Friday, November 11, 2011

Red Balloon Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 112)

Newport Beach, California (Balboa Fun Zone) Happy Veterans Day!

The tall thin things reflected in the middle balloon are palm trees and I'm the tall but not-so-thin thing next to them. :)

I'll be taking a break from blogging for about a month starting next week however Weekend Reflections will be pre-scheduled.

If needed, please click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

This linky list is now closed.


Sylvia K said...

Love your shot for the day -- as always! Hope you have a wonderful break, James! Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Lovely red reflections. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful break. And thank you for continuing the weekend reflections while you are away.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Cool colored balloons! The reflection makes the palm trees look even taller.

Francisca said...

Clever capture, James! Enjoy the break.

imac said...

Real neat work James, great reflections shot.

Unknown said...

Really cool! Great shot, james.

Kay L. Davies said...

Wonderful reflections in those balloons, James. Great idea.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

You take redhead to a new level of meaning James. This is a marvelous, fun reflection.

Gine said...

La vie en rose ? Bien vu !

Dianne said...

remember the 99 red balloons song? it will be with me all day :)
I love that there are balloons reflected in the balloons

have a wonderful break James
and thanks so much for hosting WR

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at your description. :) reminds me of lollipops. :)

Unknown said...

Especially the right balloon has a great reflection!

Céline said...

Magnifique !!

Lew said...

Indeed, a fun triple reflection

Ebie said...

That's my kind of sale, 50% off! Nice reflections on the balloons.

Cezar and Léia said...

All of these balloons have very nice reflections, very keen eye to capture this!
God bless you!

Nature Rambles said...

Cool reflections, James. Hope you have a good break!

Leovi said...

I love this composition. Beautiful reflections, a funny photo and surprising. I wish you a happy weekend.

Martha Z said...

You find reflections where I wouldn't think to look

Pat said...

I love the bright colored balloons - and those are great reflections in them!

Lúcia said...

Fantastic, fun and creative shot!
This is the kind of shot that makes me smile!
Enjoy your break, and have a happy weekend James. :)

Kathryn Dyche said...

Wow, love that shot James. Your reflections just get better week on week.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such a fascianting lineup of reflections with a bonus red glow! They look as if they are on parade!

Dina said...

Happy balloons.
Have a good break.

Admin said...

I am slowly back to this meme..miss it for some time. happy weekend in advance!

Natures's Beauty

Valerie said...

A delightful, fun capture James - love your inspirational, imaginative and creative shots.
Trusting your temporary absence is an enjoyable one and many thanks for enabling the continuity of WR - it's the highlight of my week!

Simon said...

James. Such a fun and cheerful place for reflections. I must now keep my eyes open for balloons too. Great composition.
A month away from blogging....hope all is well and this is a "happy" break.

Becky said...

How really unique! I LOVE it.
Happy weekend.

lotusleaf said...

Fun reflections!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love the balloons with self portrait. Enjoy your break (travel?) Take pictures if so.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Have a good break, and come back with lots of photos.

TheChieftess said...

Fun shot James!!! I think I see you in the middle balloon!!!

Have a great rest! I took off the last two weeks for a rest and a does wonders to rejuvenate the creative juices!!!

Unknown said...

Nice photo. Have a good break James.

forgetmenot said...

Now those are some RED balloons!!! Great reflections! Have a nice weekend, James. Mickie :)

Halcyon said...

Very creative! Great reflection.

s.c said...

Really great one again James. Love it

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Unique and cheerful reflections. Good eye.

Marga Iriarte said...

Three heads whitout an umbrella. It's very fun.

Marg said...

HI there James, thanks so much for bidding on our auction. I was wondering if you could send me your email in case you win the item that you won. My email is Thanks so much.
By the way, I like the balloons reflecting everything. Great picture.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Weekend Reflections - 50% off!

Thérèse said...

Yes, let's think, read and speak about veterans and not only "yesterday!" if I may say.

Sar@h said...

Déjà les soldes !
Funny capture

Owen said...

Still dreaming of red balloons I see, like the one in the movie in Paris... though that one wasn't quite so shiny... A fine Sunday to you James !

namaki said...

This is a very nice shot ... it's funny how we always try to spot the photographer in the reflections .... have a good time off and thanks for organizing this WEEKEND REFLECTIONS event ... this is a great idea !

Elisa N Viajes said...

Great colors... and idea!
Elisa, Argentina

Cildemer said...

Very well spoted!
Excellent capture with wonderful colours and great reflections!

Have a great break, James * And thanks for sharing this fabulous meme****

T. Becque said...

Enjoy your break from blogging. I'll look forward to your photos when you're back!

Pat Tillett said...

that's a very cool photo. a different reflection in each balloon.

Phyllis said...

James, you are the reflections King! Enjoy your break!