Friday, March 16, 2012

Endless Summer (Weekend Reflections # 130)

Newport Beach, California

Actually it's more like endless spring here, which is pretty nice most of the time. However I miss waking up and seeing a fresh layer of snow on the ground during the winter.

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Anonymous said...

Wow, that's beautiful! Mine's up too!

Lew said...

Beautiful sunset! And we did not see many layers of fresh snow this winter on this side of the USA!

Luis Gomez said...

Absolutely wonderful James!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm a big fan of silhouettes and beautiful skies!

Suburban Girl said...

Don't worry, you didn't miss anything out here this year. We've had endless spring too. That is after our Halloween snowstorm....just spring, spring, spring. I could get used to this.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, WOW! What an awesome sunset/reflection/silhouette and such dramatic colors! Terrific capture as always, James! Hope you have a great weekend!!


Lúcia said...

This is the place I'd like to be right now!
Great colours, atmosphere, and the seagull was a nice touch. :)
Have a good weekend James!

Alexa said...

Wow—now I'm craving summer! And it should be here any day now; after all, the daffodils got here a month earlier than last year (and we haven't seen snow since October, for goodness' sake).

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful shot, james!

Wayne said...

Oh man, that is perfect!

Laura said...

oh I long for such orangy, beachy sunshine!!! BEautiful image James!

Unknown said...

My favourite part of the day. Awesome capture, James!

Gine said...

Une couleur, un reflet, coupé par un contre-jour ... Oui, l'hiver des bien loin ! C'est très beau, j'en rêve ...

Simon said...

A stunning image. sort of a different feel from your reflections-love the use of silhouette, the ropes, and even a bird-and perfect use of the light.
Sorry about the snow. I think your nuts, but we're all entitled to our nutty-ness. Forever spring sounds heavenly to me. That's my nutty-ness. Happy weekend my friend.

Dom said...

Awesome photograph... love the colours of the sunset and the silhouettes of the surfers
have a nice weekend!

Kay L. Davies said...

Beautiful photo, James. Amazing colors, and there are even surfers in the water, plus a bird. Fabulous!
"Endless Summer" was the name of a racing yacht in the 1970s, so I always think of yacht racing rather than surfing when I see those words, although the surfing movie came first (1966).
When checking out the dates, I discovered it is also the name of a genetically modified tomato. Now whodathunk that?

Unknown said...

So true! There hasn't been one time yet I've been at the waterside without seeing surfers. Great silhouette, James!

'Tsuki said...

We do have same kind of problem, here in Brittony, the winter had last two or three weeks, the rest of the time was like a long spring weather with no leaves on hte tree... Beautiful shot nayway ; I like its atmosphere : those men seem to have a really good time.

To answer to your question about the butterfly I posted this week on my blog : they are not so big in France, only this particular Moth, called "Grand Paon de Nuit" which means great "peacock of the night" I guess because the ocellus on its wings looks like the top of peacock feathers...

See you !

Pat said...

Oh, I LOVE this. So Sixties...reminds me of when I went to high school in West L.A.

Unknown said...

...waiting for summer and scenes like that....


NatureFootstep said...

a photo that makes you want to be there. :)

Cezar and Léia said...

So wonderful image, feeling of Summer indeed! :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent James. Perfect positioning of the sun.

leanne can blog said...

Forever Spring sounds fabulous- nice shot.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such wonderful light! And love beauty of the small waves rippling to shore!

Carola said...

Outstanding! Love that shot. A perfect beach scenery. And, yes it's nice to dream of an endless summer.

Halcyon said...

A nice double dose of the beautiful colors!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful capture, James.
Thank you for hosting!

TheChieftess said...

Aw's snowing right now in Mammoth!!! I'm thinking I'd trade you for the opportunity to wake up to this view!!!

namaki said...

endless summer reflections ! This is real nice !

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That's my son and his friend back from surfing. LOL, loves the gloing orange color.

Had trouble commenting Kay's blog, did you?

Maude Lynn said...

That's really pretty!

Thérèse said...

... if the only thing to worry about is of an endless summer, then it's more than ok!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Makes me wish I was at the beach.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that's a real stunning photo !

Linda said...

Beautiful shot! I, however, NEVER miss seeing snow! If I never saw it again, other than in photos, it would be just fine with me...endless spring, or summer sounds just about perfect! Have a great weekend, James!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Barely a dusting of snow this winter which is perfectly fine with me- I am so glad spring is here. Beautiful sunset pic!

Ebie said...

Beautiful sunset! Love the patterns of the sand!

Stickup Artist said...

Classic! The colors are amazing. The backlighting silhouetting the surfers makes a striking image. You caught them just at the right time. Why doesn't that surprise me :-)

Dina said...

Ah James, complaints complaints. You really miss snow?? ;)

Your photo is so classic.

Bridget Larsen said...

Stunning capture you did there.

Come join me in Foto Friday where the theme is open and link your blog

colleen said...

So rich. Pure gold really.

Maria's Space said...

Lovely colors and reflections

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Beautiful photo.

Regards and best wishes

Bridget Larsen said...

Would you like to remove 81 and 82 of mine, I've relinked at 87 with the correct photo. THanks for letting me know.

Virginia said...

i remembered! And your image of the surfers is a fine one James.
Bon dimanche,

Hilda said...

Perfect title for a gorgeous shot!

Chrissy Brand said...

An amazing iconic image and I would settle for that each day rather then the risk of snow ;-)

Chrissy from Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave