I was driving around in New Jersey looking for something to take pictures of when I saw this red barn on the side of the road. I put on the brakes just long enough to stick my camera out of the car window and take a few shots before the cars behind me caught up. I took this shot the same day as the barn photos on
my other blog.
This is my entry in the
Old Barns meme at Bluff Area Photo. Follow the ink if you like old barns and/or you want to participate
Fantastic! It's beautiful, James - I love the barn, of course, and the rock wall is really cool! Love it & that blue sky is a bonus! I just can't seem to have much luck lately w/ the sky! LoL!
Thanks so much posting a barn on both blogs, it's so exciting to see people enjoying this meme!
I tried to add this one, too, but it isn't letting me do it either. I'm not sure what's going on w/ the linky, but I'll try it again in a minute.
Thanks again, James!
I got it! I had to add your blog link instead of the individual post link.
I know what you mean about putting on the brakes... did alot of that while roaming around Pennsylvania there recently, amazing how many roadside attractions there are...
Am off to look at the barn blog... might just have a thing or two to share there... :-)
Red barn, blue sky, stone wall...it doesn't get any better! Great shot, James!
☼ Sunny
Like the colors here James. Really nice shot!
I know that routine! I make more u-turns...
And what a beautiful result you got here. I love the different reds on the barn. Now off to the b & w images.
tres belle cette ferme tout en bois; j'aime beaucoup
En effet, c'est beau, ce bois, cette couleur ! Complètement dépaysant pour moi ...
I like this very special red! And I like the idea to look for old barns,And to picture them. it's a kind of way to keep and protect historical places; No barns around here:((
I've NEVER done that ;-) Nice shot!
You, Becky, and I could have a field day with the barn meme. I've often thought of photographing every barn within a few miles of my home and realized there are dozens of them, possibly as many as 50 or 100. There are two I can see from my front yard (used to be 3, but someone moved one to (Kansas)
Grande casa... suppongo sia una rimessa per attrezzi agricoli...
Buona serata.
The red barn is beautiful and your picture adorable with the blue sky, just wonderful!
This kind of barn reminds me those old movies, I mean scenery, today I have a nostalgic feeling here,I think it also reminds my childhood in Brazil.I remember grand mother working inside the barn, preparing the food for the animals, and other stuffs.I miss grand mother so much.
Have a nice day,
And thanks for this lovely post.
RED barns are so beautiful, I think. This one is striking against that gorgeous blue sky!
such a great contrast-blue sky-red barn--lovely!
I like the colors in this photo. A successful drive-by photo. :)
Sure looks a posh barn.
WOW! What a nice looking, sturdy barn.
I love that red against the bright blue sky! What a capture!
I love the Bold Colors and sharp focus!
Je préfère cette photographie en couleurs plutôt que les autres N&B vues sur l'autre blog.
This one was well worth stopping for. A marvelous shot of this interesting design.
Great contrasting colours!
This is a well cared for barn. Nice shot!
A very beautiful barn. I am enjoying this series!
This barn is really beautiful, with this red painting so stunning and so bright... Nice catch, James.
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