Friday, December 26, 2014

Molière (Weekend Reflections # 274)

Paris, France                      "C'est un merveilleux assaisonnement aux plaisirs qu'on goûte que la présence des gens qu'on aime"

In Paris, we stayed just a few doors down the corridor from the Théâtre du Palais-Royal. One evening as I walked by the théâtre's café ( le café du théâtre du palais royal), I noticed an illuminated portrait of Molière reflected on strips of mirrors.

Maybe someday I'll actually go inside the théâtre. :-)
Thanks for all of the well wishes last week. I'm feeling much better now!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

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Friday, December 19, 2014

Un Escalier to Christmas (Weekend Reflections # 273)

Paris, France    (A Christmas tree reflected step by step on a staircase)

This golden staircase with a Christmas tree reflection was in the Printemps du Louvre department store at the Carrousel du Louvre shopping center

Hopefully I'll feel like going through my trip photos this weekend. I've been sick all week and haven't felt like doing much of anything. Thankfully I didn't get sick during my trip. 
I hope you are feeling well.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! 

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Friday, December 12, 2014

La Grande Roue et une sculpture too (Weekend Reflections # 272)

Paris, France

I just got back from a wonderful trip! (Florence, Venice and Paris) Here is a reflection of the Grande Roue, cars and Christmas decorations. The red sculpture was inside of a window. I'll talk more about the trip later.  :-)

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Upside Down = Right Side Up (Weekend Reflections # 271)

Budapest, Hungary

If you look at the bottom left corner of this photo you will see that it's upside down, which makes the reflection appear right side up. I took this shot during my last vacation. It's the Hungarian Parliament Building and Danube river reflected in a slightly tilted glass table in my hotel room. Also the pattern on blue carpet seems to match the reflected clouds. :-)

Enjoy your weekend!

Weekend Reflections is still on auto-pilot 

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Sakura Express Illumination (Weekend Reflections # 270)

Princeton, New Jersey

This man seemed to have a glow about him as he sat looking out the window of a Japanese restaurant. He probably didn't realize that he was surrounded by reflections.

A belated Happy Thanksgiving! I'm still on holiday. Have a great weekend!

Weekend Reflections will be on auto-pilot for a few weeks.
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Friday, November 21, 2014

Beauty Obsession Gone Bad (Weekend Reflections # 269)

Bristol, Pennsylvania

Is there a line that separates real and fake in the quest for beauty? That was what came to my mind when I saw this plastic narcissist. I guess that's a line that I don't need to worry about crossing. :-)

I'm going on vacation so Weekend Reflections will be on auto-pilot for a few weeks!

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Printer's Alley (Weekend Reflections # 268)

                    Window Reflection                         Not a reflection  

 Doylestown, Pennsylvania

It was raining and this was all he had to use as an umbrella. :-)

I hope you have a great weekend!

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Friday, November 7, 2014

Autumn (Weekend Reflections # 267)

Langhorne, Pennsylvania                      (Lake Luxembourg)

I love this time of year! It's perfect for taking long walks and enjoying beautiful scenery.
I hope you are enjoying the season. :-)

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, October 31, 2014

eromreveNNevermore (Weekend Reflections # 266)

New Hope, Pennsylvania

I peeked into a shop and saw this reflected in a mirror.  It seemed a little creepy but perfect for Halloween.

Happy Halloween!

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Pierrot in the Window (Weekend Reflections # 265)

I needed a reflection, so Pierrot decided to help me. Thanks mon pote! :-)

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, October 17, 2014

Frenchtown Left Bank (Weekend Reflections # 264)

Frenchtown, New Jersey

This is a reflection in a shop window in Frenchtown, NJ. The shop is called Left Bank. At first my eyes were drawn to the Eiffel Tower painting with the umbrella-carrying Parisians. Then I noticed the reflections of the buildings, trees and cars but my favorite reflection is the man who happens to be superimposed on the body of one of the people in the painting. Can you see him? Look at the base of the Eiffel Tower and above the cars. He's on the left side of the tower but on the right side of the speed bump sign. Oh, and he's wearing sunglasses.

Thank you for all of the wonderful comments and anniversary wishes last week!

Enjoy the weekend!

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Friday, October 10, 2014

Bricks in a Puddle (Weekend Reflections # 263)

New Hope, Pennsylvania

I don't know what this brick building used to be, but these days it's a Starbucks.

Today is my 27th wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary, Vicki! Time sure flies when you're having a good time.

Have a great weekend! 

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Friday, October 3, 2014

Lunchtime in Newtown (Weekend Reflections # 262)

Newtown, PA

The food is pretty good at the State Street Kitchen and so are the reflections.

I hope you have a great weekend!

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Friday, September 26, 2014

5 Years and a Splash of Paris (Weekend Reflections # 261)

Paris, France

The first Weekend Reflections was five years ago!  It all started on September 25, 2009. Here is a link to the first one: Weekend Reflections # 1.   

Weekend Reflections has been successful thanks to all of you who have shared reflections and commented on other people's reflection posts. So, a big thank you to all of you!

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, September 19, 2014

Pierrot in a Poster (Weekend Reflections # 260)

Bensalem, Pennsylvania

My cat Pierrot was at the vet's office looking out the window when I noticed that he, the window and the top of my wife's head were reflected in a cat poster.

Have wonderful weekend!

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Friday, September 12, 2014

Across the Street (Weekend Reflections # 259)

Newtown, PA

The top right corner is the frame of a barbershop window, almost everything else is reflected in the window from across the street. The metal pole on the right of the picture is a reflection from "this" side of the street.

 Cheers! :-)

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Friday, September 5, 2014

Night Time in Newtown (Weekend Reflections # 258)

Newtown, Pennsylvania

The blurry red lights are not reflections, neither are the three blurry baskets at the bottom of the window. You are looking at the window of an Italian restaurant, which happened to be closed. The reflections are the street lamp on the left and shop window with mannequin, which in reality is across the street. The red lights are an illuminated flower decoration inside of the restaurant.

Have a good weekend!!!

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Main Street (Weekend Reflections # 257)

Doylestown, Pennsylvania

 I know it's sometimes hard to figure out what is the reflection and what's not. Everything in this photo is reflected on a restaurant window. I'd like to go back and try this one again when the sun is in a better position so I could hopefully capture more of the blue sky. Anyway this is a reflected street scene for your viewing pleasure.

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

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Friday, August 22, 2014

Window Shoppers (Weekend Reflections # 256)

New Hope, Pennsylvania                                                        (Last Winter)

This shop had a mirror attached to the window. It almost felt like cheating because the reflections were so easy. :-)

I hope you have a nice weekend!

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Friday, August 15, 2014

Sorry! (Weekend Reflections # 255)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

When I was a kid I had a board game called "Sorry!". The pieces were yellow, green, red and blue and looked like this yellow game piece, only much smaller. Blue was always my favorite but this time yellow won.  :-)

Have you ever played Sorry?

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Friday, August 8, 2014

Buildings, Clouds and Sky Reflected. (Weekend Reflections # 254)

Philadelphia, PA

From this angle this building reminds me of a giant net that is capturing the reflections of other buildings. :-)

Have a nice weekend!

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Friday, August 1, 2014

An Old House (Weekend Reflections # 253)

New Hope, Pennsylvania

Looking through a window? Nope, you are looking at a reflection of an old house that is across the street.

It's hard to believe that it's August already. I hope you are enjoying the Summer.

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Left Bank Reflection (Weekend Reflections # 252)

Frenchtown, New Jersey

It took me a while to remember where I took this shot. I still don't remember the name of the shop behind this window, but the shop across the street and in the reflection is called Left Bank.

Have a nice weekend!!!

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Friday, July 18, 2014

Old Glory (Weekend Reflections # 251)

Newtown, Pennsylvania

I was blessed with a nice reflection when I took a picture of this statue in a shop window. :-)

Have a great Weekend!

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Friday, July 11, 2014

Kick the Can (Weekend Reflections # 250)

Prague, Czech Republic

Hey look, I'm on TV!  Nope, it's just my reflection in a trash can in a window display. Which is even better for me. :-)

Have a great Weekend!

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Philadelphia Freedom (Weekend Reflections # 249)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The building at the end of the street and reflected in the glass on the right is Philadelphia City Hall. I can't think of a better place than Philadelphia for Weekend Reflections on The 4th of July.

PHILADELPHIA July 4, 1776 - In language certain to inspire patriots, and gall the King and England, a Declaration of Independence was adopted today by the Continental Congress. The Declaration is the defiant culmination of years of struggle between the new nation and its former protector. In ringing terms it lists the causes of the split, as well as describing the principles on which the new nation intends to govern itself. ("We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal . . .") - From Liberty! The American Revolution

Happy 4th of July!

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Got a Light? (Weekend Reflections # 248)

Newtown, Pennsylvania

I took this picture because I liked the rays of light that were coming from the lamp. It wasn't until after I took the shot that I realized that the lamp and the rays of light were reflections. The actual lamp was above my head. Then I noticed that the lamp was reflected twice in this picture which made me twice as happy. :-)

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, June 20, 2014

A Dark Street in London (Weekend Reflections # 247)

London, England          

I was in a hurry to get back to the hotel when I took this shot, but I couldn't resist the reflection in this glass building.

Have a great weekend but don't forget the sunscreen. :-)

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Chapeau (Weekend Reflections # 246)

Paris, France

A hat tip to all of the good fathers out there!

I also tip my hat to everyone who comes here and shares there wonderful reflections!

Happy Father's Day weekend!

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Friday, June 6, 2014

Gandalf in My Window (Weekend Reflections # 245)

Holland, Pennsylvania

I was watching the Hobbit on DVD last Sunday night when I noticed Gandalf the wizard reflected in my back window. I'm glad I had a DVD player because the landscapers cut my cable lines, so I had no cable TV and no Internet from Thursday until Wednesday night. It feels good to be back on-line! :-)

Thanks for the great reflections and wonderful comments, have a great weekend!

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Friday, May 30, 2014

Church of St. Anne (Weekend Reflections # 244)

Budapest, Hungary           Church of St. Anne (Szent Anna-Templom)

In hindsight I wish that I would have been more patient and removed the cigarette butts and waited for the water to re-settle before I took this shot. However, I suppose this photo illustrates Budapest's majestic beauty and seediness, two characteristics of most cities.

Finally, after all of cleaning, painting, replacing, fixing, etc., this is our moving weekend! It will be nice to be able to settle down, relax and just breath. It was a lot of work for such a small place and the work will continue but now it's really ours. :-)

I wish you a great weekend!

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Tate Modern Inversion (Weekend Reflections # 243)

London, England                                     

All of this is just a reflection on a wall. 
In the Tate Modern Museum there is a place to sit and look at a nice view of St. Paul's Cathedral. Here's a warning: turn right, NOT left, when you exit the elevator or you just might walk into this wall.  Sorry, that's me kneeling in the bottom right side of the picture.

I hope you have a good Memorial Day weekend!

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Reflection in a glass Ball (Weekend Reflections # 242)

Frenchtown, New Jersey

I almost missed this little reflection in a glass ball in the window of a beauty salon. If you look closley at the center of the ball you should see a brick building, cars, blue sky with wispy clouds,trees, power lines and me or at least my silhouette. The ball was part of a beauty poduct display. The bottle on the right side of this photo is labled "HEMPZ", but since I took this picture in Frenchtown I thought is was okay to crop out the H. :-)

Bon week-end!

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Friday, May 9, 2014

A Ceiling Lamp Reflected in a Table (Weekend Reflections # 241)

Prague Czech Republic                                  Café Louvre

As promised, here is one of the light fixtures from last week's Weekend Reflection photo. This time it's reflected in a table.  Unfortunately my Café Louvre menu isn't in focus but at least the reflected lamp is.

Thanks for contributing to Weekend Reflections!
Happy Mother's Day Weekend!!!

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Café Louvre (Weekend Reflections # 240)

Prague, Czech Republic                      Café Louvre

Some of you might remember seeing this photo on my other blog last year.

The reflected light fixtures seem to go on forever. Next week I'll post a picture of one of these light fixtures reflected in a table.

"You have just entered the foyer of Café Louvre. This Café, bearing the name of the world’s famous gallery, has been standing here for over a century, since 1902. Among its guests were Karel Capek, Franz Kafka as well as Albert Einstein during his professorship in Prague. The Café’s life was interrupted by force in 1948 by the communist coup when all café fixtures were thrown out of the windows into Narodni Avenue. The cultural melting pot was revived in the place after 1992 when the devastated premises underwent a complete reconstruction." 

Sorry for not commenting very much lately but I'm still very busy, probably until mid-June. The condo needs more work than I expected. 

Have a great weekend!


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Friday, April 25, 2014

Comme à Lisbonne (Weekend Reflections # 239)

Paris, France                                                                       Le Marais

This photo brings back great memories for me. My camera was wet so I walked into the first open doorway to dry it off. It happened to be the door of a little place in the Marais called Comme à Lisbonne. After I dried off I couldn't resist trying an espresso and one of their delicious Portuguese pastries called pastéis de nata. After my snack I was beyond content, almost blissful, and as I walked out I snapped this street/reflection photo.

Have a good weekend!

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Friday, April 18, 2014

Trachtensalon Witzky (Weekend Reflections # 238)

Vienna, Austria

In case you are wondering, "Trachtensalon Witzky" is the name of the clothing store where I found this window display. It's not my style, but if you want a dirndl or lederhosen, it's the place to go.

Happy Easter!

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Langhorne Reflection (Weekend Reflections # 237)

Langhorne, Pennsylvania

Lately I've been busy house-hunting and in a couple of weeks I will own a condo, which is a first for this lifelong renter. Thankfully, it's very close to Langhorne so the move shouldn't be too bad. However there is still plenty to do, like painting, cleaning and buying furniture.

I hope you have a good weekend! The weather is great here.

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Friday, April 4, 2014

La Tour Eiffel (Weekend Reflections # 236)

Paris, France                                  The Eiffel Tower turned 125 last week.    

This is a reflection of The Eiffel Tower in a dirty window.

Bon Week-end!

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Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. - 1 Corinthians 7:2-4 (NIV)

Friday, March 28, 2014

Garben Strasse (Weekend Reflections # 235)

Vienna, Austria                                                            Garben Straße

Garben Street in Vienna is a nice place to find reflections while window shopping and people watching.

 Have a great weekend!

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Friday, March 21, 2014

A Mural Reflected In a window. (Weekend Reflections # 234)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Believe it or not, the two women in the bottom middle window are a part of a large mural that was across the street. I had to walk around a little to capture this reflection, because when I stood a little to the left or right they weren't centered.

Happy Spring!!!

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Merry-Go-Round (Weekend Reflections # 233)

Irvine, California - (2011)

Hello everyone, I hope you had a good week. This is a picture of a merry-go-round reflected in a mirror at The Orange County Great Park in Irvine, California.

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Friday, March 7, 2014

A Revolving Reflection (Weekend Reflections # 232)

Grapevine, Texas                                 

As the name indicates, Grapevine Texas is famous for grapes and each year they host "Grapefest, the largest wine festival in the Southwest". Last fall while I was walking around Grapefest, I saw this Ferris wheel reflection in a glass door. Considering the name of the shop, this reflection seemed very appropriate to me.

I wish you all a good weekend!

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Friday, February 28, 2014

Café La Belle Férronnière (Weekend Reflections # 231)

Paris, France

Do you see the reflection? Look at the clock. It's not a reflection, but it's mounted on a large floor-to-ceiling mirror. Okay, now you see the reflection, right? The bar, the man stacking coffee cups and the table in front of the mirror are all reflections. In case you are wondering, I was on the floor above, just like the man you can see in the reflection above the bar on the right side of the clock. :-)

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, February 21, 2014

Le BHV (Weekend Reflections # 230)

Paris, France                       

One night last March I was watching ice skaters in front of l'hotel de ville (city hall) when I saw the BHV sign (BHV = Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville) reflected in the ice. BHV is a department store.

Bon Weekend!

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 February 22, 5pm. A message from Linky Tools
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Brent -"

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Joyeuse Saint Valentin (Weekend Reflections # 229)

Paris, France                      The Stravinsky Fountain

When I took this shot last year, I thought it would be good for Valentine's Day and for Weekend Reflections. I can't believe that  I actually remembered to post it.

"The Stravinsky Fountain is a shallow basin of 580 square meters located in Place Stravinsky, between the Centre Pompidou and the Church of  Saint-Merri. Within the basin are sixteen works of sculpture inspired by Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring, and his other major works. The black mechanical pieces of sculpture are by Jean Tinguely, the colored works by Niki de Saint Phalle."

Happy Valentine's Day!

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Friday, February 7, 2014

She Found the Perfect Scarf (Weekend Reflections # 228)

New Hope, Pennsylvania

This shop set up tables outside with scarves, gloves and other things and they were nice enough to hang a mirror in case you want to try something on, or in my case, capture some reflections.

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Giubbe Rosse (Weekend Reflections #227)

Florence, Italy                           (Piazza della Repubblica)

The reflection is a little blurry because it's on a small mirrored decoration on the backside of a moving carousel horse. It looks like the Caffè Giubbe Rosse waiter is smiling and making the "call me" hand gesture to the guy at the table. 

Click HERE for more about Caffè Giubbe Rosse.

 Enjoy the weekend!

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Friday, January 24, 2014

A Colorful Street Vendor (Weekend Reflections # 226)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

She was selling colorful handmade jewelry, purses, scarves, etc, but I was only interested in one thing: A REFLECTION. :-)

Have a great weekend!

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Friday, January 17, 2014

An Old House (Weekend Reflections # 225)

Langhorne, Pennsylvania

I  almost walked right into this reflection. The white house in the reflection is called The Joseph Richardson House and it was built in 1738. It is reflected in the door of the Langhorne Coffee House which is also in an 18th century building.

Have a great weekend!

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