Friday, December 13, 2024

Vive le Vent (Weekend Street/Reflections # 203)

 Dijon, France

There was only a slight breeze when I took this picture, but it reminded me of something that happened a long time ago. On a very windy day when I was 4 or 5 years old my mother took me to see Santa Claus at Fashion Island (a local shopping mall). Afterward, as we walked to the car, a gust of wind knocked a huge Christmas ball off the side of a building and it started rolling quickly toward us. We were holding hands but I broke free and ran and hid behind a parked car. My mother wasn't so lucky. I watched as the ball chased her through the parking lot. She was very upset but thankfully uninjured. Strangely it didn't scare me at the time and afterward I thought it was funny. It took my mother a lot more time to find the humor in it. 😄

                                     Have a great weekend!

  Link reflections and/or street photography. 

Please no posed pictures, portraits, animals, etc. unless there is a reflection. 

Click here for street photography examples and inspiration.

"Street photography is a genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. The very publicness of the setting enables the photographer to take candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge."

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Amy said...

I like the red Christmas decoration. I can see why your mum was scared, personally I would probably laugh if it happened to me.

merlecolibri said...

jolie déco de noël en lien avec des souvenirs !

Linda said...

Now THAT would’ve made a great photo! LOL

This one’s good too. I like the bright red.

Taken For Granted said...

At your young age the incident with the Christmas ornament should have put your off Christmas ornaments for ever. Good you mother was not injured. Your photo is perfect for the season.

Lydia C. Lee said...

It's a weird thing with kids, they often find serious injury funny (while also being the kids who show concern if you just stub your toe). I think it's some sort of protection mechanism. So I'm not surprised you found it funny if you were little.

Cloudia said...

That is an amazing, true story you have to tell! Wow!