèse called Chez Stella. Stella ran the place and interacted with guests like it was her home and not a restaurant. Sadly, that is gone too. Thank God for memories.

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, October 16, 2020

Trop. C'est à Peine Assez (Weekend Reflections # 577)

Paris, France

I wonder if these guys realize that they have a guest at their table. A guest that seems to be wearing too much eyeshadow.  But as the reflected words say,  "Trop c'est à peine assez" = "Too much is hardly enough."

Happy Reflecting 

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Friday, October 9, 2020

Le Connétable (Weekend Reflections # 576)

 Paris, France

There are a few reflections here. Can you see both places where the lamp is reflected?

Maurice Fanon - L'écharpe

Have a great weekend!                                

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Friday, October 2, 2020

Evening in Vatican City (Weekend Reflections # 575)


Vatican City

This was a good place for a puddle even though I didn't manage to capture all of St. Peter's Basilica.

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, September 25, 2020

Palazzo Doria Pamphilj (Weekend Reflections # 574)


Rome, Italy

I found this reflection inside of the  Doria Pamphilj Gallery in Rome. I don't mind walking around in the rain, but I must admit this was an interesting and dry couple of hours. 

Weekend Reflections is 11 years old. Wow! 

In 2009 I never imagined that it would still be around in 2020. Thanks for your wonderful contributions and comments over the years. 😀💖

Happy reflecting!

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Friday, September 18, 2020

How Much is That Reflection in the Window (Weekend Reflections # 573)

         Florence, Italy 

I can't tell if that's supposed to be a dog or a polar bear. In either case it's reflected in the window and the man's coat.
Any old timers out there remember the song, "How Much is That Doggie in the Window" ? It was popular before I was born. 😀

I took this shot from inside of a Pylones shop in 2019.

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, September 11, 2020

Into the Sunset (Weekend Reflections # 572)


Newport Beach, California

The sun reflected on the water.

When my wife and I walk around Balboa Island it's always nice to be at this spot as the sun is setting. Sometimes we have to pick up the pace to get there in time. It's always very beautiful but I wouldn't mind trading places with the guy in the canoe.

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Friday, September 4, 2020

St. James (Weekend Reflections # 571)


Lyon, France

Sometimes I feel like being holier than thou. Just kidding. I didn't even notice the St. James sign behind me until I got home and looked at the picture. 😀

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, August 28, 2020

Travaux Publics (Weekend Reflections # 570)


Lyon, France

This is a reflection in a window along le quai Saint-Vincent. Everything in this photo is a reflection.  I made sure by looking at the white sign at the end of the bridge (right side) that reads  "La Saône passerelle", and sure enough, it's backwards. 😀

Happy reflecting!

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Friday, August 21, 2020

Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse (Weekend Reflections # 569)

   Lyon, France

The mural of the late great chef Paul Bocuse (1926 - 2018) watches over the food hall that bears his name.  I'm not a foodie, but I really enjoyed Les Halles de Lyon both times I visited the city.

Happy reflecting!

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Friday, August 14, 2020

Framed (Weekend Reflections # 568)

Lyon, France

I wanted to buy this framed reflection but the reflection changed every time I moved. So I took a picture instead.  The framed reflection was a really just a mirror.😀

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, August 7, 2020

Yveline Antiques (Weekend Reflections # 567)

Paris, France

Unfortunately this wonderful shop was closed, but that didn't stop kwarkito and me from finding reflections. Plus, there were plenty of interesting things to see from outside, like this chandelier.  

"In 1954, in Saint-Germain des Prés, Yveline opened her gallery on Place Furstemberg. For decades, she brought together furniture and objects, paintings and curiosities that came to life in a poetic and wonderful world. Today Agathe, Yveline's granddaughter continues this story, steeped in the magical and refined world of her Grandmother. This very special place continues to seduce over time, artists and writers, theater and cinema people, passers-by from the neighborhood and from around the world ..."

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Friday, July 31, 2020

Clouds and Palm Trees (Weekend Reflections # 566)

Irvine, California

Two of the "clouds" aren't real and they aren't reflections. The fake clouds and the white lamps were hanging from the ceiling inside of the shop.    

Have a great weekend!😊 

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Friday, July 24, 2020

Parallel Worlds (Weekend Reflections # 565)

Newport Beach, California

Buildings and trees reflected in a koi pond at Fashion Island shopping center.

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, July 17, 2020

Théâtre Bellecour (Weekend Reflections # 564)

Lyon, France

I just realized that this is the top of the building from Weekend Reflections # 561 (click here).
The building was designed by  Émile Guimet and Jules Chatron and inaugurated in 1879. It later was an office for the newspaper Le Progrès, and in 1985 it became an FNAC store (Fédération Nationale d’Achats des Cadres).

Happy reflecting!

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Friday, July 10, 2020

La Grande Roue de Lyon (Weekend Reflections # 563)

Lyon, France

A reflection of the big ferris wheel in Place Bellecour. It's reflected on the side of the tourist information office.

The Grande Roue is impressive during the day and even more so at night, but during la Fête des Lumières it's amazing. I was fortunate to see la Fête des Lumières in 2016.

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Friday, June 26, 2020

Busy reflection (Weekend Reflections # 561)

Lyon, France

This is a reflection in a window of one of the shops on Rue de la République. The pedestrian street wasn't very busy but the pattern of the security gate behind the glass makes this reflection a little busy.

Happy reflecting!

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Friday, June 19, 2020

Divas (Weekend Reflections # 560)

Paris, France

A reflection near the metro station Arts et Métiers. I think the reflection was on an acrylic casing that covers a metro map.

Happy Father's Day!

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Friday, June 5, 2020

La Fontaine Molière (Weekend Reflections # 558)

Paris, France

The fountain is between rue Molière and rue de Richelieu in la place Mireille. This was reflected in a window on rue de Richelieu.

Happy Reflecting

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Friday, May 29, 2020

Balboa Island Museum (Weekend Reflections # 557)

Newport Beach, California

A rare local reflection after a rare rain storm.  :-)  Taken January 2020

If I would have lain flat on the ground or if my knees and back were younger, I probably could have captured more of this building reflected in a puddle between parked cars. But I was able to get the top of the building with the signage. 

Balboa Island Museum

Happy reflecting!

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Friday, May 22, 2020

Guignol, Gnafron and a Statue (Weekend Reflections # 556)

Lyon, France

This is the sign for La Maison de Guignol a marionnette theater at Place de la Trinité along with the illuminated statue of Peter or maybe Joseph. The two names in the title are the two characters on the theater sign. Everything in this picture is a reflection.

Memorial Day Weekend 2020

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Friday, May 15, 2020

Reflet d'Or (Weekend Reflections # 555)

Lyon, France

A shop window near Place Bellecour. I should have had a little more patience and tried to capture the entire reflection of the golden head, but as I often do, I made a mental note to come back...but never did. 

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, May 8, 2020

A Heart for Lyon (Weekend Reflections # 554)

Lyon, France

On this evening I was meandering through Passage de l'Argue looking for an interesting reflection. I heard a group of young people talking behind me, and at the same time I noticed this reflection of a multi-colored heart. As I was trying to figure out a good angle to capture it, the group passed me and gathered right in the shot. I was annoyed and I remember thinking some not so nice thoughts. I took this shot while I waited, hoping they would leave. Then I heard what they were saying. They were taking care of an old homeless man who was taking shelter in the covered passage. Their concern and offers of help sounded genuine and loving, and I felt ashamed for being so self-centered. It was good to see compassionate youth.

Happy Mother's Day

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