I also wonder if they're waiting for the return of the Tiny Iceman of Newtown.
You can see the blurred reflections of the brick buildings across the street but it's obvious who the stars of this photo are.
"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:
1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Link Weekend Reflections to your post so other will know where to go if they want to join
5)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.
Feel free to be creative.Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!
#52? Congratulations! Nice reflections framing the faries
Féériques tes farfadets, cher James !
Another great reflection contest opening with those faeric guests...
One day perhaps they will and you will see their reflection in more place then one.
I love figures like that. Very nice capture!
Totally magical!
Congratulations on #52.
Happy Weekend :)
☼ Sunny
P.S. I had forgotten about your Tiny Iceman, glad I went back for a second look!
Lovely Craftsmanship
Beautiful Elements
Me Heart :)
the reflections make the dancers even more magical!!
Bonjour dear James!
C'est une belle photo, magnifique!
I can feel the sweet energy in these little ladies dancing in this window and this picture is adorable with the reflections and those lights.I'm confused now about the Tiny Iceman, I will check the link, so I will remember.Thanks so much for this beautiful post and for the opportunity to join this amazing meme!
Have a blessed weekend,
purrs to all kitties
hugs to you and Vicki
Nice reflection!
Wish you a happy weekend:-)
Si 'Tsuki dit "féérique", que vais-je pouvoir dire ? I love it ! C'est comme dans un rêve ...
The red brick reflection is the curtain being raised for the dancers. Sweet...
The cobbler has a lively imagination to have fairies in his window. I wonder if they help the elves repair shies at night.
It happened in the blink of an eye, but I think the fairy in the middle winked just as I clicked to revisit the Newtown Iceman.
Lovely #52 reflection post, James.
Thanks for hosting Weekend Reflections!
I love it! What a magical reflection for the day, James! Delightful! Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks as always for the weekly fun!
Lovely reflection! The small, old shops are great subjects for windows and reflections.
ils sont tres beaux ses personnages,bravo
Wow, this magical reflection picture has my imagination all afire. What a wonderful way to start my weekend!
Beautiful dancers! Like music box dancers! Magical little figurines!
so cute! Hv a nice weekend!
Lovely photo and theme James.
These all things always feel our hearts with warmth.
First of all it just dawned on me that Today makes One year that you have been doing this meme and I didn't do a dang thing in my blog post about it. Shoot. So CONGRATULATIONS on making one year with a wonderful Meme. It's a blast. :) I love that photo my friend. :) It reminds me that Christmas is coming quickly LOL :) Great photo. Have a wonderful weekend and Again congrats on the one year :)
tres beau reflet et tres poetique cette photo
Perhaps on a moonlit night the little ladies preform their enchanted dance.
Ohhh! Beautiful:)
Oh, they do look like they might dance. So real....even if you don't believe in fairies.
Wanted to do this for a month or so, because I love reflections! This one of yours is a fairy tale:) Thanks for hosting!
Oh James... che bellissima foto fatata che hai inserito nel post !!!!
Mi piace molto !
Buona serata :)
This has such a feeling to it, but I can't put my finger on the feeling. I just like it!
I love it. The photo has an old-time, nostalgic feel about it.
A vintage reflection!
Nice shot :)
An enchanted window!
Congrats and thanks for your weekly efforts to bring us enjoyment!
Such whimsy in your photo. I love it.
My Photo Hunt Post
I bet they are dancing until you get near the window, then they stop..then start again after you've gone past...but only at night time, when strange things like this happen. During the day, they stay still as stones and watch the world go by. Nice photo! Go to the cemetery!! ;o) Cat
Great image!
made me think of x-mas decorations :)
These are beautiful miniature dolls! They look like marionettes dancing, I could see the thin strings.
Ohhh, they are the sweetest little ornaments! Now I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for something like them here!
This one makes me feel like a big little girl :)
By the way you described this, I am picturing them coming alive when it's dark and noone is around. sort of enchanting ~and creepy too. Nice photo though
By the way you described this, I am picturing them coming alive when it's dark and noone is around. sort of enchanting ~and creepy too. Nice photo though
They are magical and adorable.
love it! cute and mysterious.
So delicate! I love the dreamy photo!
Delightful and a bit melancholy at the same time.
#72 - I messed up & tried to put the title of my photo with quotes. If you can go in and correct it - just put my blog title Art Happens 365. So sorry. And thank you for hosting this fun challenge.
Truly awesome image James... just the way I like 'em, with a raw edge to it, the flawed, scratched window, the blur in the reflections, and just a bit of magic in those floating dancers... if Elton John could see this !
Is it really a year? Oh, my! It's been about six weeks since we returned from two and a half weeks in the UK and my posts have finally reached our weekend in London. Once again, a great collection of reflections presented itself for this weekend. Another awaits next week. I may make it home the week after--lol.
What a magical reflection!
I love little fairies! & this is a really lovely scene.
Thanks for hosting this James.
The fairies make it look like a fairyland! Beautiful!
Great reflection shot.Love those tiny dancing fairies.
Have a good weekend.
That's a very sweet and romantic reflection !
They are stars, indeed! It all wraps up to be a beautiful photograph.
Someone went to a lot of trouble to make these
delicate fairy puppets (?) - beautiful!
You brought me back to when I was in Primary school.
This is a beautiful, misty photo, James. Nice subject and great reflection!
They do like like they could spring to life at any moment, but only in an innocent child's dreams. Lovely and magical.
Love them! They are soooo cute!
Thanks for sharing,
and have a nice day*******
Great capture.
Hiya James,
Fairies, in this day and age?
Cobblers! :-)
Thanks for hosting.
I really love this picture James. So beautiful. Very, very beautiful.
Adorable reflections!
Nice week end
I love your little dancers. Wonderful picture. Thanks for capturing and sharing.
I love the tiny dancers! So magical!
Unique, as always, James. Well captured reflection!
What a neat shot. Such an interesting window display. I wonder if those little fairies come to life at night and help the cobbler finish his wares? Beautiful!
I love it!!
Fairies dance in our mind !
Keep fairies for photographers ... (and send your witches to our government !)
Very nice photo!
They look so pretty and fragile, your little fairies!
A great picture and reflection.
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