We had another record turn out last week. Thank you to everyone for making this a really fun meme. I enjoy looking for reflections, I think it helps my "photographer's eye".
I also like looking at and getting ideas from other people's reflections.
Let the fun begin!
"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:
1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Link Weekend Reflections to your post so other will know where to go if they want to join
5)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.
Feel free to be creative.Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!
I absolutely agree that reflections improve your eye. I'm constantly finding new reflections that I might have otherwise missed.
This reflections is wonderful!
Very creative shot, James. I am discovering that there are a lot of reflections out there!
Sunny :)
it is as if the wrought iron can be touched through the pot!
and the bit of white iron so clear in the corner adds so much to the entire scene
The reflection among its surrounding seems to be an opened eye on future or past! great composition!
PS: thank you for the icelandic bench!(i'm wondering where you found it?..)
Bon week-end, cher ami!
This is super!
Your 'Magic Bokeh Pot' is a terrific title. I'm pretty sure I couldn't blur the pot,enhance the reflection and leave a little depth of field all at once - nice work on all those elements.
Mine’s here: Round The Bend.
Wow! This reflection is really out of the ordinary! Congratulations on a great shot. Greetings from Italy, and thank-you for another edition of Weekend Reflections.
Reflections may improve our eyes but yours are already at perfection level. Fantastic.
That is unique! The iron is so clear and I love the bokeh that frames it. I really like how you composed this photo to include the white iron in the corner. This is a grand example of a keen "photographer's eye!"
Very clever, James! Great shot indeed!
very magical--and now I need a dictionary to see what bokeh means :)
Beautiful composition.
That's a pretty one James and interesting too!
Water is the best!
Wow! That is really stunning!
Very interesting composition!
God bless you!
Extraordinary shot! Great! :)
A very beautiful reflection, love the post title.
James, this is a gorgeous shot.
What a beautiful photo my friend. I could never do something that spectacular. I love this. Well done :) TBK
Very clever. I enjoyed your '50mm' series, and this one is just great, too.
So much cool' in that shot. & the bokeh, love it!
You sure do have quite the eye for things. I'm glad you add the description.
This is a wonderful shot James. Love it
Great and creative shot!:-)
This view has the look of an antique brooch!
Creative reflection, timeless and dreamlike.
i give this one thumbs up, love it! :)
Extraordinary, beautiful reflection! It looks like a magic eye!
Wow, a nice capture! It's so crisp, really nice. Happy weekend James.
James, you are really good at finding the reflections. Great eye and photo!
Beautiful shot. I really like it. I don't think Mr. Linky and I are made for each other. My name on the list won't take me to the blog, but says it doesn't exist. What am I doing wrong? I can click on "homepage" and the name of my blog, and then it goes to the most recent page of my blog.
You can delete this comment, as well as least one of the "Bizzy Miss Liz" names. Thanks!
Wow, James, marvelous shot! Complicated shot! But worth the difficulty I think! :)
Beautiful work and rendering.
A great finding too, you have a good eye to find interesting reflections.
I really like this one James. You're firing on all cylinders now. Great work!
I feel like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland today. I'm late, I'm late...
I shot my pics yesterday, developed the film this morning and had to wait for the film to dry before I could scan. But I'm here now. LOL -- ready to join the fun.
Would like to express once again how glad I am to have found this day and its theme, providing much joy to use the sense of sight.
Which is able to provide something new every time I take a look at your photography, impressive indeed.
Please have a wonderful weekend.
Love that you are so into this & that this meme is really catching on.
I have to say looking for reflections has been a big challenge for me, one that I am really enjoying.
You are a great inspiration in that department. It seems like it would be an easy thing to do, but it's really not.
Yours is perfect this week! I love the blurriness of the flower pot.
Thanks James!
That looks great ! I must say that since I participate in this meme I see reflections everywhere, lol !
You're on the money with this one, Cap'n Jim. Sharp reflection with a rich bokeh. Bravo!
Wonderful! I won't add more...
What is a Bokeh Pot. Bokeh sounds very Malay to me, the Sultan of Brunei is Bokieh, i think.
Reflections are everywhere. I remember a challenge I participated in a long time ago where I had to look for reflections for the first time. I found it so hard to do! LOL! Now looking for them has almost become a daily routine!
This is such a lovely photo, James. I think I would have enjoyed wherever it was you went. I love wrought iron.
Sorry I couldn't join this weekend. We were scheduled to go out so I wasn't sure I could go visiting. Ah well. There's always next week. :)
Wonderful picture, James!
I am glad I found your blog and join this weekend.
Wonderful picture, James!
I am glad I found your blog and join this weekend.
Another original reflection. You really have a good eye for them!
James... that is GORGEOUS! I love the bokeh effect! Really beautiful!
Just beautiful James.
Great eye, fantastic subject, Wonderful photo!
Very cool reflection again!
I have to admit, since I started participating in this meme every week I find myself searching out reflections everywhere I look.
I *am* seeing more things, and different things, thanks to this exercise!
James I looooove your photo this week, with that lovely contrast of focus between the reflection and the pot itself, and those wonderful sparkles. It's lovely!
I definitely make it a point to find reflections when it gets to be the weekend!
Love the pot of bokeh - what an interesting shot with such unusual perspective and focus! What a great capture!
That's a fabulous shot!
This is such a cool shot! I love it when moments like this come along. Well captured.
Lots of bits and bobs and textures and mushroomy colour.
Looks amazing! The photo is full of mystery:)
Super shot my friend.
Thanks for your continued visits and comments.
A week in wales now showing on my blog.
Yeah! Nice catch - I would have missed it.
Like your majik bokeh! ;-)
Niiiiice...extremely creative. It's so much fun to spot unusual reflections like these and make them art.
Wish you a good week.
Another world seems to spread out in a circle.
James, I have to say that I'm gob smacked at the variety of depth of field in this photo. I can't figure out how you did it and I'm in awe.
I'm also happy that your meme has really caught fire. It's fun and must give you great satisfaction. I also thank you for your encouraging comments. I have a question for you. Would it ever be possible to attach a thumbnail photo à la CDP with each link on Weekend Reflections? Or am I just showing my ignorance about how difficult this is?
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