Friday, March 9, 2012

Granbury Texas (Weekend Reflections # 129)

Granbury, Texas

While I was in the Dallas/Fort Worth area last week I took a drive and ended up in a town called Granbury. This is a reflection of the Hood County Courthouse in the window of a women's clothing store.  You can see a green dress and necklace on the left and a colorful purse in the center but when I took the shot I just saw the reflections.

Please only link posts that have picture/s of reflections
 If needed, click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

This linky list is now closed.


TexWisGirl said...

you know, i've never been to granbury (or at least i don't remember it). beautiful courthouse, though!

Sivinden said...

Double exposure with one click;)
Well observed - again!

Martha Z said...

Those old courthouses were made to impress. Wonderful reflection!

Tanya Breese said...

great reflections....little towns are my favorite!

Unknown said...

This is great, James!

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful capture/reflection for the day, James! It does look familiar as I've been there many times. My grandparents were from there! Hope you have a great week! Thanks as always for the weekend fun!


Maude Lynn said...

Neat shot!

Alexa said...

I've never been there either (but I've never been to Texas . . . You sure captured a lot in this one shot, James!

Doru Agafiţei said...

Amazing interreflection!
Thank you!

Gine said...

Deux mondes qui se retrouvent ... Une fois encore
c'est la magie chez toi !

Linda said...

Lovely reflection! I admit, I often miss these opportunities...thanks to you, James, for reminding me to always look!

Dianne said...

I love the colors over the court house

Tina´s PicStory said...

great reflection! thanks for hosting :)

Halcyon said...

A nice look at small town Texas. Creative reflection!

Malyss said...

Ce batiment a une architecture tres etrange et inhabituelle( pour moi du moins!)
Joli contraste entre le futile (les objets de mode) et l'essentiel (la cour de justice)
Bonne fin de semaine à toi, cher James!

Wayne said...

The court house bears resemblance to City Hall in Philly.

Deb said...

Granbury is cool..have friends that live were in my neck of the woods...great photo...

NatureFootstep said...

nice reflections. :)

Cezar and Léia said...

The Court House facade is impressive.You have captured beautiful and clear reflections!

Simon said...

These window reflections have become some of my favorite. They provide multiple layers and make sense and don't make sense at the same time. They skew what's what and the brain thinks it has it riddled out and then it changes again. Love it.

Dimple said...

It's so easy to only see what caught your attention, then be surprised later! I think the dress adds a lot to the reflection.

Dianne said...

Well it was worth you trip to Granbury just to capture this great reflection shot James! Bravo!

Ingrid said...

That's a rather funny reflection ;) !

Valerie said...

Great reflection James - what a grand building; a blending of the new (cream brick at front) with the old (the darker stone of the clock tower at back) it seems. Happy weekend.

Kay L. Davies said...

Grand building, James, and that colorful purse just pops right out of the photo.

Anonymous said...

This is a 'fun' reflection James. Nice.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

What a perfect reflection!
Thanks for hosting.

Unknown said...

Wow, that's a very complicated reflection! Glad you had the camera ready at hand:)

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

I like the mixture of colours and how the round windows of the building become the eyes of a stripy knitted creature.

Cezar and Léia said...

When I first looked at the purse it seemed to me like a cartoon character... :)
Great reflection!
God bless you!

Pat said...

This is a beautiful reflection of the Hood County Courthouse. The reflection is crisp and clear. Great capture!

forgetmenot said...

What a beautiful old courthouse--interesting reflection too. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

imac said...

I see reflecting eyes James.
Love it.Eye to eye.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

A wonderful reflection.

Regards and best wishes

Unknown said...

Love the clarity on the clock tower. Thank you for sharing and for hosting this link up. It is my first time participating.

jennyfreckles said...

Beautiful building - looks like a church. And I enjoyed the tantalising glimpse of the shop window too.

Stickup Artist said...

I love the happy accident... when you download a shot and it exposes something entirely different that what you saw at the time. Makes you wonder...

namaki said...

What a beautiful reflection ... which leads to reflexion !!

'Tsuki said...

That is a cheerfull picture, with all those colors...

I'll be back on next WE reflections.

Thanks for stepping by my blog during my long absence... See you on friday !