Friday, December 17, 2010

From one Tree to Another? (Weekend Reflections # 65)

I wonder if the leaves thought they were going home. I'm not a poet but if I were I'd write a poem about this. :)

I'm leaving on Saturday and I'll be away for a few days.

"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:
1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to LinkyTools
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Link Weekend Reflections to your post so other will know where to go if they want to join
5)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.
Feel free to be creative.Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!


Gine said...

Oh ! Les arbres ont encore leurs feuilles chez toi ! Excellent : technique et poésie sont au rendez-vous !

Fabien said...

This vew is superb and the effect really surprising. I like much, cheer

Sistertex said...

Very nice capture....the reflection of the tree and the leaves settled on the ground...kind of 'not giving up thee ghost' type of thing. May not be on the tree, but even on the ground are still on the tree. I probably would have walked right passed. Thanks for sharing a last bit of fall, you sure won't find that around here right now.

Happy Holidays!

Rajesh said...

Fantastic capture.

Unknown said...

It's an upside down Christmas tree! Beautiful!

Dianne said...

just your thought is poetic
the photo is beautiful

have a wonderful trip :)

Malyss said...

You're maybe not a poet with words, but you're surely a poet with pictures!
This shot is very clever and romantic!

Lew said...

Excellent reflection! Your photography jumped a few notches higher during your trip to Europe!

As for the poem about this image: maybe somthing about returning to one's roots?

Carletta said...

There's pure poetry in the image alone!
This is AWESOME James - it really is!

Anonymous said...

Very clever!

Andy said...

Who needs a poet when we have such a good photographer as you. Keep on clicking.

Jan said...

Wonderful and unique, a great combo. Love this shot.

Debby Rose said...

Simply beautiful.

kayerj said...

wonderful--what a story.

Karen said...

Wow, fantabulous capture James. The photo is the poem.

jennyfreckles said...

That's a very clever photo. Like Sistertex, I'd probably have gone past without noticing the potential for a photo.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful capture my friend. Have a good time while you are away and be safe :)

Francisca said...

Lovely, James.

Luis Gomez said...

James, this one is gorgeous and very creative. Love it!

Nefertiti said...

magnifique cette photo,vraiment !

bon w end ;O)

Sylvia K said...

This is absolutely gorgeous, James, and it needs a poem written for it! Wish I were that talented! Love it! Enjoy your days away!!


April Darcy said...

Pure poetry...

Becky Chalet said...

Look what your eyes can see! They've left but they stayed, forever as you have capture. Have a nice trip. Thanks for hosting.

Leovi said...

Some beautiful reflections of the very suggestive tree with leaves on water

Alexa said...

Agree with the rest—the photo itself is poetry enough.
Just beautiful, James!

Stickup Artist said...

OH, that is just brilliant! The reflection of the bare tree with it's actual fallen leaves seeming to fill up the reflected branches. So multi-dimensional. Great eye!

Pat Tillett said...

Now this was a great find...

Naquillity said...

hello James~ you have such an eye for all these reflections. this is great. and yes, a poem would go nicely with this image. have a great day.

Gerald (SK14) said...

under and over
leaves look both ways
to the tree

excellent composition

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a wonderful photo!

Gemma Wiseman said...

A very poetic moment! Like a beautiful sigh!

Reader Wil said...

Beautiful dead leaves on the reflection of their tree.

Elisa said...

It´s incredible beautiful :)
Have a nice weekend James.
Tomorrow I´ll leave the reflections of both my 2 blogs

Puna said...

This is another photo that makes me go Ahhhh....

Jeannette StG said...

These are one of those happy co-incidents we see and we're there at the right moment with a camera! Enjoy your weekend!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Wonderful reflection and the photo is cool too.

Dimple said...

Very good capture, the leaves are perfectly placed!

joo said...

Superb reflection! I love this photo.
Have a nice weekend:)

Suburban Girl said...

Now that is very creative. Nice job.

Unknown said...

What a creative eye you have!

☺lani☺ said...

Oh, this double tree is so great, love the way you presented it! Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

:) Clever!

Sally in WA said...

Great photo, James! Hope you enjoy your weekend.

myonlyphoto said...

This is beautiful!
Hope all is well, and wishing you another great holiday season, and happy new year. Anna :)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome image! And I think the photo by itself is poetry - even without words... You obviously have a poet's eye. :)

Joanne said...

That is beautiful:)

Le Journal de Chrys said...

Cette photo est particulièrement réussie: entre reflets et réalité, entre reflets de l'arbre et feuilles tombées, entre eau source de vie et feuilles mortes..... Une photographie très "parlante"!!!!

Cildemer said...

Great capture! So beautiful and so artistic!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a great weekend, James****

'Tsuki said...

This one made me smile... I didn't have to read your comment to get what you intended here : it is true, that picture is worth thousands of worlds... And it is acutally a universal language.

Louis la Vache said...

What a fine capture, James!

noel said...

Great capture ,well done

Carolyn Ford said...

This IS beautiful, James! I can't stop gazing at it...I love it!

DawnTreader said...

Oh, I like this photo of yours. Very clever, too... ;)

Anonymous said...

The photo is fantastic. Charmaine

namaki said...

This is so poetic !!! You don't need words !

Shannon said...

that is one of the coolest pictures I've seen in a long time.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

This is one of my top fave reflection shots, ever. So well seen and captured, and captioned to boot! Wonderful, wonderful.

Pat said...

What a great composition! I just love it! This should be a poster or a framed photo!

raf said...

Splendid capture and composition, James. Another feather in your cap!
All the best of the holiday season to you and yours.

Gattina said...

Looks like autumn ! beautiful !

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi James :)
questa foto è bellissima !!!
Ma come fai ?
Buona giornata.

Anne-Ma said...

Hé ! Les feuilles posées sur le reflet. Une belle idée et une superbe photo originale. J'aime beaucoup.

Kass said...

Love this photo. Yes, it does call for a poem.

Olivier said...

Wouahh magnifique reflet, belle composition

Sar@h said...

It's look like a child's drawing.

Good capture !

Tash said...

fallen stars leave
branches bare to reach
united again in reflected harmony

Owen said...

Hey James, where you say you're not a poet... I beg to differ... poetry can be visual too, and at that form of poetry you are a rising star... do continue, you are on the path to purity of image... a pleasure to regard.

Fred Miller said...

That is like re-incarnation or something. Those leaves have entered a new cycle of life. It's not even in a new dimension. It's right here. Right now.

Cheryl said...


Rune Eide said...

They look as if they belonged there!

Unknown said...

amazing photo! the leaves are in just the right spots. the tree reflection is perfect.

Dina said...

It's a lovely photo with a lovely idea.
Merry Christmas, James!

Anonymous said...

Super photo!

Unknown said...

How about..

Nature's Fashion Show

The show will begin soon
Please take a seat
You'll want a sweater
We've turned down the heat
We do this each year
And it's quite spectacular
We'll soon see our models
In all their splendor
First our lovely models
Come out in green
The prettiest shades of
emerald you've seen
Then slowly the colors
Become yellow then gold
As the weather changes
From warm to cold
Then gold warms to orange
Red to burgundy
The most glorious colors
You ever could see
As the weather becomes
Bitter and cold
Our ladies become
Surprisingly bold
They drop their costumes
To the ground
Shades of orange and red
Turn to brown
The once lovely leaves
Feed our soil
And we wrap our ladies
In shimmering foil.

God bless and Merry Christmas!

I love to write poetry but am no where near as good at photography as you. :-)