Friday, September 3, 2010

Newtown Reflected (Weekend Reflections # 50)

Hello and Welcome to Weekend Reflections!

I noticed these reflections in a shop window during my walk around the little "main street" area of Newtown on Thursday morning. I saw the reflections of the brick buildings and blue sky in the pitchers on the table then I noticed the bigger reflections of cars and buildings.

"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:
1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Link Weekend Reflections to your post so other will know where to go if they want to join
5)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.
Feel free to be creative.Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!


'Tsuki said...

That is a nice and original picture of reflection, James : I wonder how can be used some of those twisted forks and spoons...

Unknown said...

Cool reflections and window display too.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the reflections in the spoons! Very cool!

Sunny said...

Very cool, James! The reflections of the buildings and sky in the pitchers are really great!
Hope you have a enjoyable Labor Day Weekend.
☼ Sunny

My name is Riet said...

That is a great reflection shot James. Windows are so great for reflections.
Have a nice weekend

Cezar and Léia said...

What I like most is that lovely reflection inside the reflection, so many details here today, it's wonderful James, great shot!
I love this "idea"! FAbulous!

Malyss said...

James, I got a problem: someone has linked under my name , but it's not me! and so I can't write my own address! Help needed!!
(this person used the number 6)

Stickup Artist said...

How nice to have a Main Street lined with old brick buildings, parked cars, (parallel parking is hard if you're not used to it), and quaint shop windows like the one you show here dancing with detail and light. The reflections on the pitchers are awesome. Worlds within worlds within worlds...

Luis Gomez said...

Reflections over reflections! Very nice.

Malyss said...

Me again: I know who made the mistake, if you can, please only take off the wrong address. Thank you and sorry for the wrong alert!:) (It was surprising...)

Gerald (SK14) said...

Such multiple reflections are fascinating.

wenn said...

awesome reflections!

Carletta said...

Wow James, what wonderful depth this has! Layered reflections - nice work.

Jan said...

A cool reflection. It's amazing how much is goin' on in it.

Qwave À la carte said...

Almost Abstract A R T
Me Heart :)

Elisa said...

Very well done!
It´s cool
Best regards from Argentina

P.S. I leave my post in a few minutes

Malyss said...

Me once more :)
Thank you!

I wanted to tell that I like the idea of the "reflection in the reflection" of your picture!On the window, and then on the pots! It makes me think of the movie "Inception" (a dream inside of a dream inside of a dream..)
Great capture!

Rune Eide said...

You have multiple reflections here - almost beyond count.

Sylvia K said...

So many terrific reflections in one shot! I love it! Thanks as always, James, for the weekend fun! Hope you have a great Labor Day weekend!


jabblog said...

This is one of those lovely photos where the more you look the more you see. Fabulous!

Thérèse said...

A forks' bouquet? Why not.
Have a nice weekend!

joco said...

Hiya James,
I've joined your list today.
Am enchanted with the egrets from last week. Thanks for hosting.

Gemma Wiseman said...

The reflection is quite mystical! A beautiful melting of colours!

Regina said...

Hello James. Wow so many reflections!
Beautiful one!
Cheers. Happy Weekend Reflections.
Enjoy your weekend.

R e g i n a

Life Is A Road Trip said...

There's a lot going on in that window! Have a great weekend!

Julie said...

This is like the old adage "Can't see the wood for the trees', James. The more I participate is this beaut meme, the more I see reflections everywhere!! Thank you soooo much for that pleasure ...

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

James, I dearly love the "reflections" of all that post! I agree with Julie in that the more I see the photos the more aware I am of "photographic opportunities" with reflections.

Lovely shot!

teresa said...

I like the double image effect in the reflection. very nice.

cieldequimper said...

You may have noticed that I too love window reflections :-)and this one is superb. The houses reflected in just the right place, a masterpiece!

Joanne said...

Love it! I also love the previous post, really beautiful:)

jeff campbell said...

Great capture James...I love the way it all kind of blends, and the multiple reflections are cool...Peace and blessings

Maude Lynn said...

What a beautifully composed shot!

Anonymous said...

It is totally amazing what we see first and so on when we see something. And then when we see the photo you see even more. This is spectacular my friend. Very well done. And congrats on the USC win last night. We put up a good fight I thought :) Have a wonderful weekend :)

Gine said...

J'aime bien ce reflet ... original !

Sar@h said...

Multiple reflections in the same picture, great art !

Hilda said...

It was the other way around for me. :)

I like the miniature reflections! Very unique bouquets too.

John McDevitt said...

Nice one James...worlds within worlds and lovely colors and shapes.

Dimple said...

There is a lot in this shot, it begs for close observation. Nice!

Eden said...

Great reflection shot, James. Love it.

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Beautiful and complex reflection, James! I love that there is so much going on there.

Eleonora xx

(word veri: pesto !!)

Katney said...

My first thought, before reading your text, was "Are you inside or outside?"

ruma said...

The reflection is very gentle.

It seems to float forth quietly from the depths of the window...


Lew said...

The big cities provide some grand reflections, but the small towns also have some interesting reflections. The miniature reflection within the big reflection is delightful! said...

This is amazing James! You really do have an eye for spotting the most interesting reflections.

Unknown said...

That's a cool picture! The window must be very nice and sparkling clean to make such a clear reflection.

Sara Chapman said...

That is some complex set of reflections. And the egret below is magnificent.

Ingrid said...

Nice reflections ! I also have household things, lol !

Rinkly Rimes said...

What a superb conglomeration of reflections! With the smaller one very much the focal point.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi James, mi piace molto la foto che hai postato...
Buona giornata.

Reader Wil said...

Great reflection! Have a nice weekend!

Dina said...

That's so cool. Love it.

Unknown said...

That's an interesting window!

Elaine Yim said...

Very creative indeed!

Verna Luga said...

very pretty ... love that building reflected on the pot ...

penny said...

James this is a great shot of the window and reflection of the opposite side of the street buildings.
Well done as always.
Have a lovely holiday weekend.

Kaori said...

What a lovely reflection! I like the spoons and forks facing every-which-way, too :D

Beth Niquette said...

Lately some window reflections have become boring to me--but this is absolutely stunning. What a beautiful picture--it fills my eyes.

michael said...

Yes, I like this kind of reflection that shows the interior and the reflection with no distracting building framing the shot.

Margaret Gosden said...

A very captivating shot - plenty to look at and the jug
is the perfect focal point surrounded by a myriad of
images. Wow!

Unknown said...

I came to back to look again. I like the way you have two reflections going on - kind of like life. We have big things to focus on and several smaller things along the way - delightful!

Cildemer said...

Reflections everywhere! Great shot!
Thanks for sharing:o)

Have a nice weekend*******

Pat said...

Lots of cool reflections in this one!

allhorsestuff said...

Ooou...very cool James. I really love the layered reflections here!!
And interesting take for the window display...wilted forks ans spoons!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I would like to buy the jug please. Where can I get it? The car looks like a bygone era too, Just like my dad's first car.

Kcalpesh said...

A complex reflection but such a masterly capture!! Awesome!!

Pixellicious Photos

Anne-Ma said...

Magnifique ! Plusieurs reflets se superposent dans la vitre, sur les pots. J'aime beaucoup.

Francisca said...

There's lots to look at here, James. I especially like the red brick building reflected twice.

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

A most rewarding photo, just when the eye alights on one thing, it is then drawn to another.

Teuvo Vehkalahti said...

Very nice blog, I like.
Plrace looking fotoblog Teuvo images

and pleace yours comments

Thank you

Teuvo vehkalahti


tapirgal said...

Quite unusual and really cool!

quilly said...

It took an excellent eye to find that reflection behind the reflections, yet here it is front and center in your photo. You framed this perfectly to make that little gem the "apple" of your shot. Well done.

Melissa B. said...

What a wonderful photo...bravo!

byron said...

James, you're attention to reflective detail is uncanny...

Nessa said...

The multiple levels of reflections are wonderful.