Friday, October 15, 2010

Clinton New Jersey (Weekend Reflections # 56)

The Red Mill at the other end of the water has a long and interesting history that began in 1810.

ATTENTION: The next four Weekend Reflections will be pre-scheduled because I'll be away on vacation. I'm not sure how often I'll have Internet access while I'm gone, but I'll try to post a few photos on my Something Sighted blog. The theme of my other blog is changing from mostly black and white photos to mostly photos of Europe. The new theme will be a mix of black and white and color and probably heavily weighted toward Paris.

"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:
1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to LinkyTools
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Link Weekend Reflections to your post so other will know where to go if they want to join
5)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.
Feel free to be creative.Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!


This linky list is now closed.


Johnny Nutcase said...

that's an awesome shot - those colors are intense!

'Tsuki said...

Superb ! I just love how the red barn illuminate all the picture... Great shot.

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful reflection, James. It must have been a gorgeous day!

Luis Gomez said...

Amazing reflection James.

Anonymous said...

Great range of colors - have a great vacation!

Sistertex said...

A beauty of a scene!

Sunny said...

That is one beautiful picture with awesome reflections. Love the clouds!
Your vacation sounds very exciting, looking forward to your pictures :)
Take care and have fun!
☼ Sunny

Malyss said...

In the reflection, the human part of the landscape seems to be disappearing..leaving behind the beauty of nature.
"Paris sera toujours Paris "for you:)!

Sylvia K said...

This is absolutely a gorgeous, incredible capture, James. Love the clouds and the stunning reflections on the water! Hope you have a fantastic trip! It sounds exciting! Enjoy!


Dina said...

Nice! You really found a big reflecting surface.
Have a wonderful time away, James.

Suburban Girl said...

Nice scene. I would love to know about that mill. I wonder how far Clinton is...I might have to google it.

Marie said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!!!

Ebie said...

How beautiful! It has a nice feel of the weather and landscape. Enjoy your vacation and looking forward to your photos!

Teresa said...

gorgeous water reflections!

Olivier said...

magique cette photo, le reflet est magnifique. Bravo

Dianne said...

the entire scene is stunning!!

have a wonderful vacation James :)

Lorac said...

Makes me want to be there! Great capture.

Unknown said...

Great post James. Beautiful reflections.
have a great time during your absence.

Pat said...

What a beautiful reflection! I love all the windows in that red mill!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi James,
proprio bella la foto di oggi !!!
Mi piace il riflesso delle nuvole nel lago.
Ciao :)

wenn said...

wow, spectacular..

Gine said...

Rien à dire : c'est trop beau !

Dani said...

very very beautiful. Love those clouds in the water.

Happy weekend.

imac said...

Very cool.

Anonymous said...

That is just beautiful my friend. Well done. It's so peaceful looking :) Love it. Have a great time on vacation and be safe :)

Cezar and Léia said...

I love so much the intense blue sky reflected on the water, it's a beautiful scenery with the house , the barn and all lovely vegetation around.
Enjoy your vacations and I'm anxious for your new pictures!

Pat Tillett said...

very nice photo James. I think I want to live there...

Francisca said...

That's sure a calm lake to give you such a clear reflection of the sky and that pretty red mill. James, have an awesome vacation and I'll be following your travels to one of my favorite countries. Bon Voyage!

Jeannette StG said...

Such a big splotch of water gives a great reflection and so brightly colored:) We all are looking forward to your vacation pics.
Don't worry about internet access... you deserve to relax and be away- Enjoy!

Cildemer said...

Wow! So beautiful! Love the clouds reflecting in the water and the red house in the background!
It seems a very nice place to have a walk!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a beautiful weekend*******

Reader Wil said...

Stunning reflection, James! A wonderful spot!
My reflection is a thought, a kind of meditation.

cieldequimper said...

I'm dreaming looking at my screen!

Tell me if you're anywhere near Versailles, have a wonderful time!

Sar@h said...

Awesome reflection !
Have a good trip in Paris … But Paris is not The France !

Lew said...

Spectacular reflection of a beautiful spot! Long ago I discovered that if one gets off the NJ Turnpike there is some gorgeous country and interesting towns in NJ.

Gemma Wiseman said...

An incredibly vibrant reflection in a beuatiful setting!

Elaine Yim said...

Wow, such a splendid reflection!

Irene said...

Very nice shot ... love the reflection!

joo said...

Lovely place and lovely photo!
Have a great weekend:)

Unknown said...

Amazing reflection James.

Rinkly Rimes said...

An exquisite shot and, for some reason, my eye is drawn to the little drowned log in the foreground.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

James, what a beautiful landscape and that red is stunning. I love the weekend reflections and have been introduced to some great photographers in the process. Merci and bon weekend!


Gabriela Abalo said...

awesome reflection!!!

Kat said...

James, this is a stunning shot! Hope you have a wonderful vacation and look forward to seeing the photos you bring back. Travel safe. Kat

Becky said...

Don't you think water makes for the best reflections? This is a beauty.

Helena said...

That's an amazing reflection! I love seeing the clouds reflected in the water.

Stickup Artist said...

I love New Jersey. My parents used to take us to the Jersey shore when we were kids and I always loved the ride over, leaving the city behind and seeing sights such as this. The arc of the shoreline is so dynamic leading back to the Red Mill. And the cloud reflections are amazing. Have a great vacation!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

What a lush photo and paean to water.

Jan said...

The pond looks like glass, just beautiful. said...

I love that red building - interesting that it is a mill.
Have a great vacation James! Does this mean you are going to Paris?
Whatever the case may be I will look forward to your pictures.
& thank you for hosting this meme, it's always fun.

mARTy said...

such a cool photo- i love it!

Le Journal de Chrys said...

J'aime beaucoup cette photographie qui invite à la balade dans la Nature!!! Merci pour cette belle échappée!

Tommy Andre Nekkoy said...

Brilliant blog, with many beautiful pictures

quilly said...

What an amazing photo! I love the way the water and sky creates a border around the mill and other buildings. The composition is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Love this shot James. The colors are so very rich, the composition spot on.

Like that barn drive by too. Old barns are neat.

Livsnjutaren said...

On my mindfulness course, we made this beautiful painting together. Now when I get my photography course at the same place I took a picture of the painting with the subject and the whole hall, which was reflected in the glass.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous shot!

Mine's up, so stop by if you have time!


Unknown said...

Hello James,
Glad to have found your blog. It is lovely indeed:)
We have posted our first 'reflection post' today. Hope u like it.
hav a great weekend,

Matty said...

It's a gorgeous photo. Look at those clouds in the sky....I mean the water. LOL

The backdrop of the buildings is perfect.

Meri said...

Absolutely gorgeous shot. It's visual poetry!

Alexa said...

This is spectacular, James! I'm looking forward to your photos of mostly Paris—hope you have a great time on your vacation.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Yummy shot, James. Love the double clouds thing. Thanks for sharing.

paul said...

Wonderful reflection, great colour, light and dark --- a beautiful image.

Fridge Magnet said...

My first visit to weekend Reflections and it looks great

raf said...

Fabulous reflection image, James. Grabs you! Bravo!

amatamari© said...

A vision that has a unique beauty: really great shot!

Anne-Ma said...

Magnifique reflet, de belles couleurs. Beautiful photo.

Je te souhaite un bon voyage à Paris.

myonlyphoto said...

Beautiful shot!
Anna :)

OneDay said...

Beautiful shot!

Carolyn Ford said...

Gorgeous! What a sky in that water!