This is great, three award in one day! Thom from Hawaii who has a fun blog called "
Thom's Place 4 well Whatever" Has just given me two more awards. Thanks Thom! or should I say thanks my Hawaiian sistah?
hey it says sisterhood award. ;-)
Seriously thanks brah!
They say it comes in 3's. Guess this proves it. Congrats on these two. :-)
ROFLMAO...That was brilliant LOL. You are most welcome :)
Something is telling me that people apppreciate your blog....Ü
Heartly congratulations!
Félicitations !
Congrats again!
I think that the point is totally splendid. I did not know that there was the so splendid world until this July at all. A good encounter is done, and I feel it happily. Thank you very much.ruma
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