Friday, October 1, 2010

A Match Made in NYC (Weekend Reflections # 54)

I was walking on E 51st street between Madison and 5th Ave when I came upon this strange scene. I'm not exactly sure what this guy was doing but he stayed in this pose for a lot longer than I expected. Then the driver of the pink car got out with a spray bottle and a dirty look and preceded to clean the spot that the guy with the pink shirt touched.
All this and the bonus of the reflections in the back window and surrounding cars. I love NYC!

I think a good caption for this photo would be "Where have you been all my life" because it seemed to be love at first sight.

"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:
1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Link Weekend Reflections to your post so other will know where to go if they want to join
5)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.
Feel free to be creative.Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!


This linky list is now closed.


Rune Eide said...

Wit a pink car and a pink T-shirt the guy should be proud!

Maybe he had just hurt his pinky...

Kim, USA said...

Oh my I think he/she is enamored at the pink car, well can't blame him/her it's beautiful!!

Lew said...

You never know what you will find in NYC! And limo drivers tend to be protective of their cars.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that's hilarious! 'Where have you been all my life' fits perfectly!!!

Sunny said...

That's quite the pink limo...was Mary Kay in town? Haha!
Great reflection of the building in the rear window.
Have a wonderful weekend!
☼ Sunny

Olivier said...

yesss la classe, mais je l'aurais peut etre pas choisi en rose ;))

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I sort of don't blame the guy! Great car. Great shot!!!!

Malyss said...

The picture is so rich that we could almost forget the reflection!
My first reaction is : "too much cars for me!" I hate traffic, and driving among so much cars must be hell!
then, the boy..I'd say he's japanese, and found this pink limo so "kawai" as they say, so "cute"!:))
The fun comes from the driver, if you say that this rough guy was driving a "pink "car.NYC is also the city of the Village people!:)))

jabblog said...

He certainly seems enamoured! I like the chap in the green shirt - he looks as though he's about to intervene :-)
Wonderful photo!

Rob said...

Striking image, I wonder if he was simply posing for a photographer. Cool series, I am late for this meme, though.

Puna said...

His shirt and the car match. It's one of the funniest photos I've seen in a long time!

Sylvia K said...

Ah, only in NYC! I love it, James! And how about that pink car!!! Funny, busy and delightful capture! Hope you have a great weekend!


Melissa B. said...

Love it! Is that Mary Kay car? Glad to be back...

EG CameraGirl said...

Sure is pink! I'm curious as to what was REALLY going on here. :)

Suburban Girl said...

That is too funny, Looks like he is comparing something to a catalog. Hee hee. Only in NY.

☺lani☺ said...

That's so cool! Happy Weekend!

Alexa said...

Nice capture, James!

Anonymous said...

Nothing surprises me in NYC!!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

So color coordinated! Always something exciting happening in the streets of NYC!


Cezar and Léia said...

NYC streets may host the weirdest scenes... Very funny capture!
God bless you!

Carletta said...

The car matches the pink shirt. :)
I love the car too - great find James along with the reflections!

Pat said...

Well, for heaven's sake, that is a puzzler! Very funny that the driver got out with a spray bottle....manic.

Anonymous said...

OMG this is just too funny. I can't imagine. It's a beautiful photo:) Those cars are spotless for being in NYC LOL I just can't figure out what guy is doing LOL :) Have a great weekend :)

Maria Berg said...

PINK I love it!!!
But I think it is to big for my "house for the car" (do not know the English word) will see if goggel knows- Grarge.

Take care,

Francisca said...

A SUPER reason to love NYC, James!

Ingrid said...

This pink car reminded me of Elvis pink Cadillac, lol !

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Fantastico rosa !!!!
Ciao James :)

My name is Riet said...

I love this pink reflection picture James. have a good weekend

Lois said...

This is a truly great shot James! I love that pink car because my grandmother had a pink car when I was growing up and it attracted a lot of attention too. This picture reminds me of her!

Gemma Wiseman said...

There even seems to be pink in the the guy's scarf! It's amazing that the T-shirt pink is such a similar pink to the car! Incredible shot! O, and love the bent skyscraper in his rear window!

joo said...

It's a cool one!

Unknown said...

What an interesting scene...

Elisa said...

We can always find the love at first sight in NYC. I love NY!
Have a nice weekend James.
I´ve left my reflections of the London Eye

Elaine Yim said...

Car windows have such very interesting reflections. Looks like this person is a fan of the gorgeous pink car.

SouthernSass said...

I am brand new to your blog and LOVE your photos! We have been NYC several times (my son was there for the US Open) and love the city. You NEVER know what you will see for sure!

eileeninmd said...

Cool photo, James ! There is so much to look at, love the guy in pink. Maybe it is his favorite color? NYC is a great place to visit.

Stickup Artist said...

Don't you just love it when something like this presents itself. The pink t-shirt couldn't have matched the pink limo better if you tried to find a match. Whatever he's doing, he's getting a big kick out of it! I also like the guy in the background with the mint green shirt.

Katney said...

I have a city building distorted in a window, too (but no pink car or guy in a pink shirt) So much alike and soooooo different.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

You just don't see a pink stretch limo every day, not even in NYC. Wow!

myonlyphoto said...

I think I have my next car pink too, this is such a nice color, lol. Amazing moment captured on camera, and somethings we will never know. Great work. Anna :)

Tania said...

Wow! Pink car!:-) Great and so are the reflction.
Wish you a nice weekend!

Dina said...

Very funny, very strange.
Very NYC I guess.

Joanne said...

Really NY is so much fun, this is great!

Elisa said...

Ahora acabo de agregar otros reflejos, estos de París, desde el Instituto del Mundo Árabe.
Buen fin de semana
Elisa, Argentina

Sar@h said...

Perhaps it was a performance, how many people stopped or photographed? I like the assortment of pinks ... and the subtle reflection.

Have a good weekend !

Halcyon said...

It looks like he's trying to squash a bug with that paper or something. Maybe the car driver had to clean up the ick.

It is a nice reflection. And a very interesting scene! Happy weekend.

'Tsuki said...

That is a funny one indeed !



The limo is quite impressive in this cute pink, and the guy seems to have so much fun with his review...

Nice catch, thank you so much for the sharing... (It has illuminated my grey-and-rainy saturday)

Clytie said...

What a wonderful photo! i too got so caught up in the hilarity of the moment that I had to go back up and look at the reflections!

Another caption ... "I just need a moment alone ..."?

Pat said...

Only in New York! This is SO funny! At first I thought he belonged to the Limo - obviously wishful thinking! Ha ha! Great capture and a fun one, too!

Verna Luga said...

If I were him, I would really run my body around this car.. hahah.. so pretty no wonder why he's awed...

Tash said...

It's so, I mean NYC. :)
Super find. Love the expression on the young man's face.
I definitely HEART NY. My memories of the visit 2 years ago October are still fresh in my mind.

JayLeigh said...

LOL! That's a really great picture!

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Love it :) I bet NYC provides fodder for some great shots.

My first time here and joining in. Looking forward to seeing other reflection shots :)

Jeannette StG said...

I see that somehow my earlier comment didn't the saying that boys/men don't like pink is not true!

tapirgal said...

We will never know! Great photo, lots of fun (love the purple shoes with pink), and yes! I love NYC, too :)

Unknown said...

funny story. and a really pink car!! nice reflection.

Eden said...

I think he is just happy seeing a beautiful pink car that matches his shirt. Pink is one of my favorite colors too. Great capture.

Jan said...

I love NYC, too. You can expect the unexpected, and your photo proves that.

Cildemer said...

Wow! I love your picture!
Nice pink car and matched funny girl or boy (can't be sure);o)

Thanks for sharing*
have a wonderful weekend*******

Unknown said...

Yes, New York city is right up there with San Francisco and London, in my book.

You depicted a very cool slice of New York life, as well as some interesting reflections. Gotta love that bubble gum pink!c said...

That is most unusual James. You certainly were in the right place at the right time!

Qwave À la carte said...

City MODE Eventful Treats
Well Spotted
Me Heart :)

Irene said...

Cool shot! Happy in pink?

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

At least he didn't shoo him away. Was there a camera near by and you were on Youtube? LOL

Matty said...

Wonderful shot James. It almost looks like he's posing for the picture. Very colorful.

Married To Singaporean said...

Interesting shot James. Just happen the pink car and the guy with pink shirt together...LOL. But I like your reflection on the black car.

Unknown said...

Pink on pink! Fantastic shot, James!

NatureFootstep said...

that photo is a winner. Absolutely. Gave me a big grin. :)

Lucy Corrander said...

What on earth!

Street theatre?

The man in the green shirt is just as interested. He makes the scene for me.


Cheryl said...

Oh this photo was fantastic! I would agree that it might be love at first sight! What a capture.

Anonymous said...

If you like photographing old barns, come join my new Tuesday meme opening Monday evenings called 'Old Barns'. I'd love for you to join!

Shirley said...

I don't think I could have held the camera still long enough to take this photo! I would have been chuckling too hard! Good photo!

ruma said...

I can recognize vigor of the NYC well.


Livsnjutaren said...

Jag vill också bli medlem,hur gör man?