Friday, November 4, 2011

A Building on 4th Street (Weekend Reflections # 111)

Santa Ana, California (The top corner of a building reflected in a puddle)

If I would have started Weekend Reflections one week later, next week would would be Weekend Reflections #111 on 11-11-11. :)

If needed, please click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

This linky list is now closed.


Anonymous said...

I really love the way you framed the reflection in the puddle. The raggedy puddle edges make the building reflection look so cool!!!

Jack said...

111 on 11-11-11. That would have been cool. My former boss turns 65 next week and will retire at 11:11 a.m. on 11-11-11.

Dianne said...

oh wow James, looks like a watercolor
even the white line from what I assume is a parking spot is perfectly placed
wonderful :)

Sylvia K said...

Love your rainy reflection, James! 111 on 11-11-11!! That would have been fun, but then Weekend Reflections is always fun!! And enjoy the day!


Gerald (SK14) said...

wonderful puddle reflection - fair weather photographers we are not.

Tina´s PicStory said... should have made today # 110,5 :)) great reflection!

Anonymous said...

Cool building! You could always make next week #111-B.

Alexa said...

I love puddle reflections—and this one is perfectly composed. Great, James!

TexWisGirl said...

that is just beautiful!

Kay L. Davies said...

Wonderful to get this much detail in a puddle reflection, James. I love it.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Malyss said...

I'm always happily surprised by the beautyful pictures we can find inside of puddles!

Francisca said...

You're the master of puddle reflections. Cool subject and composition, James. Oh, go ahead, cheat, call next week 111 too, no one but us will notice... LOL!

Francesco Miranda said...

Ah ... the puddles...
How would we do without them?

Beautiful shot, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! My choice for Weekend Reflections is posted. Stop on by!

Jottings From Jersey

Gine said...

Comme une déchirure ! C'est très beau, une fois encore !

Unknown said...

Brilliant capture, James. Well spotted.

Cildemer said...

So beautiful and so neat!
Thanks for sharing, James;o)

Happy weekend****

Karen said...

A beauty James, I LOVE puddle shots!

Kathryn Dyche said...

This is gorgeous James, wish I could get my puddle reflections to look half this good.

Sara Chapman said...

You always get such good ones! Love this sunny shot. And congrats for over two years of one of the best memes around.

imac said...

Here's another 1 for you James = 1st class reflection

EG CameraGirl said...

I especially like where the puddle and the sidewalk meet. Neat!

Lúcia said...

Cool shot!
It doesn't matter, we can celebrate it the same way! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Absolutley fantastic and COOOL!!!

Nature Rambles said...

Love it!!

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour James,
This is a very special puddle, the reflections is gorgeous!
Great capture!
hugs and happy weekend,

raf said...

You have a definite talent, James, for getting the most awesome shots from small puddles of water!

Luis Gomez said...

Love this reflection James!

Lew said...

Nicely done - like looking through a hole in the street to a world beyond!

Margaret Gosden said...

A perfect puddle art capture, if I am not mistaken!

Anonymous said...

Terrific composition James. Perfect reflection subject.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Love your capture. Innovative and very well done!

Valerie said...

Brilliant shot James! Those photographic eyes of yours are ever on the lookout for imaginative captures - much to our delight! Have a great weekend.

joo said...

It's definitely 'my' kind of photo - world up side down! I love it:)

Gemma Wiseman said...

The reflection creates a visual of an underwater building! Fascinating!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Astonishingly creepy picture, your building in a puddle.

Simon said...

Love this puddle shot James....getting the line on the road-classic.
Had you started weekend reflections later, think of all the reflections that would have gone unshared. I think you're good right where you are.

Louis la Vache said...

Jilly said...

Very hard to believe that what is this!! But that is prove that you have a great talent to take a shoot in different angels. First time I seen in my blog land.
kids donations

A. said...

that is an amazing reflection!

Marie said...

Incroyable photo! Merci, James. Have a great weekend.

s.c said...

Great one again James. Love it

Phyllis said...

Hi James,

Whne I first lookd at this photo I was intrigued and confused until I scrolled down to read that the reflection was in a puddle. How cool! The reflection is blurry, like it has motion to it, and yet at the same time so sharp...(if that makes any sense) Happy Weekend. PS - we had our first snow here in Massachusetts!! Holloween pumpkins were covered in snow.

Leovi said...

Impressive reflection, a very dreamlike.

Elisa N Viajes said...

Well done James!
Have a nice weekend
Elisa, Argentina

Deb said...

now that is cool.....

Joanne said...


Stickup Artist said...

It's amazing how you managed to get the entire top corner of the building in there so perfectly at the edge of the puddle! It's almost like the earth cracked open and we find another duplicate world underneath...

Small City Scenes said...

I love puddle reflections. This one is just great.
It sure is hard to decide which pic to post. MB

Dina said...

Oh wow, it's a rip, a tear in reality. Love it!

Jan Halvard said...

A great shot! :-)

Jan Halvard, Norway
¡Buenos dias Bolivia!

Louis la Vache said...

What a neat capture, James!

Unknown said...

Your header is fantastic! I love the reflections we can sometimes find in a puddle.

Sivinden said...

At first sight it looked as if some rough paper was torn aside to reveal the building. Great image!

Thérèse said...

A good catch of this building which otherwise would perhaps not have found a worthy place on your blog...

Owen said...

I skimmed through the preceeding comments expecting to see someone saying something about "Positively 4th Street", but don't see any references to that other 4th Street, so, there is no doubt, this is positively 4th street, a fine mirrored puddle there for sure. Must be a rainy day reflection, or at least the aftermath... like "Rainy Day Woman" from the same source...

Owen said...

Oh, and am kicking myself for missing last week, work has been crazy of late, but anyway, my iconic face here sends a belated greeting to the skeletal reflection in last week's photo, which was well spotted, well seen... you have the eye !

namaki said...

Great job ! this was quite a clean puddle, wasn't it ?