Friday, June 24, 2022

Cool Memories (Weekend Street/Reflections # 74)

Southampton, Pennsylvania

If it's too hot where you live, look at this picture and think cool thoughts. Being from California, I was in my 20s when I saw snow falling for the first time. I made up for lost time when I lived in Pennsylvania. It snowed every winter, sometimes record snowfall.

The people walking through it didn't seem to enjoy it as much as I did.😁

                    Have a great weekend!

Now you can link reflections and/or street photography. 

Please no posed pictures, portraits, animals, etc. unless of course there is a reflection. 

Click here for street photography examples and inspiration.

"Street photography, a genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. The very publicness of the setting enables the photographer to take candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge."


Taken For Granted said...

James, I've lived in the north most of my life, and I've had more than my share of snow. I used to ski, and enjoyed that, but my knees won't take that any more. Snow is mostly something to be removed by a machine.

Cloudia said...

Lower Southhampton Trevose/Feasterville 😉🌿

Anonymous said...

Hi James -- I've lived in Texas since my Army days. I've left two snow shovels North, one in Nebraska when growing up and another when I left a three year work assignment in New Hampshire.
I'd like to see the attitude showing towards the snow and cold on your folk's faces but our 'home computer's is on the fritz so I'm stuck with only my trusty smart phone again.
Did you or family ever play Fox and Goose in the fresh snow? It was our favorite winter game when outside to play.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I love the snow but we do not get all that much in Northern Ireland James. Love the expanse of snow and the people look so small. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a good weekend.

Aimz said...

Now thats loads of snow, I bet those temperatures would've been in the minus 0

Linda said...

I like snow for about a day. Then I want it gone.

merlecolibri said...

belle idée de voir ce groupe avancer dans la neige !

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Yes, although I grew up in New Jersey and enjoyed the snow, I moved to the Southwest and ended up 18 years in Florida. We moved to Connecticut in December 2021, just in time for continuous snow events.