Friday, December 30, 2011

Next Stop 2012 (Weekend Reflections # 119)

London, England

Happy New Year!

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011! (Weekend Reflections # 118)

Florence, Italy 

This is a slightly distorted reflection of Vicki and me in a Christmas decoration in the window display of the Salvatore Ferragamo store in Florence, Italy. There's a larger reflection of me in this picture too. The Christmas Tree is from Picnik.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Along the Arno River (Weekend Reflections # 117)

Florence, Italy (taken from Ponte Santa Trinita )

We had a wonderful trip! I've wanted to go to Italy for along time and I wasn't disappointed! The only problem is now that I've tasted real Italian food it's going to be hard to enjoy what passes for Italian food around here. ;)   I took lots of reflection pictures so I hope you like them.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Two Headed Dog? (Weekend Reflections 116)

Newport Beach, California  ( I just got back from Europe so I probably wont be blogging very much this weekend but I hope to start posting some photos from my trip at  my other blog.)  I'm also looking forward to catching up on the reflections that I missed.

While I was at a stoplight I saw this cute dog and it's reflection reflected in my side view. I thought it would be perfect for Weekend Reflections. Fortunately my camera was right next to me.
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Friday, December 2, 2011

Watching (Weekend Reflections # 115)

Corona Del Mar, California  (I flipped the reflection upside down to make it look right side up. :)

Weekend Reflections is still on auto-pilot.  I'm coming home next weekend but I probably wont be back to normal blogging until the following weekend.

This woman seemed mesmerized by the crashing waves, it was as if she was waiting for a loved one to return from the sea.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Autumn in Bruge Belgium (Weekend Reflections # 114)

Bruges, Belgium (Fall 2010)  -Weekend Reflections is on auto-pilot because I'm on vacation. Hopefully taking pictures of  reflections in far away places to post on future Weekend Reflections. See you in two or three weeks!  :)

I took this photo in Bruges, Belgium last year, the puddle was filled with fallen leaves and reflections of old buildings.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Outside Looking In (Weekend Reflections # 113)

Santa Ana, California   Happy Thanksgiving!

The reflections are all around the shadows. :)

 This is a pre scheduled post. I'll be back in three or four weeks.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Red Balloon Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 112)

Newport Beach, California (Balboa Fun Zone) Happy Veterans Day!

The tall thin things reflected in the middle balloon are palm trees and I'm the tall but not-so-thin thing next to them. :)

I'll be taking a break from blogging for about a month starting next week however Weekend Reflections will be pre-scheduled.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

A Building on 4th Street (Weekend Reflections # 111)

Santa Ana, California (The top corner of a building reflected in a puddle)

If I would have started Weekend Reflections one week later, next week would would be Weekend Reflections #111 on 11-11-11. :)

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Spooky Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 110)

Santa Ana, California  (A skeleton figure in a window display facing its reflection)

I guess this guy can celebrate Dia de Los Muertos while his reflection celebrates Halloween. :)

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Mysterious Yellow Woman (Weekend Reflections # 109)

Costa Mesa, California

What is she doing? Look into her eyes and her thoughts become clear she's thinking about travel. Can you see it? Paris is written on her face and Tokyo's nearby but she's only a reflection in a window.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Resting Reflection (Weekend Reflections # 108)

Newport Beach, California (Balboa Island)

The guy in the reflection said "I can move if you want me to" and I said please don't because that would ruin the picture.  I bet he was a little confused and I don't blame him. :)

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Friday, October 7, 2011

A reflection in the Crowd (Weekend Reflections # 107)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I think this is what they call shooting from the hip. I was walking on a crowded sidewalk in Philadelphia last year when I noticed this mirror. I clicked off one quick shot and hoped for the best.
Thankfully no one bumped into me from behind and  this lady was in the perfect spot for a reflection.

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Friday, September 30, 2011

The Bike Rider (Weekend Reflections # 106)

Huntington Beach, California

The guy was across the street and behind my back but I managed to capture his reflection in this window. He almost got away because he was going pretty fast. :)

Here are some hints that show that this is a reflection.
1)The horizontal blinds (look at the lower left side) where they are the most clear.
2)The vertical wooden window frame on the right.
3)My shirt sleeve and the trees on the right but just to the left of the window frame.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Two Years of Reflections! (Weekend Reflections #105)

Newport Beach, California (Fashion Island)

You might have seen an animal jump through a ring of fire, but how about a fish swimming through a ring of water?  

Weekend Reflections # 1 was on this weekend in 2009! Thanks to all of you who've made it so fun over the last two years!

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Friday, September 16, 2011

A French Connection (Weekend Reflections # 104)

Newport Beach, California

One day I was daydreaming about going to France while I was walking around a nearby outdoor shopping center. Then I looked at the shop window to my left and saw these paintings of Paris, a second later I saw the reflection in the same window of the store on the right called L'Occitane en Provence. I was glad that my camera was in my pocket. It's sort of a French two-in-one coincidence.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Grand Canal at Night (Weekend Reflections # 103)

Newport Beach, California (Little Balboa Island)

 I wish this was a photo of Venice but it's not.
Grand Canal is the name of the walkways on both sides of this canal. Balboa is actually two islands that are connected by a bridge. This is a photo of the little island. I go to Balboa Island almost every night to walk and take pictures. I think both islands combined are only about two miles around so it's a wonder that I'm not bored with it yet.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Hand in Hand on the Sand (Weekend Reflections # 102)

Newport Beach, California

 Sorry for the late post. For some reason Blogger didn't post it at the scheduled time but I should have checked earlier.

I love the look of wave patterns on the sand with reflections on them. I thought about cropping this tighter but I decided to leave their feet to give some perspective, plus this way there's more reflected sunlight on top and wave patterns on the sides.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

The Sun and the Moon 2 (Weekend Reflections # 101)

Balboa Island, California

This is another version of a reflection that I posted for Weekend Reflections # 19.  It's an interesting and colorful house on Balboa Island. Last time the reflection was in a water puddle in the alley and kind of dull, but this time it's on a garage door window of another house and much brighter.

 I thought is was pretty cool that we had exactly 100 links last week. :)

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Balboa Fun Zone (Weekend Reflections # 100)

Newport Beach, California (Balboa Fun Zone) -By the way the purple circle on the right is a spinning Ferris Wheel. The slow shutter speed makes it look like it's going fast but it's actually not very fast. :)

This is the 100TH Weekend Reflections. It's been even more fun than I imagined. Not just seeing great reflections but also meeting people from all around the world.

Thanks for sharing your amazing reflections.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Bay Arcade (Weekend Reflections # 99)

Newport Beach,Ca (Balboa Peninsula)

This is a reflection from across the street so don't follow the "one way" sign. I used to love going to The Bay Arcade when I was a boy in the early to mid 1970's. At that time there were only one or two video games that were available but The Bay Arcade didn't have them because even then it was an old fashioned place and the arcade games were from the 40's 50's and 60's. 

Once again I'd like to apologize for the problems caused by the changing of my URL. It seems like my new posts aren't showing up in the dashboard viewer and some links to my blog are wrong. I went to Blogger help and there are lots of people that have the same problem but I can't find a solution. I'll keep trying though! 

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Friday, August 5, 2011

La Mort Lente du Ballon Rouge (Weekend Reflections # 98)

Paris, France (Rue Au Maire)

I probably butchered the French language but my title is trying to say The slow death of The Red Balloon.
One of my favorite movies when I was a boy was Le Ballon Rouge or The Red Balloon as I knew it. Like in the movie it seems like a sad end is in store for this balloon. The movie was made in Paris in 1956. When I'm in Paris I try to capture glimpses of the Paris of old and sometimes the glimpses appear in reflections.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Balboa Pavilion at Night (Weekend Reflections # 97)

Newport Beach, California (Balboa Peninsula)

Hello everybody! I hope you didn't have problems finding my new web address. I'm sorry if the change caused any confusion or trouble. Please update your badges and bookmarks with the new web address thanks!

This is a nighttime view of Balboa Peninsula. I took the photo from Balboa Island. The building with all the lights is The Balboa Pavilion, it's over a hundred years old and that's ancient by Orange County standards. :) I also took a picture of this building's reflection in the window on the island side of the water. I'm posting it at Something Sighted and linking it here.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weekend Reflections New URL

Important Message!

Since I no longer live in Newtown, I changed my URL to something more appropriate. My new web address is

I tried to change it to Weekend Reflections but I had to settle for Weekend Reflection without the "s".

The old URL won't work anymore so if you have it bookmarked please change it to the new URL. Also please make sure your Weekend Reflections badges have the new URL. Thanks!

New URL for Weekend Reflections =

I'm sorry if the change causes problems or confusion.

I'll post this message again to make sure everyone sees it.

See you on Friday!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Surreal Waterfront (Weekend Reflections # 96)

Balboa Island, Newport Beach, Ca

The two people walked into the reflection and I'm glad they did. If you look very closely you might be able to see the black statue of a boy sitting under the tree at the top of the stairs that lead to the water or in this case the land because this is upside down.
In case you couldn't tell, almost everything in this photo is an upside down reflection on water. :)

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Friday, July 15, 2011

A Balboa Island Bridge (Weekend Reflections # 95)

Balboa Island, Newport Beach, California

I guess I could have titled this "Reflections of the moon and four lamps". :)

You might see this photo again over the next few days because I'm going to link it to Louis Lavache's Sunday Bridges meme and Franius' Night Shot meme. Great places to visit especially if you want to share your bridge or night photos!

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Blooming Trees (Weekend Reflections # 94)

Newport Beach, California

This glass building has an interesting golden color that made these tree reflections really stand out. I'm going back when I have more time to take pictures.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Independence Day! (Weekend Reflections # 93)

Balboa Island, Newport Beach, California

This is the other side of the island from where I took last week's picture. Now I've seen Statues of Liberty in Texas,NYC,Paris and Newport Beach but they seem to be getting smaller. :)
Have a great 4TH of July weekend America! Have a great weekend everyone!

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Island Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 92)

Balboa Island, Newport Beach, California

Vicki and I love to take evening walks on Balboa Island. Normally I watch the sunset but this time I turned around in time to discover some pretty cool reflections. About a second after I took this shot a duck swam by and ruined the reflections. :)

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Adobe Church (Weekend Reflections # 91)

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Another reflection from New Mexico. This time it's an adobe church and a white tree under a beautiful blue sky. It reflected in the window across the street.
I have a California reflection at my other blog.

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Friday, June 10, 2011

Navajo Mural (Weekend Reflections # 90)

Ya Ta Hey, New Mexico
An American Indian mural reflected in the window of a souvenir shop.

Hello everyone I moved to Newport Beach, California and I'm ready to see some reflections!

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Lost in Text (Weekend Reflections # 89)

Newtown, Pennsylvania (Starbucks window)

Do you think this guy had any idea there was a camrea in his face? As you can see from my reflection I walked right up to the window and took the shot.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Robertson Hall (Weekend Reflections # 88)

Princeton University (Robertson Hall)
Princeton is great place to explore day or night and I'm going to miss going there. The university was established in 1746 and has an amazing history.

If all is going according to plan I should be in Santa Fe New Mexico taking lots of pictures when this posts.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Towards the Sunset (Weekend Reflections # 87)

Cape May, New Jersey (Sunset Beach) A pool of reflected sunshine next to jetty and an old shipwreck in the water.

Hopefully I'll be on the road headed towards the sunset when this post comes out but I'll probably be still waiting for the movers to arrive. Weekend Reflections is on auto-pilot until mid June. I'll be posting from the road at Something Sighted when I get the chance. Maybe from St. Louis or Oklahoma City, Santa Fe or a small town that I've never heard of? Westward Ho!

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Pepsi and Turtles (Weekend Reflections # 86)

The Boardwalk Wildwood, New Jersey (The turtles and fish are part of a mural that's reflected in the window of a diner) If you look closely you will see a large Pepsi cup,stools and other things inside the diner.)

A couple of things:
1) May 14th will be the second year anniversary of Newtown Area Photo which seems like a good time to change the name Weekend Reflections. It's pretty much been just Weekend Reflections for a while anyway. Thanks for the support and great comments during the last two years! I'm moving back to California next week and I'm taking the long way home so Weekend Reflections will be on auto pilot from May 20th until mid June.

2)Weekend Reflections will live on but I'll be posting snapshots from the road and later photos of California as well as other places to my main blog Something Sighted .
Please stop by and say hello.

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Blogger Problems

I pre scheduled today's Weekend Reflection as well as the next several of weeks but they have been removed by Blogger because of some problems they were trying to fix. They say that they are working to restore the posts that were removed and really I hope they do. I'll give it some time. Please check back later. I really hope my posts show up soon! Fingers crossed.

I'll re do the posts later today if they don't show up. I guess it's better this happened now then next week when I'll be on the road.


From blogger:

"What a frustrating day. We’re very sorry that you’ve been unable to publish to Blogger for the past 20.5 hours. We’re nearly back to normal — you can publish again, and in the coming hours posts and comments that were temporarily removed should be restored. Thank you for your patience while we fix this situation. We use Blogger for our own blogs, so we’ve also felt your pain.

Here’s what happened: during scheduled maintenance work Wednesday night, we experienced some data corruption that impacted Blogger’s behavior. Since then, bloggers and readers may have experienced a variety of anomalies including intermittent outages, disappearing posts, and arriving at unintended blogs or error pages. A small subset of Blogger users (we estimate 0.16%) may have encountered additional problems specific to their accounts. Yesterday we returned Blogger to a pre-maintenance state and placed the service in read-only mode while we worked on restoring all content: that’s why you haven’t been able to publish. We rolled back to a version of Blogger as of Wednesday May 11th, so your posts since then were temporarily removed. Those are the posts that we’re in the progress of restoring.

Again, we are very sorry for the impact to our authors and readers. We try hard to ensure Blogger is always available for you to share your thoughts and opinions with the world, and we’ll do our best to prevent this from happening again.

Posted by Eddie Kessler, Tech Lead/Manager, Blogger

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hooded Stranger (Weekend Reflections # 85)

Newtown Pennsylvania (Tyler State Park)


A hooded stranger, trees and the setting sun reflected in a puddle of water. (The hooded stranger was actually a teen riding a skateboard. :)

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Cira Centre Sunset (Weekend Reflections # 84)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Cira Center is one of my favorite buildings in Philadelphia. I was rushing to get to the other side to capture the best lighting when I saw the sun shining right through the building and some golden reflections of other buildings. I ended up taking some night shots too which I'll post on a later date.

I won't be blogging very much this weekend but I'll try to check in and take care of Linky problems. Just Three weeks until I leave Pennsylvania for California. It's getting hectic but It's pretty exciting too.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Ghostly Reflection (Weekend Reflections # 83)

Newtown, Pennsylvania (Tyer State Park)

Happy Easter!

It was a gloomy day. I looked at the bridge and there wasn't any one around but while I took the picture the woman suddenly appeared like a ghost. :)

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Philadelphia Blues (Weekend Reflections # 82)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (City Hall, buildings, blue sky and a man reflected in the puddle) The man and the statue of William Penn (on top of the city hall tower) seem to be walking in the same direction. To give a little perspective the statue is 37 feet tall and weighs 27 tons.

Four and a half years ago Vicki and I left Orange County, California to experience other parts of the country. We spent a little over two years in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and then two years in Newtown Pennsylvania. Our original plan was to return to California after four or five years, but we like this part of the country so much that we began to think we were going to stay. However, after lots of prayer and consideration, we will be moving back to Orange County (Newport Beach) next month. We had an amazing time meeting new people, learning new things and exploring new states and countries. I don't think I would have discovered photography if we hadn't taken on this adventure. Sometime in May I'll change the name of this blog to Weekend Reflections and I'll be doing my every day or every week blogging at my Something Sighted blog. May 20th is the day I depart on my cross-country trip back to California so Weekend Reflections will be on auto pilot for a few weeks during that time. However, I hope to post photos and updates from the road on my Something Sighted blog as much as possible. I would love to share my adventure with you all at Something Sighted as I photograph across the country and then re-discover and photograph California. If needed, please click the link in the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Soft Rain Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 81)

Newtown, Pennsylvania A tree reflection captured in a rain puddle. I was able to take the shot just as the rain begain to fall, before the reflection was disturbed too much. We've had lots of clouds and rain but springtime colors are on the way. If needed, please click the link in the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Spare Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 80)

Ivyland, PA (Tanner Brothers Dairy Farm) It's a reflection in a spare tire cover on the back of a car. The reflection is warped but there's a dairy farm with two silos, a wooden fence,cars,the sun in a blue sky,power lines,and me and my shadow. Speaking of me, my back is finally getting better! I'm still not able to sit or stand in one place very long but I am able to walk with much less pain and my pain is less overall. :) Happy Days are almost here again! I hope all is well with all of you. I'll stop by and say hello as much as I can. Have a great weekend! If needed, please click the link in the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Silo Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 79)

Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania

I took this a couple of weeks ago on the day my back really started giving me problems.

Check out the reflection of the silo in this field. I saw the water and hoped to capture a reflection of the barn but I just managed to get the silo.

Thanks for all of the nice comments and well wishes last week! I'm still not able to sit in a chair for very long so I regret that I won't be around to comment. I thought about leaving my comments off this week, but then I remembered that sometimes I need to help with Linky problems. Let me know if you have any Linky trouble. I'll check every so often. Hopefully, I'll be taking pictures and blogging soon. I'll still post Weekend Reflections every Friday in the meantime. Have a great weekend!

If needed, please click the link in the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions.
Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Tree designs (Weekend Reflections # 78)

Newtown, PA (trees reflected in a puddle of melted snow)

Thankfully, I have lots of photos in my archives because I've been off of my feet because of chronic back problems. I like the look of bare trees reflected in water and I usually make photos of them in black and white, but the reflected colors of the sunset were to nice to hide.

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Look a Covered Bridge! (Weekend Reflections # 77)

Newtown, Pennsylvania (Tyler State Park)
It's actually a reflection of the Schofield Ford covered bridge that was pictured in a post from a few weeks ago. The post was titled "My Favorite Park and My Favorite Bench". I took this shot on the other side of the creek from the pictures in the other post.

I think I'll ad this to the Sunday Bridges meme too.

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Near the End of Bulls Island (Weekend Reflections # 76)

Stockton, New Jersey (Bulls Island State Park)

The weather was beautiful last Saturday so Vicki and I decided to take a drive along the Delaware River. The Delaware River divides New Jersey and Pennsylvania so we made stops back and forth between the two states. That's Vicki in front of me enjoying the scenery. New Jersey is on the left and Pennsylvania is on the right. It was a nice snow covered walk to get to this spot and once again we had it all to ourselves.

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Passing Car Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 75)

Newtown, Pennsylvania (reflections of a car and trees in a puddle)
I was all set to take a picture of the reflection of the trees in the puddle when I heard a car coming. At first I was a little annoyed but then I thought this is something I haven't tried before and even if it doesn't look good the original photo idea will still be there. I was in the middle of trying to make up my mind when the car entered the puddle so I took two fast shots and hoped for the best. I liked the results and I like them even better in black and white and rotated 180 degrees. As you can see I was too close to capture the whole car in one frame with my 50mm lens. Always be ready for unexpected photo opportunities! :)

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Weekend Reflections!

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Favorite Park and My Favorite Bench

Looking Left

Looking Right
Newtown, Pa (Tyler State Park) Schofield Ford Covered Bridge over the Neshaminy Creek
I haven't had much time for blogging or taking pictures lately but yesterday was such a beautiful day so I decided to walk in the park near my apartment. It's a big park with several entrances and plenty of wooded trails. I took my point and shoot camera and clicked away. The two photos above are straight out of the camera snapshots of one of my favorite spots. It's nice to see how this place changes with the seasons. Most of the time I get to enjoy these views all to myself except for the occasional dog walker or horseback rider. I dedicate this post to my friend Malyss in Nice France who has a daily blog about benches. I never really noticed benches before I started following her blogs "Chronicals from the shore" and "Benches on my way"

Friday, February 18, 2011

River Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 74)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I took this shot last month. I like the way the lights on the bridge work with their reflections to make what looks to me like a mask.

This will be my entry for the Sunday Bridges meme too.

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Now lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Melted Snow (Weekend Reflections # 73)

Newtown, Pennsylvania (Tyler State Park)
I saw my reflection as I walked by this puddle of melted snow so I walked back and took this shot. That's when I noticed the cool tree branch reflections.

I haven't had much time to take photos or blog recently. I hope you all had a great week!

If needed please click the link in the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions.
Now lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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