"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:
1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Link Weekend Reflections to your post so other will know where to go if they want to join
5)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.
Feel free to be creative.Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!

1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Link Weekend Reflections to your post so other will know where to go if they want to join
5)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.
Feel free to be creative.Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!
The oil spill looks like mother of pearl, giving a rainbow of colors!
Wow...this is a really great catch James. The oil slick gives it a little of a psychadelic look. Cool! I probably would have walked right passed it...never thought to look there for a reflection.
Very creative and unique.
Sunny :)
Right, that is it : I am definitely going to be on the lookout for a reflection now. Not that I will be able to come up with one to equal yours.
Nice bit of color to that image! I like how the reflection captured just the power pole and lines...no clutter! Great one!
That is a great reflection! Flipping the image makes it look like a hole in the clouds;
Lew is right, looks like a hole in the clouds
love the rainbow oil slick
considering the storm we had last weekend I appreciate the beautiful side of bad weather
What a cool idea to flip it. It's good to change perspective on things isn't it? Makes the whole world look different which this piece illustrates so beautifully.
Really interesting effect produced of the motor oil in the puddle. At first I thought too that these are real clouds.
Great idea and reflection.
I thought for a minute it was an enhanced photo - until I realized what it was. Absolutely amazing picture!!! I love the rainbow effect of the oil.
That's pretty awesome James!
I can't believe how clear the lines and pole are. That oil slick made for a beautiful 'cloud.'
Mine’s here: Round The Bend.
Very slick (no pun intended). Amazingly clear!
Absolutely stunning my friend. I just love this. Have a great Friday :)
Superb James! Great reflections.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Fantastic, very innovative.
Powerful and effective! Well done, James!
Some say a hole in the clouds ,I'd say a kind of dream..The picture in the middle is clear and perfect, and the frame is like unreal, exactly like in dreams, what you see is real and unreal at the same time. That's how I feel seeing this picture..
Have a nice week-end!
I am frequently on the look-out for oil slicks just for this very reason. Love the power pole. They are a great shape for photographers.
Have a good one, James!
Nice photo! Cool reflection, James!
Wish you a great weekend
What a great reflection. I had to look hard to find it first LOL
I just love the composition and the color in this snap. Bravo!
Skyscraper Jigsaw
This one is so creative, James. The way you rotated it, and the colors from oil, make it look like some weird phenomenon in the sky.
I like the extra colour the oil slick adds. Super reflection, James!
This photo is electrifying, like something celestial, unattached to earth. Great one, I love it!
That's awesome, James!
The oil colors are just the finishing touch for a great picture made out of (almost) nothing: only your excellent eye!
This is really cool!
Wish you a nice weekend:-)
Ahh James, this picture is wonderful with so perfect relfection inside the paddle!
Happy Weekend Reflections and thanks sooo much for your always kind words.In fact you got the message that I've intended to put in those pictures, a little story and so on...BRAVO my friend, what a feeling about it!Perfect!
Merci beaucoup! :)
à bientôt!
Now that is just slick :) Sorry, couldn't resist. Great catch, you've got such a good eye for this James. Kathy
neat reflection today!
Slick reflection James.
James here is a link to something that might interest you.
Very clever reflection in the oil slick! Who would have thought! BTW, congrats on the Monochrome accolade wall!
The oil slick creates an intriguing extra pool of magical colour! Lovely photo!
That's a really unusual shot!
Am I the only one who first thought it was a utility post almost buried in sand?? I thought either you'd experienced a sandstorm or this was in an abandoned town. I had to wait for a second for my brain to see this as an oil slick reflection — it refused to let go of its first idea.
Wicked shot, so much to look at! the new badge is awesome too James!
This is a very electrifying photo, James. Even though the oil is bad for the environment, it does make a lovely rainbow of color.
Thanks for creating and hosting Weekend Reflections!
Nice one! Nice colours too.
fantastic! you have such a good eye for awesome photos.
Simply Awesome James!
Now that's some fancy footwork. Nice.
For a while I could have thought you were up in the clouds somewhere in a science fiction world!
Good one James. Very innovative indeed :)
Wow, this is just going like a house on fire ! Will have to dig up some more reflections photos and participate, too much fun...
Odd but entertaining.
Slick indeed, James, but simplicity and creativity win again. Well done!
Your shot is nice. It feels like an image that's being show in a scrying bowl or crystal bowl, although what, exactly, it might mean...? :-) Happy Weekend from Italy.
«Louis» thought of mother of pearl as did Ebie.
Yes, oil slicks can make nice phtos; you just proved it!
Great shot, very creative image!
Wow ... this is wonderful and I love the way you flipped it. Very creative. Nifty newish Weekend Reflections logo.
Hugs and blessings,
It is fantastic scenery such as the magic.
another cool shot James. I love the whole feel of this one, the colors really add to the mood.
Pictures in puddles was one of the first things I learned to look for when I started looking for reflections. Yours is very nice, who would have thought an oil slick could look pretty?
This is a different type of reflection. The oil does give it a rainbow-y look. Very cool!
thought i was looking at a photo of the sky for a moment...took my worn out weary mind to figure it out...great pic!
lovely oil slick.
...and wow - we are getting lots of people (and great photos) on here!
Absolutely powerful James. Well done :)
Great atmospheric shot
I thought of a rainbow instead of an oil slick.
Very unusual and interesting!
I have a reflections post this time!
It's amazing how clear the reflection is. More experiments with depth of field? A successful one I might add. Very dream like.
Regarding your question about the neon sign. I took the photo from the sidewalk and don't know what caused the ghost image. I have to return and see if there are two signs back to back. A possibility.
Wow, I get to be #100 in the list.
I'll have to post a neat puddle reflection soon; you reminded me of it. The oil slick does provide an unusual coloration.
I always look into puddles but never thought to look in an oil slick! Beautiful reflection. I like the rainbow too :)
Figured it out James when I went out to do more night photos. The ghost was caused by my UV filter! Took it off and no more ghosts. Note to self: take off filter when shooting at night.
Lovely. I agree that the colour from the oil is just right!
I couldn't imagine what it was at first, so thanks for explaining! It's very unusual for sure, and the power pole is so sharp.
Inspired in part by your Weekend Reflections meme, «Louis» is starting a Saturday Bridge series beginning next Saturday, 27 March.
Feel free to post your own bridge image - if we get enough participants, we might be launching a new meme.
(«Louis» realizes this might conflict with your own post...)
«Louis» does indeed have a built-in advantage re bridge images!
He doesn't want to compete with your very popular Weekend Reflections meme. Would Sunday be a better day for the Bridge meme?
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